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University of Antwerp




Multimodal Imaging of Stem Cell Implantation in the Central Nervous System of Mice
Nathalie De Vocht 1,2, Kristien Reekmans 1, Irene Bergwerf 2, Jelle Praet 1,2, Chloé Hoornaert 1, Debbie Le Blon 1, Jasmijn Daans 1, Zwi Berneman 1, Annemie Van der Linden 2, Peter Ponsaerts 1
1Laboratory of Experimental Hematology, University of Antwerp, 2Bio Imaging Lab, University of Antwerp

This article describes an optimized sequence of events for multimodal imaging of cellular grafts in rodent brain using: (i) in vivo bioluminescence and magnetic resonance imaging, and (ii) post mortem histological analysis. Combining these imaging modalities on a single animal allows cellular graft evaluation with high resolution, sensitivity and specificity.



Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) with Auditory Stimulation in Songbirds
Lisbeth Van Ruijssevelt 1, Geert De Groof 1, Anne Van der Kant 1, Colline Poirier 1, Johan Van Audekerke 1, Marleen Verhoye 1, Annemie Van der Linden 1
1Bio-Imaging Lab, University of Antwerp

This article shows an optimized procedure for imaging of the neural substrates of auditory stimulation in the songbird brain using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). It describes the preparation of the sound stimuli, the positioning of the subject and the acquisition and subsequent analysis of the fMRI data.



Real-time Electrophysiology: Using Closed-loop Protocols to Probe Neuronal Dynamics and Beyond
Daniele Linaro 1, João Couto 1, Michele Giugliano 1
1Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Antwerp

Closed-loop protocols are becoming increasingly widespread in modern day electrophysiology. We present a simple, versatile and inexpensive way to perform complex electrophysiological protocols in cortical pyramidal neurons in vitro, using a desktop computer and a digital acquisition board.



Chronic Constriction Injury of the Rat's Infraorbital Nerve (IoN-CCI) to Study Trigeminal Neuropathic Pain
Kristof Deseure 1, Guy H. Hans 2
1Translational Neurosciences, University of Antwerp, 2Multidisciplinary Pain Center, Antwerp University Hospital

This manuscript describes a rodent model to study trigeminal neuropathic pain. The methods described include surgical procedures to perform a chronic constriction injury of the rat’s infraorbital nerve and the post-surgical behavioral tests to measure the changes in spontaneous and evoked behavior that are indicative of persistent pain and allodynia.



Exosomal miRNA Analysis in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients' Plasma Through qPCR: A Feasible Liquid Biopsy Tool
Marco Giallombardo *1,2, Jorge Chacártegui Borrás *2,3, Marta Castiglia 4, Nele Van Der Steen 3, Inge Mertens 5,6, Patrick Pauwels 7,3, Marc Peeters 8,3, Christian Rolfo 2,3
1Department of Biopathology and Medical Biotechnology, Section of Biology and Genetics, University of Palermo, 2Phase I-Early Clinical Trials Unit, Oncology Department, Antwerp University Hospital (UZA), 3Center for Oncological Research (CORE), Antwerp University, 4Department of Surgical, Oncological and Oral Sciences, Section of Medical Oncology, University of Palermo, 5Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), 6CORE, Campus Groenenborger, Antwerp University, 7Molecular Pathology, Pathology Department, Antwerp University Hospital (UZA), 8Oncology Department, Antwerp University Hospital (UZA)

This protocol describes the feasibility to perform miRNA profiling in exosomes, released in plasma of NSCLC patients, through a commercial exosome isolation kit with Proteinase K and RNAse treatments, in order to avoid circulating miRNAs contamination and evaluate their biomarker features in NSCLC.



In Vitro Recording of Mesenteric Afferent Nerve Activity in Mouse Jejunal and Colonic Segments
Sara Nullens 1, Annemie Deiteren 2, Wen Jiang 3, Christopher Keating 4, Hannah Ceuleers 1, Sven Francque 5, David Grundy 3, Joris G. De Man 1, Benedicte Y. De Winter 1
1Laboratory of Experimental Medicine and Pediatrics, Division of Gastroenterology, University of Antwerp, 2Visceral Pain Group, Discipline of Medicine, University of Adelaide, 3Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Sheffield, 4Department of Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Postgraduate Medicine, University of Hertfordshire, 5Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Antwerp University Hospital

Mesenteric afferent nerves convey information from the gastrointestinal tract towards the brain regarding normal homeostasis as well as pathophysiology. Gastrointestinal afferent nerve activity can be assessed by mounting isolated intestinal segments with attached afferent nerves into an organ bath, isolating the nerve, and assessing basal as well as stimulated activity.



Kinematic Analysis of Cell Division and Expansion: Quantifying the Cellular Basis of Growth and Sampling Developmental Zones in Zea mays Leaves
Katrien Sprangers *1, Viktoriya Avramova *1, Gerrit T. S. Beemster 1
1Department of Biology, University of Antwerp

Quantifying cell division and expansion is of crucial importance to the understanding of whole-plant growth. Here, we present a protocol to calculate cellular parameters determining maize leaf growth rates and highlight the use of these data for investigating molecular growth regulatory mechanisms by directing developmental stage-specific sampling strategies.



Cellular Redox Profiling Using High-content Microscopy
Tom Sieprath 1,2, Tobias Corne 1,2, Joke Robijns 1, Werner J. H. Koopman 3, Winnok H. De Vos 1,2
1Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology, Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Antwerp, 2Cell Systems and Imaging Research Group (CSI), Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Ghent University, 3Department of Biochemistry , Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Radboud University Medical Center

This paper presents a high-content microscopy workflow for simultaneous quantification of intracellular ROS levels, as well as mitochondrial membrane potential and morphology – jointly referred to as mitochondrial morphofunction – in living adherent cells using the cell-permeant fluorescent reporter molecules 5-(and-6)-chloromethyl-2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate, acetyl ester (CM-H2DCFDA) and tetramethylrhodamine methylester (TMRM).



Non-invasive Assessments of Subjective and Objective Recovery Characteristics Following an Exhaustive Jump Protocol
Erich Hohenauer 1,2,3, Peter Clarys 3, Jean-Pierre Baeyens 2,3,4, Ron Clijsen 1,2,3
1Department of Business Economics, Health and Social Care, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, 2University College Physiotherapy "Thim van der Laan", 3Department of Movement and Sport Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 4Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp

This protocol describes the procedure for non-invasive recovery assessments during a 72 h recovery period. This protocol induces muscular exhaustion of the frontal thighs using countermovement jumps and uses either local cold-cuff or thermoneutral-cuff application as a recovery modality.



Protocol for Acute and Chronic Ecotoxicity Testing of the Turquoise Killifish Nothobranchius furzeri
Charlotte Philippe 1,2, Arnout F. Gregoir 1, Eli S. J. Thoré 1, Gudrun De Boeck 2, Luc Brendonck 1,3, Tom Pinceel 1,4
1Animal Ecology, Global Change and Sustainable Development, University of Leuven, 2Systemic Physiological and Ecotoxicological Research, University of Antwerp, 3Water Research Group, Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management, North-West University, 4Centre for Environmental Management, University of the Free State

In this work, we describe an acute, chronic and multigenerational bioassay to study the effects of single and combined stressors on the Turquoise killifish Nothobranchius furzeri. This protocol is designed to study life-history traits (mortality, growth, fecundity, weight) and critical thermal maximum.



Sterile Pericarditis in Aachener Minipigs As a Model for Atrial Myopathy and Atrial Fibrillation
Michiel R. L. Tubeeckx 1, Steven Laga 2, Christel Jacobs 3, Marina Stroe 4, Steven Van Cruchten 4, Bo Goovaerts 1, Jens Van fraeyenhove 1, Hielko Miljoen 5, Guido R. Y. De Meyer 1, Gilles W. De Keulenaer 1,6, Hein Heidbuchel 5,7, Vincent F. M. Segers 1,5
1Laboratory of Physiopharmacology, University of Antwerp, 2Department of Cardiac Surgery, University Hospital Antwerp, 3Department of Animal Welfare, University of Antwerp, 4Comparative Perinatal Development, University of Antwerp, 5Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Antwerp, 6Department of Cardiology, ZNA Middelheim Hospital, 7Research Group Cardiovascular Diseases, GENCOR, University of Antwerp

We describe a sterile pericarditis model in minipigs to study atrial myopathy and atrial fibrillation (AF). We present surgical and anesthetic techniques, strategies for vascular access, and a protocol to study the inducibility of AF.



An Experimental Approach to Investigating Effects of Artificial Light at Night on Free-Ranging Animals: Implementation, Results, and Directions for Future Research
Melissa L. Grunst 1, Andrea S. Grunst 1, Rianne Pinxten 1,2, Geert Eens 1, Marcel Eens 1
1Department of Biology, Behavioural Ecology and Ecophysiology Group, University of Antwerp, 2Faculty of Social Sciences, Antwerp School of Education, University of Antwerp

Artificial light at night (ALAN) has wide-reaching biological effects. This article describes a system for manipulating ALAN inside nest boxes while monitoring behavior, consisting of LED lights coupled to a battery, timer, and audio-capable infrared video camera. Researchers could employ this system to explore many outstanding questions regarding the effects of ALAN on organisms.


Cancer Research

Multiparametric Tumor Organoid Drug Screening Using Widefield Live-Cell Imaging for Bulk and Single-Organoid Analysis
Maxim Le Compte 1, Edgar Cardenas De La Hoz 2, Sofía Peeters 1, Evelien Smits 1, Filip Lardon 1, Geert Roeyen 1,3, Steve Vanlanduit 2, Hans Prenen 1,4, Marc Peeters 1,4, Abraham Lin 1,5, Christophe Deben 1
1Center for Oncological Research (CORE), Integrated Personalized & Precision Oncology Network (IPPON), University of Antwerp, 2Industrial Vision Lab, University of Antwerp, 3Department of Hepatobiliary Transplantation and Endocrine Surgery, University Hospital Antwerp (UZA), 4Department of Oncology, University Hospital Antwerp (UZA), 5Plasma Lab for Applications in Sustainability and Medicine ANTwerp (PLASMANT), University of Antwerp

This protocol describes a semi-automated method for medium- to high-throughput organoid drug screenings and microscope-agnostic, automated image analysis software to quantify and visualize multiparametric, single-organoid drug responses to capture intratumor heterogeneity.



Design and Construction of an Experimental Setup to Enhance Mineral Weathering through the Activity of Soil Organisms
Tullia Calogiuri 1,2, Mathilde Hagens 2, Jan Willem Van Groenigen 1, Thomas Corbett 3, Jens Hartmann 4, Rick Hendriksen 5, Iris Janssens 6, Ivan A. Janssens 7, Guillermo Ledesma Dominguez 7, Grant Loescher 4, Steven Mortier 6, Anna Neubeck 3, Harun Niron 7, Reinaldy P. Poetra 4, Lukas Rieder 4, Eric Struyf 7, Michiel Van Tendeloo 8, Tom De Schepper 6, Tim Verdonck 9, Siegfried E. Vlaeminck 8, Sara Vicca 7, Alix Vidal 1
1Soil Biology Group, Wageningen University & Research, 2Soil Chemistry and Chemical Soil Quality, Wageningen University & Research, 3Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, 4Institute for Geology, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, University of Hamburg, 5Tupola, Wageningen University & Research, 6IDLab - Department of Computer Science, University of Antwerp - imec, 7Plants and Ecosystems (PLECO), Biology Department, University of Antwerp, 8Research Group of Sustainable Energy, Air and Water Technology, University of Antwerp, 9Department of Mathematics, University of Antwerp - imec

Here we present the construction and operation of an experimental setup to enhance mineral weathering through the activity of soil organisms while concurrently manipulating abiotic variables known to stimulate weathering. Representative results from the functioning of the setup and sample analyses are discussed together with points for improvement.



Performing Repeated Intraoperative Impedance Telemetry Measurements during Cochlear Implantation
Nora M. Weiss 1,2,3,4,5, Stefan Hans 6, Martin Wozniak 6, Aline Föger 6, Stefan Dazert 1, Vincent Van Rompaey 2,7, Paul Van de Heyning 2,7, Joachim Schmutzhard 8, Angelika Dierker 6
1Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Ruhr-University Bochum, St. Elisabeth-Hospital Bochum, 2Department of Translational Neurosciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, 3International Graduate School of Neuroscience (IGSN), Ruhr-University Bochum, 4Technical University of Munich, 5Department of Otorhinolaryngology, TUM School of Medicine, Klinikum rechts der Isar, 6MED-EL, 7Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, Antwerp University Hospital, 8Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Medical University Innsbruck

Here we present a protocol to conduct repeated impedance telemetry measurements during cochlear implantation (CI). They may allow conclusions on the electrode's and implant's function. Repeated impedance measurements enable objective feedback on whether the electrode is positioned inside the perilymph or outside the inner ear.



Chronic Constriction Injury of the Distal Infraorbital Nerve (DIoN-CCI) in Mice to Study Trigeminal Neuropathic Pain
Kristof R. Deseure 1,2, Guy H. Hans 1,2
1Antwerp Surgical Training, Anatomy and Research Centre, Algology (pain research), University of Antwerp, 2Multidisciplinary Pain Center, Antwerp University Hospital

Chronic constriction injury of the distal infraorbital nerve in mice induces changes in spontaneous behavior (increased face grooming activity) and nocifensive behavior in response to tactile stimulation (hyperresponsiveness to von Frey hair stimulation) that are signs of ongoing pain and allodynia and serves as a model for trigeminal neuropathic pain.

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