Glutamatergic synapses can switch from an active mode to a silent mode. We demonstrate that presynaptic activity status in dissociated culture of rodent neurons is visualized using a fixable form of the FM1-43 dye to visualize active synapses and immunostaining with vGluT-1 antibody to visualize all glutamate synapses.
Multielectrode array (MEA) recordings provide a method for studying the electrical activity of large populations of neurons. Here, we present the details of a MEA preparation to record from the mouse vomeronasal epithelium while simultaneously stimulating the tissue.
An in vivo imaging system is used to generate quantitative measurements of murine infection with the Trypanosomatid protozoan Leishmania. This is a non-invasive and non-lethal method for detecting parasites expressing luciferase within many tissues throughout the course of chronic Leishmania spp. infection.
This video protocol demonstrates a method for generating transgenic Xenopus laevis by introduction of transgenes into sperm nuclei followed by nuclear transplantation into unfertilized eggs.
The colony forming cell (CFC) assay is an in vitro assay in which hematopoietic progenitors form colonies in a semi-solid medium. A combination of colony morphology, cell morphology, and flow cytometry are used to assess the ability of the progenitors to proliferate and differentiate along the different hematopoietic lineages.
This protocol describes a simple and inexpensive way to quantify the activity of cis-regulatory elements (i.e., enhancer/promoters) in living mouse retinas via explant electroporation. DNA preparation, retinal dissection, electroporation, retinal explant culture, and post-fixation analysis and quantification are described.
We describe a relatively simple method of transretinal electroretinogram (ERG) recordings for obtaining rod and cone photoresponses from intact mouse retina. This approach takes advantage of the block of synaptic transmission from photoreceptors to isolate their light responses and record them using field electrodes placed across the isolated flat-mounted retina.
Measuring left ventricular pressure (LV) in embryonic and neonatal mice is described. Pressure is measured by inserting a needle connected to a fluid-filled transducer into the LV under ultrasound guidance. Care must be taken to maintain normal cardiac function during the experimental protocol.
Retrograde transport of fluorescent dye labels a sub-population of neurons based on anatomical projection. Labeled axons can be visually targeted in vivo, permitting extracellular recording from identified axons. This technique facilitates recording when neurons cannot be labeled through genetic manipulation or are difficult to isolate using 'blind' in vivo approaches.
Pooled DNA sequencing is a fast and cost-effective strategy to detect rare variants associated with complex phenotypes in large cohorts. Here we describe the computational analysis of pooled, next-generation sequencing of 32 cancer-related genes using the SPLINTER software package. This method is scalable, and applicable to any phenotype of interest.
In this protocol we describe production, purification and titration of lentiviral vectors. We provide an example of lentiviral vector-mediated gene delivery in primary cultured neurons and astrocytes. Our methods may also apply to other cell types in vitro and in vivo.
We demonstrate a protocol in which administration of the genotoxic agent azoxymethane (AOM) followed by three cycles of the pro-inflammatory agent dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) rapidly and consistently generates colon tumors in mice with morphologic and molecular similarities to those seen in human colitis-associated cancer.
We developed an in vitro model that mimics an important component of the acute inflammatory response during infection of the bladder with uropathogenic Escherichia coli. The transuroepithelial neutrophil migration assay enables quantitative assessment of human neutrophil migration across bladder epithelia, cultured on permeable supports, in response to bacterial infection or chemoattractant substances.
Four-dimensional (4D) imaging is utilized to study the behavior and interactions among two types of endosomes in living vertebrate nerve terminals. Movement of these small structures is characterized in three dimensions, permitting confirmation of events such as endosome fusion and exocytosis.
We present a protocol to generate primary cultures of murine and human esophageal stromal cells with a myofibroblast phenotype. Cultured cells have spindle shaped morphology, express α-SMA and vimentin, and lack epithelial, hematopoietic and endothelial cell surface markers. Characterized stromal cells can be used in functional studies of epithelial-stromal interactions.
This protocol describes a method for the detailed evaluation of leukocyte subsets within the tumor microenvironment in a mouse tumor model. Chemerin-expressing B16 melanoma cells were implanted subcutaneously into syngeneic mice. Cells from the tumor microenvironment were then stained and analyzed by flow cytometry, allowing for detailed leukocyte subset analyses.
This protocol describes repetitive hypoxic preconditioning, or brief exposures to systemic hypoxia that reduce infarct volumes and blood-brain barrier disruption following transient middle cerebral artery occlusion in mice. It also details dual quantification of infarct volume and blood-brain barrier disruption after stroke to assess the efficacy of neurovascular protection.
The ability to model urinary tract infections (UTI) is crucial in order to be able to understand bacterial pathogenesis and spawn the development of novel therapeutics. This work’s goal is to demonstrate mouse models of experimental UTI and catheter associated UTI that recapitulate and predict findings seen in humans.
This is a quick, cost-efficient protocol for the production of secreted, glycosylated mammalian proteins and subsequent single-step purification with sufficient yields of homogenous protein for X-ray crystallography and other biophysical studies.
We describe a method for the detection of tumor nodule development in the lungs of an adenocarcinoma mouse model using micro-computed tomography and its use for monitoring changes in nodule size over time and in response to treatment. The accuracy of the assessment was confirmed with end-point histological quantification.
This paper presents an experimental method to produce biofuels and biochemicals from canola oil mixed with a fossil-based feed in the presence of a catalyst at mild temperatures. Gaseous, liquid, and solid products from a reaction unit are quantified and characterized. Conversion and individual product yields are calculated and reported.
The adult Drosophila brain is a valuable system for studying neuronal circuitry, higher brain functions, and complex disorders. An efficient method to dissect whole brain tissue from the small fly head will facilitate brain-based studies. Here we describe a simple, one-step dissection protocol of adult brains with well-preserved morphology.
This protocol describes a method to quantify upper limb performance in daily life using wrist-worn accelerometers.
This work describes the standardization of a method to obtain purified germ cell populations from testicular tissue of different mammalian species. It is a straightforward protocol that combines mechanical testis dissociation, staining with Hoechst-33342 and propidium iodide, and FACS sorting, with wide applications in comparative studies of male reproductive biology.
This protocol describes how to establish an enteroid culture system from neonatal mouse or premature human intestine as well as an efficient method to collect milk from mice.
Here we present a protocol for administration of the video-referenced rating of reciprocal social behavior (vrRSB) using a paper or online version. This survey quantifies RSB, a prerequisite for social competence, in toddlers through "video-referenced" items whereby a subject is compared to a reference child shown in a three-minute video.
This protocol describes a method to standardize the measurements of carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity to evaluate arterial stiffness.
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a powerful tool for genomic characterization that is limited by the high error rate of the platform (~0.5–2.0%). We describe our methods of error-corrected sequencing that allow us to obviate the NGS error rate and detect mutations at variant allele fractions as rare as 0.0001.
This study presents a validated and optimized procedure for the isolation and culture of human endometrial stromal cells to conduct in vitro decidualization assay. Further, this study provides a detailed method to efficiently knockdown a specific gene using siRNAs in human endometrial stromal cells.
The identification of physical interactions between genes and regulatory elements is challenging but has been facilitated by chromosome conformation capture methods. This modification to the 4C-seq protocol mitigates PCR bias by minimizing over-amplification of PCR templates and maximizes the mappability of reads by incorporating an addition restriction enzyme digest step.
Here, we present a protocol to implant breast cancer cells into the mammary fat pad in a simple, less invasive, and easy-to-handle way, and this mouse orthotopic breast cancer model with a proper mammary fat pad environment can be used to investigate various aspects of cancer.
This technique describes real time recording of oxygen consumption and extracellular acidification rates in explanted mouse retinal tissues using an extracellular flux analyzer.
Here, we present a protocol to improve the quality of data from home sleep testing by providing a method to enhance instructions through a structured participant visit. This protocol includes the implementation of a step-by-step educational manual with photos to ensure proper placement of equipment.
This protocol demonstrates the ability to utilize reactive inkjet printing to print self-motile biocompatible and environmentally friendly micro-stirrers for use in biomedical and environmental applications.
This protocol describes a simple method for the acquisition of breath samples from children. Briefly, samples of mixed air are pre-concentrated in sorbent tubes prior to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. Breath biomarkers of infectious and non-infectious diseases can be identified using this breath collection method.
When randomized controlled trials are not feasible, a comprehensive health care data source like the Military Health System Data Repository provides an attractive alternative for retrospective analyses. Incorporating mortality data from the national death index and balancing differences between groups using propensity weighting helps reduce biases inherent in retrospective designs.
Presented here is a protocol to isolate various subsets of macrophages and other non-immune cells from human and mouse myocardium by preparing a single cell suspension through enzymatic digestion. Gating schemes for flow cytometry based identification and characterization of isolated macrophages are also presented.
We describe our protocol for measuring biological rhythms in protein catabolism via autophagy and the proteasome in mouse liver.
We present a protocol for immobilizing single macromolecules in microfluidic devices and quantifying changes in their conformations under shear flow. This protocol is useful for characterizing the biomechanical and functional properties of biomolecules such as proteins and DNA in a flow environment.
The overall goal of the protocol is to prepare over one million ordered, uniform, stable, and biocompatible femtoliter droplets on a 1 cm2 planar substrate that can be used for cell-free protein synthesis.
This protocol describes the generation of a long-lived self-renewing monolayer culture system for mouse colonic stem cells that contains all major epithelial cell types. This culture system can be used to study epithelial biology, intestinal wound repair, and host-pathogen interactions.
Obesity is a growing global public health issue. It has been previously associated with lymphatic dysfunction, suggesting a vital crosstalk between the adipose tissue and the lymphatic system. Here, we propose an accessible methodology allowing the distinct labeling of blood and lymphatic vasculatures within the subcutaneous adipose tissue.
A mouse model of uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) transurethral inoculation to establish latent intracellular bladder reservoirs and subsequent bladder exposure to G. vaginalis to induce recurrent UPEC UTI is demonstrated. Also demonstrated are the enumeration of bacteria, urine cytology, and in situ bladder fixation and processing for scanning electron microscopy.
In vivo imaging is a powerful tool for the study of biology in health and disease. This protocol describes transpupillary imaging of the mouse retina with a standard two-photon microscope. It also demonstrates different in vivoimaging methods to fluorescently label multiple cellular cohorts of the retina.
Sleep deprivation is a powerful tool to investigate sleep function and regulation. We describe a protocol to sleep deprive Drosophila using the Sleep Nullifying Apparatus, and to determine the extent of rebound sleep induced by deprivation.
The protocol describes a method for the study of extracellular matrix viscoelasticity and its dependence on protein composition or environmental factors. The matrix system targeted is the mouse zonule. The performance of the method is demonstrated by comparing the viscoelastic behavior of wild-type zonular fibers with those lacking microfibril-associated glycoprotein-1.
Capable of functional recovery after spinal cord injury, adult zebrafish is a premier model system to elucidate innate mechanisms of neural regeneration. Here, we describe swim endurance and swim behavior assays as functional readouts of spinal cord regeneration.
The protocol presents a mouse model of vaginal colonization with anaerobically cultured human vaginal bacteria. We focus on Gardnerella vaginalis, while including suggestions for Prevotella bivia and Fusobacterium nucleatum. This protocol can also be used as a guide for vaginal inoculations and viable recovery of other anaerobically grown bacteria.
Mouse cardiac transplantation models represent valuable research tools for studying transplantation immunology. The present protocol details mouse heterotopic cervical cardiac transplantation that involves the placement of cuffs on the recipient's common carotid artery and the donor's pulmonary artery trunk to allow for laminar blood flow.
A simple and scalable method was developed to assess the functional significance of missense variants in Ube3a, a gene whose loss and gain of function are linked to both Angelman syndrome and autism spectrum disorder.
The protocol here provides a detailed real-time dynamic sampling of extracellular fluid from the hippocampus of awake rats using a microdialysis system.
The present protocol describes a simple and efficient method for the real-time and dynamic collection of rat heart blood using the microdialysis technique.
Here, we test the dissolution of Rhodiola granules (RG) in vitro, draw dissolution curves of salidroside, gallic acid, and ethyl gallate in ultrapure water, and fit the curves to different mathematical models. This protocol provides information and guidance for in vivo bioequivalence and in vivo-in vitro correlation studies of RG.
The protocol presented here shows the synthesis of a strong adhesive hydrogel gelatin o-nitrosobenzaldehyde (gelatin-NB). Gelatin-NB has rapid and efficient tissue adhesion ability, which can form a strong physical barrier to protect wound surfaces, so it is expected to be applied to the field of injury repair biotechnology.
The present protocol describes an efficient method for the real-time and dynamic acquisition of voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channel currents in H9c2 cardiomyocytes using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique.
We report a coregistered ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging protocol for the transvaginal imaging of ovarian/adnexal lesions. The protocol may be valuable to other translational photoacoustic imaging studies, especially those using commercial ultrasound arrays for the detection of photoacoustic signals and standard delay-and-sum beamforming algorithms for imaging.
Here, we describe an immunofluorescence-based method to quantify the levels of single-stranded DNA in cells. This efficient and reproducible method can be utilized to examine replication stress, a common feature in several ovarian cancers. Additionally, this assay is compatible with an automated analysis pipeline, which further increases its efficiency.
We present a protocol for conducting electromyometrial imaging (EMMI), including the following procedures: multiple electromyography electrode sensor recordings from the body surface, magnetic resonance imaging, and uterine electrical signal reconstruction.
Quantitative measurements of oxygen and glucose metabolism by PET are established technologies, but details of practical protocols are sparsely described in the literature. This paper presents a practical protocol successfully implemented on a state-of-the-art positron emission tomography-computed tomography scanner.
An analytical workflow based on liquid chromatography, trapped ion mobility spectrometry, and time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TIMS-ToF MS/MS) for high confidence and highly reproducible "bottom-up" analysis of histone modifications and identification based on principal parameters (retention time [RT], collision cross section [CCS], and accurate mass-to-charge [m/z] ratio).
This protocol describes an in vitro model of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), which can be used for mechanistic studies into disease pathogenesis. It features a microfluidic chip seeded with intestinal enteroids derived from the human neonatal intestine, endothelial cells, and the intestinal microbiome of a neonate with severe NEC.
This protocol provides a step-by-step guide for the procurement of a porcine pancreas for islet isolation and purification.
Here, we describe a comprehensive method for measuring mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in fresh permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers from either human or mouse muscle. This method allows for the real-time quantification of mitochondrial respiration and the assessment of fuel preference and metabolic flexibility while preserving existing mitochondrial networks and membrane integrity.
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