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Molecular Biology of Neural Development
Patricia T. Yam has not added Biography.
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Disulfide exchange in domain 2 of CD4 is required for entry of HIV-1.
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Disulfide exchange in CD4.
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Repeated cycles of rapid actin assembly and disassembly on epithelial cell phagosomes.
Molecular biology of the cell Dec, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15456901
Actin-myosin network reorganization breaks symmetry at the cell rear to spontaneously initiate polarized cell motility.
The Journal of cell biology Sep, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17893245
Sonic hedgehog guides axons through a noncanonical, Src-family-kinase-dependent signaling pathway.
Neuron May, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19447091
Intracellular fluid flow in rapidly moving cells.
Nature cell biology Oct, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19767741
Myosin II contributes to cell-scale actin network treadmilling through network disassembly.
Nature May, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20485438
14-3-3 proteins regulate protein kinase a activity to modulate growth cone turning responses.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience Oct, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20962227
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal
McGill University
Montreal Neurological Institute
Sébastien D. Langlois*,1,2,
Steves Morin*,1,
Patricia T. Yam1,3,4,
Frédéric Charron1,2,5,6,7
1Molecular Biology of Neural Development, Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal,
2Division of Experimental Medicine and Program in Neuroengineering, McGill University,
3Program in Neuroengineering, McGill University,
4, Montreal Neurological Institute,
5Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, McGill University,
6Department of Biology, McGill University,
7Department of Medicine, Universite de Montreal - University of Montreal
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