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The establishment of a robust CRISPR-Cas9 methodology for genetic manipulation of Leishmania has accelerated the understanding of key biological processes of this parasite. Here, we describe in detail all the steps to generate knockout or in situ fluorescent-tagged parasites of virtually any gene of interest using LeishGEdit methodology.


The cell biology of a parasitic protozoan as well as the impact of the infection in host cells can be addressed using genome modification techniques. The development of robust methods eases the burden to obtain gene mutants and contributes to answer specific biological questions. Here we describe the LeishGEdit CRISPR-Cas9 high-throughput method that allows for Leishmania in situ gene tagging and deletion in a short span of time (7-10 days). Briefly, a transgenic cell line expressing SpCas9 and T7 RNA polymerase serves as the background for electroporation of DNA fragments generated by PCR: (1) a fragment containing a T7 promoter and the gene specific guide RNA expressed with a Cas9 scaffold; and (2) a homologous recombination (HR) fragment to introduce a resistance marker and/or a fluorescent tag/epitope to the desired genome location. Our protocol will cover (1) primer design, (2) DNA fragment production and confirmation, (3) transfection, and (4) cell line confirmation methods. We hope the article will allow for easy reproduction of the protocol for genome manipulation by CRISPR-Cas9 and make the method largely available to the parasitology community, enabling advances in the understanding of the biology of Leishmania and other protozoan pathogens of medical and veterinary importance.


The leishmaniases are a group of neglected tropical diseases present in nearly 100 countries, caused by more than 20 species of parasites from the genus Leishmania. The disease can manifest as a self-healing cutaneous lesion, mucocutaneous lesion, or visceral disease, which if not treated can be fatal. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 1 million of new cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis and 50,000-100,000 cases of visceral leishmaniasis are reported annually, resulting in 20,000-30,000 deaths per year1. During its life cycle Leishmania shifts between an invertebrate and a vertebrate host, forcing the paras....


1. Primer design for knockout and in situ tagging

  1. To design GOI specific primers, enter the Tritrypdb (https://tritrypdb.org/tritrypdb/app) gene ID at the LeishGEdit website (www.leishgedit.net). First, select the option Primer Design and choose the strategy (N-terminal tagging; C-terminal tagging; Knockout; or Tagging and knockout) and the plasmid system (pT and pPLOT plasmids). See below the combination of primers necessary to generate the choice of mutants:
    1. For tagging (whether at the N- or C-terminus), use 3 primers:
      A 5'sgRNA primer or 3'sgRNA primer (for generating the DSB in 5' or 3'....


The first step to generate knockout or in situ tagged cell lines of the GOI is to design the primers that will allow the preparation of the DNA fragments to be transfected for T7 RNAPol-based expression of sgRNAs in vivo, and the repair templates containing the desired tag and/or the selectable marker gene, to enable in situ tagging or gene deletion (Figure 1A), respectively. Figure 1B shows th.......


Leishmaniasis is a global health problem affecting millions of people every year, but despite the availability of the genome sequence of several Leishmania species has been available for years, genetic manipulation of this parasite was restricted to time-consuming and low efficient methods. The emergence of CRISPR-Cas9 technology changed this scenario and is contributing substantially to the better understanding of Leishmania biology, and potentially allow the development of new treatments for leis.......


The authors declare they have no competing financial interests.


This work was supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) [grant 2018/ 09948-0 to N.S.M.; 2019/13765-1 to S.R.M and 2020/01434-8 to M.V.Z]; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) [grant 424729/2018-0 to N.S.M.]; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) [scholarship 88887.463976/2019-00 to B.S.B]; Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial/CBMEG/CQMED-PROMEGA [grant 2019/5202-3 to C.M.C.C-P].



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Part I - Primer design for knockout and in situ tagging
pPLOT and pT plasmids(www.leishgedit.net)
PrimersThermoScientificPCR primer design (www.leishgedit.net)
Universal sgRNA reverse primer (G00)ThermoScientific5' AAAAGCACCGACTCGG
Part II - Transfection DNA preparation
1 kb Plus DNA LadderThermoScientificCat: 10787018Molecular weight standards for gel electrophoresis of DNA
AgaroseThermoScientificCat: 16500500Agarose gels
Ethidium bromideSigma AldrichCat: E8751Agarose gel
Disodium Salt dihydrate (EDTA)HoneywellCat: 34549TAE Buffer
dNTPsThermoScientificCat: 10297018PCR mix
Glacial acetic acidAnidrolCat: A-8684TAE Buffer
Horizontal Electrophoresis SystemsBio-RadMini-Sub cell GTGel electrophoresis
Magnesium Chloride AnhydrousMerckCat: 7786-30-3PCR mix
PCR tubesSarstedtCat: 72.737002Plastic material
pH meterOakton75233Calibrate pH solution
Platinum Taq Polymerase High FidelityThermoScientificCat: 11304011For amplification of DNA using PCR
Potassium chlorideSigma AldrichCat: 31248Buffer 10x
ThermocyclerBio-Rad#1861096PCR amplification
Tris BaseFisher BioreagentsCat: BP152-1Buffer 10x
Part III - Transfection and cloning
70% EthanolHoneywellCat: 02860Sterilize
96 well cell culture plateGreiner bio-oneCat: 655180Cell culture
AdenineInterlabCat: 321-30-2Cell culture medium supplement
Amaxa Nucleofector IIbLonzaAAB-1001Cell transfection
BiotinSigma Aldrich58-85-5Cell culture medium supplement
Blasticidin S hydrochlorideInvivogenCat: ant-bl-1Antibiotics for selection
Bottle Top Filter 0.22 μmmKasviCat: K16-1500Culture medium filter
Cell culture flask - 25 cm2SarstedtCat: 833910Plastic material
CentrifugeThermo Electron Corporation75004333Centrifugation
Conical tubes 50 mLCorningCat: 352070Plastic material
Conical tubes 15 mLCorningCat: 430766Plastic material
di-Sodium Hydrogen PhosphateAppliChemCat: 131678.1210Transfection buffer
Electroporation Cuvettes 0.2 cm gapBio-RadCat: 1652086Transfection
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)ThermoScientific12657029Cell culture medium supplement
Glass Pasteur pipetsCorningCat: 13-678-4AGlass material
Geneticin (G418)InvivogenCat: ant-gn-5Antibiotics for selection
HEPESFisher BioreagentsCat: BP310-500Transfection buffer
Hygromycin BInvivogenCat: 10687010Antibiotics for selection
IncubatorTecnalTE-371Cells maintenance
Inverted microscopeLabomedTCM 400Microscope
Medium 199ThermoScientificCat: 31-100-019Cell culture medium
Microtube 1.5 mLSarstedtCat: 72.690001Plastic material
Multichannel Pipette (p200)HTL Lab Solutions6283Pipette reagents
Muse Cell AnalyzerMerck Millipore0500-3115Cell counter
Penicillin GInterlabCat: 69-57-1Cell culture medium supplement
Puromycin dihydrochlorideInvivogenCat: ant-pr-5bAntibiotics for selection
Serological pipette 10 mLSarstedtCat: 861254001Plastic material
Serological pipette 5 mLSarstedtCat: 861253001Plastic material
Single Channel Pipette (p1000)HTL Lab SolutionsLMP-1000Pipette reagents
Single Channel Pipette (p200)HTL Lab SolutionsLMP-200Pipette reagents
Single Channel Pipette (p10)HTL Lab SolutionsLMP-10Pipette reagents
Single Channel Pipette (p2)HTL Lab SolutionsLMP-2Pipette reagents
Sodium bicarbonateFisher BioreagentsCat: 144-55-8Cell culture medium supplement
Sodium Phosphate MonobasicUSB Corporation ClevelandCat: 20233Transfection buffer
Streptomycin sulfate saltGibcoCat: 11860-038Cell culture medium supplement
Syringe Filter 0.2 μmmForlabExpressCat: K18-230Filter transfection buffer
Syringe 10 mLInterlabCat: 990173Plastic material
Part IV - Cell line confirmation and phenotyping
Accuri C6BD Biosciences-Flow cytometer
Ammonium persulfate (APS)Sigma-AldrichCat: A3678Casting polyacrylamide gel
Confocal fluorescence microscopeLeicaTCS SP5 II Tandem ScannerMicroscopy
CoverslipGlasstecnicaLot: 44888/08Glass material
Digital ShakerLabnetS2030-1000-BAgitation
Goat Anti-Mouse 800CW antibodyLI-COR BiosciencesCat: 926-32210Western blot antidoby
Goat Anti-Rabbit 680RD antibodyLI-COR BiosciencesCat: 926-68071Western blot antidoby
Hoechst 33342InvitrogenCat.: H3570Fluorescence antidoby
Imaris softwareImarisVersion: 6.0Data analysis
LiClSigma-AldrichL4408TELT solution preparation
Microscope slidesTekdon IncorporatedCat: 258-041-120Glass material
Monoclonal c-Myc epitope antibodyEMD MilliporeCat: 05-724Western blot antidoby
Nitrocellulose membraneBio-Rad#1620115Protein Blotting
Non-fat milkMolico-Blocking solution for Western Blot
Odyssey Fc Imaging SystemLI-COR BiosciencesModel number 2800Antibodies detection
Paraformaldehyde (PFA)Sigma AldrichCat: P6148Fixation for fluorescence
PBS 1Xhouse madehouse madeNeutral Buffer
Poly-L-lysineSigma AldrichCat: P8920Adhesion for fluorescence
PolyacrylamideInvitrogenCat: 15512023Casting denaturing polyacrylamide gel
Polyclonal Aldolase antibodyhouse madehouse madeWestern blot antidoby
Protein LadderLI-COR Biosciences928-60000Ladder
Sample BufferSigma-AldrichS3401-1VLLysis solution
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)Sigma-AldrichCat: L3771Casting polyacrylamide gel
TEMEDLife TechnologiesCat: 15524-010Casting polyacrylamide gel
Triton X-100Sigma-AldrichX-100TELT solution preparation
Wet blotting systemBio-Rad1703930Gel transfer cell


  1. De Pablos, L. M., Ferreira, T. R., Walrad, P. B. Developmental differentiation in Leishmania lifecycle progression: post-transcriptional control conducts the orchestra. Current opinion in microbiology. 34, 82-89 (2016).
  2. Cruz, A., Beverley, S. M.

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