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University of Lyon




Use of pHluorin to Assess the Dynamics of Axon Guidance Receptors in Cell Culture and in the Chick Embryo
Céline Delloye-Bourgeois *1, Arnaud Jacquier *1, Julien Falk 1, Valérie Castellani 1
1University Claude Bernard Lyon1, CGphiMC UMR CNRS 5534, University of Lyon

We describe here the use of a pH-sensitive green fluorescent protein variant, pHluorin, to study the spatio-temporal dynamics of axon guidance receptors trafficking at the cell surface. The pHluorin-tagged receptor is expressed both in cell culture and in vivo, using electroporation of the chick embryo.



Culture of Isolated Floor Plate Tissue and Production of Conditioned Medium to Assess Functional Properties of Floor Plate-released Signals
Camille Charoy 1, Elise Arbeille 1, Karine Thoinet 1, Valérie Castellani 1
1CGphiMC, UMR CNRS 5534, University of Lyon 1

The floor plate is a crucial structure of the developing spinal cord, providing diffusible signals to progenitors and differentiating neurons. We describe a method to produce floor-plate conditioned medium, to apply it to fresh spinal cord tissue, and to assess the consequences on proteins of interest by biochemistry.


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Glucose Uptake Measurement and Response to Insulin Stimulation in In Vitro Cultured Human Primary Myotubes
Stephanie Chanon 1, Christine Durand 1, Aurelie Vieille-Marchiset 1, Maud Robert 2, Charna Dibner 3, Chantal Simon 1, Etienne Lefai 1
1CarMeN Laboratory, INSERM U1060, INRA 1397, University of Lyon, 2Department of digestive and bariatric surgery, Obesity Integrated Center, University Hospital of Edouard Herriot, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon 1 University, 3Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, Hypertension and Nutrition, Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva

In this method, human primary muscle cells are cultured in vitro to obtain differentiated myotubes and glucose uptake rates are measured. We provide a detailed protocol to quantify rates in basal and insulin-stimulated states using radiolabeled [3H] 2-deoxy-D-Glucose.



Modeling Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease In Vitro by Transfecting Mouse Primary Motoneurons
Arnaud Jacquier 1,2, Valérie Risson 1, Laurent Schaeffer 1,3
1Institut NeuroMyoGène, CNRS UMR5310, INSERM U1217, Université Lyon, 2Unité Fonctionnelle de Neurogénétique Moléculaire, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 3Centre de Biotechnologie Cellulaire, Hospices Civils de Lyon

The goal of this technique is to prepare a highly enriched culture of primary motoneurons (MNs) from murine spinal cord. To evaluate the consequences of mutations causing MN diseases, we describe here the isolation of these isolated MNs and their transfection by magnetofection.

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