Department of Biological Sciences
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Studies of endogenous G-protein-mediated pathways in neurons by whole-cell electrophysiology.
Methods in enzymology , 2002 | Pubmed ID: 11665634
Biochemical approaches to study interaction of calcium channels with RGS12 in primary neuronal cultures.
Methods in enzymology , 2002 | Pubmed ID: 11665642
RNA interference reveals that endogenous Xenopus MinK-related peptides govern mammalian K+ channel function in oocyte expression studies.
The Journal of biological chemistry Apr, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12529362
Pharmacogenetic considerations in diseases of cardiac ion channels.
The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics Dec, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 14561846
N-type Ca2+ channels as scaffold proteins in the assembly of signaling molecules for GABAB receptor effects.
The Journal of biological chemistry Jun, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15047708
Does hERG coassemble with a beta subunit? Evidence for roles of MinK and MiRP1.
Novartis Foundation symposium , 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16050264
Open probability of the epithelial sodium channel is regulated by intracellular sodium.
The Journal of physiology Jul, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16690707
The KCNE2 potassium channel ancillary subunit is essential for gastric acid secretion.
The Journal of biological chemistry Aug, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16754665
Determination of epithelial Na+ channel subunit stoichiometry from single-channel conductances.
The Journal of general physiology Jul, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17562820
Localized topological changes of the plasma membrane upon exocytosis visualized by polarized TIRFM.
The Journal of cell biology Feb, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20142424
Polarized TIRFM reveals changes in plasma membrane topology before and during granule fusion.
Cellular and molecular neurobiology Nov, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 21061164
A new role for the dynamin GTPase in the regulation of fusion pore expansion.
Molecular biology of the cell Jun, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21460182
Subunit-dependent axonal trafficking of distinct alpha heteromeric potassium channel complexes.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience Sep, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21917805
Real-time imaging of plasma membrane deformations reveals pre-fusion membrane curvature changes and a role for dynamin in the regulation of fusion pore expansion.
Journal of neurochemistry Aug, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22671293
Ultrafast detection and quantification of brain signaling molecules with carbon fiber microelectrodes.
Analytical chemistry Oct, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22881278
Wayne State University
Daniel R. Passmore1,
Tejeshwar C. Rao1,
Andrew R. Peleman1,
Arun Anantharam1
1Department of Biological Sciences, Wayne State University
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