Visualizing Intracellular Sialylation with Click Chemistry and Expansion MicroscopyYannick Masson 1, Aude Sivery 2, Corentin Spriet 1,3, Anthony Treizebre 2, Christophe Biot 1, Cedric Lion 1
1Univ. Lille, CNRS, UMR 8576 - UGSF - Unité de Glycobiologie Structurale et Fonctionnelle, 2Univ. Lille, CNRS, UMR 8520 - IEMN – Institut d’Electronique, de Microelectronique et de Nanotechnologie, 3Univ. Lille, CNRS, Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, US 41 - UAR 2014 - PLBS
Here, we propose a simple protocol combining metabolic oligosaccharide engineering, click chemistry, and expansion microscopy that allows bioimaging of intracellular sialylated N-glycoproteins with improved resolution using routine microscopy equipment.