An In Vivo Blood-brain Barrier Permeability Assay in Mice Using Fluorescently Labeled TracersKavi Devraj 1,2, Sylvaine Guérit 1, Jakranka Macas 1, Yvonne Reiss 1
1Institute of Neurology (Edinger Institute), Goethe University Hospital, 2Pharmazentrum Frankfurt, Institute for General Pharmacology and Toxicology, Goethe University Hospital
Here we present a mouse brain vascular permeability assay using intraperitoneal injection of fluorescent tracers followed by perfusion that is applicable to animal models of blood-brain barrier dysfunction. One hemi-brain is used for assessing permeability quantitatively and the other for tracer visualization/immunostaining. The procedure takes 5 - 6 h for 10 mice.