Analyzing the Parkinson's Disease Mouse Model Induced by Adeno-associated Viral Vectors Encoding Human α-SynucleinDaniela Elgueta 1, Ornella Chovar 1, Valentina Ugalde 1, Vanesa Sánchez-Guajardo 1, Alejandra Catenaccio 2, Felipe Court 2,3,4, Rodrigo Pacheco 1,5
1Laboratorio de Neuroinmunología, Fundación Ciencia & Vida, 2Center for Integrative Biology, Universidad Mayor, 3FONDAP Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism, 4Buck Institute for Research on Ageing, 5Facultad de Medicina y Ciencia, Universidad San Sebastián
This work analyzes the vector dose and exposure time required to induce neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration, and motor impairment in this preclinical model of Parkinson's disease. These vectors encoding the human α-synuclein are delivered into the substantia nigra to recapitulate the synuclein pathology associated with Parkinson's disease.