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Oxford University




Detergent-free Ultrafast Reconstitution of Membrane Proteins into Lipid Bilayers Using Fusogenic Complementary-charged Proteoliposomes.
Mikhail A. Galkin 1, Aidan N. Russell 2, Steven B. Vik 3, Richard M. Berry 2, Robert R. Ishmukhametov 2
1First Pavlov State Medical University, 2Clarendon Laboratory, Department of Physics, Oxford University, 3Department of Biological Sciences, Southern Methodist University

Here we present two ultrafast protocols for reconstitution of membrane proteins into fusogenic proteoliposomes, and fusion of such proteoliposomes with target lipid bilayers for detergent-free delivery of these membrane proteins into the postfusion bilayer. The combination of these approaches enables fast and easily controlled assembly of complex multi-component membrane systems.



Achieving Efficient Fragment Screening at XChem Facility at Diamond Light Source
Alice Douangamath *1,2, Ailsa Powell *1,2, Daren Fearon *1,2, Patrick M. Collins 1,2, Romain Talon 1,2,3, Tobias Krojer 3,4, Rachael Skyner 1,2, Jose Brandao-Neto 1,2, Louise Dunnett 1,2, Alexandre Dias 1,2, Anthony Aimon 1,2,3, Nicholas M. Pearce 1,3, Conor Wild 3,5, Tyler Gorrie-Stone 1, Frank von Delft 1,2,3,4,6
1Diamond Light Source Ltd, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, 2Research Complex at Harwell, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, 3Structural Genomics Consortium, University of Oxford, 4Centre for Medicines Discovery, University of Oxford, 5Oxford Protein Informatics Group, Department of Statistics, Oxford University, 6Department of Biochemistry, University of Johannesburg

This paper describes the complete XChem process for crystal-based fragment screening, starting from applying for access and all subsequent steps to data dissemination.


iNEXT-Discovery and Instruct-ERIC: Integrating High-End Services for Translational Research in Structural Biology
Hans Wienk 1, Lucia Banci 2, Susan Daenke 3, Eva Pereiro 4, Harald Schwalbe 5, David Ian Stuart 6, Manfred S. Weiss 7, Anastassis Perrakis 1
1Division of Biochemistry and Oncode Institute, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, 2CERM/CIRMMP, University of Florence, 3Instruct-ERIC, Oxford University, 4MISTRAL beamline, Alba Light Source, 5Center for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance (BMRZ), Goethe University Frankfurt, 6Division of Structural Biology, Oxford University, 7Macromolecular Crystallographyy, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

iNEXT-Discovery and Instruct-ERIC: Integrating High-End Services for Translational Research in Structural Biology


Advanced Methods In Parkinson’s Disease Research
Nora Bengoa-Vergniory 1,2
1Oxford University, 2Achucarro Basque Centre for Neurosience, Ikerbasque, UPV/EHU

Advanced Methods In Parkinson’s Disease Research

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