Analysis of SEC-SAXS data via EFA deconvolution and ScatterMark D Tully *1, Nicolas Tarbouriech 2, Robert P Rambo 3, Stephanie Hutin *4
1European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Structural Biology Group, Structural Biology Group, 2Institut de Biologie Structurale, University Grenoble Alpes, CEA, CNRS, 3Diamond Light Source, 4Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire and Végétale, Université Grenoble Alpes/CNRS/CEA/INRA/BIG
SEC-BioSAXS measurements of biological macromolecules are a standard approach for determining solution structure of macromolecules and their complexes. Here, we analyze SEC-BioSAXS data from two types of commonly encountered SEC traces—chromatograms with fully resolved and partially resolved peaks. We demonstrate the analysis and deconvolution using scatter and BioXTAS RAW.