To begin, identify the subject and the control group. Move the shoulder, elbow, wrist, thumb, and fingers of the affected limb of the patient for one minute. Then instruct the patient to actuate the affected hand using the unaffected hand to push a foam roller, lift a wooden peg, lift a small wooden stick, and hold a ball.
For assisted active movement, select Smart Mirror mode, and set the time to 10 minutes on the rehabilitation training device. Ask the patient about their feelings, and choose from levels one to 10 according to the patient's experience and tolerance. Then click the Start button.
As the patient voluntarily performs the grasping action with the unaffected hand, instruct them to observe the movement and try to grasp with the affected hand using the glove. Similarly, instruct the patient to observe the finger movements of the unaffected hand, and try to open the fingers of the affected hand. For passive movement, place the corresponding glove on the affected hand.
Using the same device, select Passive mode. Set the time to 10 minutes, and adjust the intensity levels according to the patient's sensations. After starting the device, let the patient close and open the affected hand for 10 minutes.