
Jimmy Ka-Wai Cheung

Centre for Myopia Research,

School of Optometry,

Centre for Myopia Research, School of Optometry

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Calvin Cheung is currently a PhD candidate in School of Pharmacy, Queen's University Belfast in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK. He received his Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) and Masters of Science (Mechanical Engineering) with distinction from The University of Hong Kong.

Calvin developed great interest in the preparation and optimization of nanomedicine formulations. His Masters dissertation focused on the coaxial electrospray technique to prepare polymer microspheres. Intrigued with the mechanistic beauty of nanoparticle syntehsis, he joined Dr. Wafa Al-Jamal's lab at Queen's University Belfast in 2017 to research on microfluidics preparation of multifunctional nanoparticles.

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