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A model protocol to train neurosurgery and otolaryngology resident learners on endoscopic transclival clipping of posterior circulation aneurysms is described. Two endoscopic approaches to access the silicone-injected or perfused posterior circulation of cadaveric heads are established for training. Learners are tasked with clipping of posterior circulation based on clinical scenarios.


Posterior circulation aneurysms are difficult to treat with the current methods of coiling and clipping. To address limitations in training, we developed a cadaveric model to train learners on endoscopic clipping of posterior circulation aneurysms. An endoscopic transclival approach (ETA) and a transorbital precaruncular approach (TOPA) to successfully access and clip aneurysms of the posterior circulation are described. The model has flexibility in that a colored silicone compound can be injected into the cadaveric vessels for the purpose of training learners on vascular anatomy. The other option is that the model could be connected to a vascular perfusion pump allowing real-time appreciation of a pulsatile or ruptured aneurysm. This cadaveric model is the first of its kind for training of endoscopic clipping of posterior circulation aneurysms. Learners will develop proficiency in endoscopic skills, appropriate dissection, and appreciation for relative anatomy while developing an algorithm that can be employed in a real operative arena. Going forward, various clinical scenarios can be developed to enhance the realism, allow learners from different specialties to work together, and emphasize the importance of teamwork and effective communication.


Treatment of posterior circulation aneurysms presents unique challenges and has higher complication rates compared to other cerebral aneurysms1. Transcranial clipping of posterior circulation aneurysms is technically challenging, with high complication rates and morbidity2. Endovascular coiling and endoscopic endonasal surgery are safe alternatives, as they reduce complication rates and limit traction on the cerebrum3. Endovascular coiling has been shown to have benefits over open skull base approaches, and most centers now use an endovascular approach to treat cerebral aneurysms....


In the development of this model, three cadaveric heads were obtained through the Oregon Health & Science University Body Donation Program and handled per the Code of Ethics approved by the Oregon Health & Science University Institutional Review Board.

1. Head Preparation

  1. Obtain fresh cadaveric heads. Secure the head in the sink, resting on a block with the neck facing upwards.
  2. Prepare a 5 L 1:100 solution of anticoagulant citrate dextrose and warm water. Use the solution within 72 h.
  3. Insert a 5-mm arterial cannula into the right jugular vein (lateral to carotid) and apply an arterial cannula clamp ar....


This model presents learners with multiple clinically-relevant sites for posterior circulation clipping, with either static (silicone compound-injected) or dynamic (perfused) options for training. Once dissection is complete, the investigators may use ETA and TOPA to provide learners with improved visualization of the posterior circulation14. Overview of ETA and TOPA are illustrated in Figure 1. For success of the model, investigators .......


Posterior circulation aneurysms have been historically hard to clip or coil, especially those originating off the SCA and AICA. Several techniques have been tried, such as endovascular pipeline embolization devices, microsurgical skull base approaches, and the supraorbital keyhole approach for clip application15,16,17. While these techniques are successful in some cases, the widespread applicability is limited due to stark diffe.......


The authors have nothing to disclose relevant to this study.

Jeremy N. Ciporen, MD Consultant Spiway


The authors have no acknowledgements.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Anticoagulant citrate dextrosePierce Laboratories117037
Embalming solutionChemisphere
10% Formalin fixativeChemisphereB2915DR55
Red Microfil solutionFlow TechMV-130Silicone compound
Arterial cannula clamp
5 mm Arterial cannulaInstrument Design & Mfg. Co.ART187-2-CTUsed for jugular vein and carotid artery cannulation
3 mm Arterial cannulaInstrument Design & Mfg. Co.Used for vertebral artery cannulation
Curved hemostatAesculapBH139R
Zero-degree endoscope (4 mm diameter, 18 cm length)Karl StorzH3-Z TH100
30-degree endoscope (4 mm diameter, 18 cm length)Karl Storz
Suction - 7 and 10 FRV. Mueller
11-blade surgical bladeBard-Parker371111
Penfield 1Jarit285-365
Kerrison rongeurAesculapFM823R, 3mm/180 mm
Pituitary rongeurAesculapFF806R
Transsphenoidal drillDepuy-Synthes
5 mm coarse diamond burr drillDepuy-Synthes
ForcepsJaritCarb bite I22-500
Iris scissorsBlack & BlackB 66110
Perfusion PumpBelmont Instrument Corporation, Billerica, MA, USABelmont Fluid Management System 2000
L-aneurysm clipPeter Lazic Microsurgical Innovations45.782
Vessel clip systemPeter Lazic Microsurgical Innovations45.442
Dural flap clipWeck523242


  1. Spetzler, R. F., et al. The Barrow Ruptured Aneurysm Trial: 6-year results. J Neurosurg. 123 (3), 609-617 (2015).
  2. Somanna, S., Babu, R. A., Srinivas, D., Narasinga Rao, K. V., Vazhayil, V.

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Cadaveric ModelPosterior Circulation AneurysmEndoscopic ClippingTransclival ApproachTransorbital Precaruncular ApproachVascular PerfusionNeurosurgery TrainingOtolaryngology TrainingEndoscopic SkillsAnatomical DissectionTeamworkCommunication

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