A Pediatric Concussion Model in Mice: Closed Head Injury with Long-Term Disorders (CHILD) Christophe J. Dubois 1,2, J. Yan 3, A. Obenaus *3, J. Badaut *1,2,4
1Centre d'Études Biologiques de Chizé-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CEBC-CNRS), UMR 7372 CNRS/Université de La Rochelle, 2Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, CRMSB, UMR 5536, 3Division of Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine, University of California Riverside, 4Department of Basic Sciences, Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Pediatric concussions can result in long-term sequelae with physiological and psychological perturbations. This pediatric concussion mouse model results in long-term neuroinflammation, white matter alterations, and neuronal modifications with behavioral dysfunction. The model can be adapted to differential impact locations or repeated concussions to assess lifetime changes.