Formation of a Monolayer Biofilm of S. oneidensis MR-1 on an ITO Electrode
Replacement of the Supernatant with Fresh DM Medium with 10 mM Lactate
Addition of Deuterium Water to Measure the KIE on the EET Process
Results: Microbial Current Change Induced by D2O Addition and Confirmation of Rate-limitation by Extracellular Electron Transport Process
The overall goal of this protocol is to observe the contribution of proton transport to the rate of bacterial extracellular electron transport by the detection of the deuterium kinetic isotope effect. Our method reveals the impact of proton transp
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Here we present a protocol of whole-cell electrochemical experiments to study the contribution of proton transport to the rate of extracellular electron transport via the outer-membrane cytochromes complex in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1.