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Ben-Gurion University




Aortic Ring Assay
Keren Bellacen 1, Eli C. Lewis 1
1Department Clinical Biochemistry, Ben-Gurion University

Angiogenesis, the sprouting of blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature, is associated with both natural and pathological processes. Here we demonstrate an aortic ring assay that allows angiogenic potentiators and inhibitors to be directly added to aortic rings in culture. Sprouting and neovessel outgrowth can be determined by inspecting the aortic rings over a period of 6-12 days.



Purification of the M. magneticum Strain AMB-1 Magnetosome Associated Protein MamAΔ41
Natalie Zeytuni 1, Raz Zarivach 1
1Department of Life Sciences and National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev, Ben-Gurion University

MamA is a unique Magnetosome associated protein which was shown to be involved in magnetosome activation. Here we present the purification protocol of MamA deletion mutant (MamAΔ41) from M. magneticum AMB-1.



One Dimensional Turing-Like Handshake Test for Motor Intelligence
Amir Karniel 1, Guy Avraham 1, Bat-Chen Peles 1, Shelly Levy-Tzedek 1, Ilana Nisky 1
1Biomedical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University

We present a Turing-like Handshake test administered through a telerobotic system in which the interrogator is holding a robotic stylus and interacting with another party (human or artificial). We use a forced choice method, and extract a measure for the similarity of the artificial model to a human handshake.



Exploring the Radical Nature of a Carbon Surface by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and a Calibrated Gas Flow
Uri Green 1,2, Yulia Shenberger 3, Zeev Aizenshtat 1, Haim Cohen 2,4, Sharon Ruthstein 3
1Chemistry Institute, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2Biological Chemistry Department, Ariel University, 3Chemistry Department, Faculty of Exact Science, Bar Ilan University, 4Chemistry Department, Ben-Gurion University

Stable radicals that are present in carbon substrates interact with paramagnetic oxygen through a Heisenberg spin exchange. This interaction can be significantly reduced under STP conditions by flowing a diamagnetic gas over the carbon system. This manuscript describes a simple method to characterize the nature of those radicals.



A Colorimetric Method for Measuring Iron Content in Plants
Jonas C. Gitz 1,2, Noy Sadot 1, Michele Zaccai 1, Raz Zarivach 1,2
1Department of Life Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev (NIBN)

We present a simple and reliable protocol for measuring iron content in plant tissues using the colorimetric Prussian Blue method.



Characterizing Mammalian Zinc Transporters Using an In Vitro Zinc Transport Assay
Tomer Eli Ben Yosef 1, Raz Zarivach 1, Arie Moran 2
1Department of Life Sciences and National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev, Ben-Gurion University, 2Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University

Zinc transport has proven challenging to measure due to the weak causal links to protein function and the low temporal resolution. This protocol describes a method for monitoring, with high temporal resolution, Zn2+ extrusion from living cells by utilizing a Zn2+ sensitive fluorescent dye, thus providing a direct measure of Zn2+ efflux.

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