A Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Assay for Rapid Identification of Bemisia tabaciSimon Blaser 1,2,3, Hanspeter Diem 4, Andreas von Felten 4, Morgan Gueuning 1, Michael Andreou 5, Neil Boonham 6,7, Jennifer Tomlinson 6, Pie Müller 2,3, Jürg Utzinger 2,3, Beatrice Frey 1, Jürg E. Frey 1, Andreas Bühlmann 8
1Department of Method Development and Analytics, Agroscope, 2Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, 3University of Basel, 4Swiss Federal Plant Protection Service, Federal Office for Agriculture, 5OptiGene Limited, 6Fera Science Limited, 7School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University, 8Department of Plants and Plant Products, Agroscope
This paper reports the protocol for a rapid identification assay for Bemisia tabaci based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) technology. The protocol requires minimal laboratory training and can, therefore, be implemented on-site at points of entry for plant imports such as seaports and airports.