Preparation and Macroscopic Examination of Synovial Fluid Samples
Estimation of the Total Cell Count of Synovial Fluid Samples
Estimation of the Differential Cell Count of Synovial Fluid Samples
Detection of Crystals in Synovial Fluid Samples
Results: The Analysis of Synovial Fluid Samples Collected from Osteoarthritis Patients
Synovial fluid analysis can reveal the degree of inflammation and the presence of pathogenic crystals during the initial evaluation of patient with musculoskeletal symptoms and joint effusions. The main advantage of this technique is its simplicit
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Synovial fluid analysis under transmitted, polarized, and compensated light microscopy is used to evaluate the inflammatory or non-inflammatory nature of a sample through simple steps. It is particularly useful in osteoarthritis to detect calcium crystals and identify a more severe subset of osteoarthritis.