Macroinvertebrate Sample Preparation for Genetic Gut Content Analysis
Verification of Functional Efficiency of DNA Extracts
Automated Fragment Analysis for Parallel Detection of Multiple, Recently Ingested Prey Groups
Results: Predator Diet Analyses Using Group-specific Prey DNA Primers
The overall goal of this protocol is to improve investigations of trophic ecology, especially from field samples. This method can help answer key questions in the field of food web ecology, such as the impact of invasive species on trophic interac
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Most common gut content analyses of macroinvertebrates are visual. Requiring intense knowledge about morphological diversity of prey organisms, they miss soft bodied prey and, due to strong comminution of prey, are nearly impossible for some organisms, including amphipods. We provide detailed, novel genetic approaches for macroinvertebrate prey identification in the diet of amphipods.