FMRI and physiological monitoring is used to study the effects of Acupuncture on the central and peripheral nervous systems. Acupuncture mobilizes a limbic-paralimbic-neocortical network, with great overlap with the default mode network, to modulate neurological activity, possibly related to its autonomic effect in the peripheral nervous system.
We demonstrate here that epigenetic reprogramming via Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) can be used as a tool to generate mouse models with pre-defined T cell receptor (TCR) specificities. These transnuclear mice express the corresponding TCR from their endogenous locus under the control of the endogenous promoter.
A versatile plasma lithography technique has been developed to generate stable surface patterns for guiding cellular attachment. This technique can be applied to create cell networks including those that mimic natural tissues and has been used for studying several, distinct cell types.
Parametric optomechanical excitations have recently been experimentally demonstrated in microfluidic optomechanical resonators by means of optical radiation pressure and stimulated Brillouin scattering. This paper describes the fabrication of these microfluidic resonators along with methodologies for generating and verifying optomechanical oscillations.
The mechanical properties and microstructure of the extracellular matrix strongly affect 3D migration of cells. An in vitro method to study the spatiotemporal cell migration behavior in biophysically variable environments, at both population and individual cell levels, is described.
A protocol for generation of high-capacity adenoviral vectors lacking all viral coding sequences is presented. Cloning of transgenes contained in the vector genome is based on homing endonucleases. Virus amplification in producer cells grown as adherent cells and in suspension relies on a helper virus providing viral genes in trans.
Here, we present a protocol describing a mold-free fabrication process of the polymeric microneedles by photolithography.
This video article describes experimental procedures to study long-term plasticity and its associative processes such as synaptic tagging, capture and cross-tagging in the CA1 pyramidal neurons using acute hippocampal slices from rodents.
Scaffolds for tissue engineering need to recapitulate the complex biochemical and biophysical microenvironment of the cellular niche. Here, we show the use of interfacial polyelectrolyte complexation fibers as a platform to create composite, multi-component polymeric scaffolds with sustained biochemical release.
Quorum-quenching enzymes are anti-virulent and anti-bacterial options that can mitigate pathogenesis without risk of incurring resistance, by preventing the expression of virulence factors and genes associated with antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation. In this study, we report a method that demonstrates the efficacy of quorum-quenching enzymes in bacterial biofilm disruption.
The forelegs and proboscis of Drosophila contain a rich repertoire of gustatory sensory neurons. Here, we present a method using calcium imaging to measure physiological responses from sensory neurons in the foreleg and proboscis of live flies upon exogenous application of a gustatory pheromone.
We describe a simple and quick experimental procedure for generating primary fibroblasts from the ears and tails of mice. The procedure does not require special animal training and can be used for the generation of fibroblast cultures from ears stored at RT for up to 10 days.
We present a protocol to obtain cell-derived matrices rich in extracellular matrix proteins, using macromolecular crowders (MMC). In addition, we present a protocol which incorporates MMC in 3D organotypic skin co-culture generation, which reduces culture time while maintaining maturity of construct.
Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) replacement strategies and gene-based therapy are considered for several retinal degenerative conditions. For clinical translation, large eye animal models are required to study surgical techniques applicable in patients. Here we present a rabbit model for subretinal surgery geared towards RPE transplantation, which is versatile and cost-efficient.
Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) have the intrinsic ability to differentiate and self-organize into distinct tissue patterns; although this requires the presentation of spatial environmental gradients. We present stencil micropatterning as a simple and robust method to generate biochemical and mechanical gradients for controlling hPSC differentiation patterns.
This protocol describes a rod-based approach, combining 3D-printing and soft lithography techniques for fabricating the soft gripper devices. This approach eliminates the need for an external air source by incorporating a chamber component and reduces the chance of occlusion during the sealing process, particularly for miniaturized pneumatic channels.
Self-assembled polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC) fabricated from heparin and protamine were deposited on alginate beads to entrap and regulate the release of osteogenic growth factors. This delivery strategy enables a 20-fold reduction of BMP-2 dose in spinal fusion applications. This article illustrates the benefits and fabrication of PECs.
We herein report methods on the molecular genetic manipulation of the Yarrowia lipolytica Po1g strain for improved gene deletion efficiency. The resulting engineered Y. lipolytica strains have potential applications in biofuel and biochemical production.
This study demonstrates the surgical preparation of the rat cremaster muscle for the visualization of the in vivo cell-free layer. Considerable factors affecting the accuracy of the cell-free layer width measurement are discussed in this study.
We present a protocol for the application of interferometric PhotoActivated Localization Microscopy (iPALM), a 3-dimensional single-molecule localization super resolution microscopy method, to the imaging of the actin cytoskeleton in adherent mammalian cells. This approach allows light-based visualization of nanoscale structural features that would otherwise remain unresolved by conventional diffraction-limited optical microscopy.
This protocol describes the induction of an ischemia-reperfusion (IR) model on mouse ear skin using magnet clamping. Using a custom-built intravital imaging model, we study in vivo inflammatory responses post-reperfusion. The rationale behind the development of this technique is to extend the understanding of how leukocytes respond to skin IR injury.
Small laboratory fish have become popular models for bone research on the mechanisms underlying human bone disorders and for the screening of bone-modulating drugs. In this report, we describe a protocol to assess the effect of alendronate on bone cells in medaka larvae with osteoporotic lesions.
Single cell sequencing is an increasingly popular and accessible tool for addressing genomic changes at high resolution. We provide a protocol that uses single cell sequencing to identify copy number alterations in single cells.
Live-cell imaging of the labeled blood cells in ocular circulation can provide information about inflammation and ischemia in diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration. A protocol to label blood cells and image the labeled cells in the retinal circulation is described.
The exposed normal ocular surface consists of cornea and conjunctiva. Epithelial cells, goblet cells and immune cells are present in the conjunctiva. Here, a non-invasive, technique of impression cytology is described using an impression cytology device and flow cytometry to analyze immune cells in the conjunctiva.
This report describes a method to induce chronic experimental autoimmune dry eye in Lewis rats through immunization with an emulsion of rat lacrimal gland extract, ovalbumin, and complete Freund's adjuvant, followed by the injection of lacrimal gland extract and ovalbumin into the forniceal subconjunctiva and lacrimal glands six weeks later.
This work describes a nanoimprinting lithography method to fabricate high-quality sensing arrays that work on the principle of extraordinary optical transmission. The biosensor is low-cost, robust, easy to use, and can detect cardiac troponin I in serum at clinically relevant concentrations (99th percentile cutoff ∼10-400 pg/mL, depending on the assay).
A protocol for the fabrication of plastic microfluidic devices with transparent view-ports for visible and infrared light imaging is described.
Analysis of tear film cytokines helps in studying various ocular diseases. Bead based multiplex assays are simple and sensitive and enable the testing of multiple targets in samples with small volumes. Here we describe a protocol for tear film cytokine profiling a using bead based multiplex assay.
The precise localization of Golgi residents is essential for understanding the cellular functions of the Golgi. However, conventional optical microscopy is unable to resolve the sub-Golgi structure. Here we describe the protocol for a conventional microscopy based super-resolution method to quantitatively determine the sub-Golgi localization of a protein.
A protocol detailing how shape-anisotropic colloidal cadmium chalcogenide nanocrystals can be covalently linked via their end facets is presented here.
The retina shares prominent similarities with the brain and thus represents a unique window to study vasculature and neuronal structure in the brain non-invasively. This protocol describes a method to study dementia using retinal imaging techniques. This method can potentially aid in diagnosis and risk assessment of dementia.
Application of amide hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry to map interactions of low affinity fragment and ligands is demonstrated. This protocol describes a method for distinguishing orthosteric binding from allosteric changes accompanying high affinity ligand and low-affinity fragment binding to target protein, Hsp90, and finds important applications in fragment-based drug design.
Here, we present the real-time monitoring of cell migration in a wound-healing assay using TIP60-depleted MCF10A breast epithelial cells. The implementation of live-cell imaging techniques in our protocol allows us to analyze and visualize single-cell movement in real time and across time.
A single-molecule magnetic tweezers platform to manipulate G-quadruplexes is reported, which allows for the study of G4 stability and regulation by various proteins.
A protocol for organic reaction screening using stop-flow micro-tubing (SFMT) reactors employing gaseous reactants and/or visible-light mediated reactions is presented.
A protocol is presented demonstrating a two-step fabrication technique to grow large-sized single-layer rectangular shaped SnSe flakes on low-cost SiO2/Si dielectrics wafers in an atmospheric pressure quartz tube furnace system.
Practicing the specific skills required for fetoscopic laser coagulation of monochorionic placental anastomoses on realistic models can aid less experienced surgeons in overcoming the steep learning curve associated with this procedure that is now regarded as the standard of care for twin-twin transfusion syndrome.
Here, we present a protocol on the use of intraoperative ultrasound in spinal surgery, particularly in cases of intradural lesions and lesions in the ventral spinal canal when using a posterior approach.
Here, we present a protocol to differentiate murine granulocyte-macrophage-colony-stimulating-factor-producing T helper (THGM) cells from naive CD4+ T cells, including isolation of naive CD4+ T cells, differentiation of THGM, and analysis of differentiated THGM cells. This method can be applied to studies of the regulation and function of THGM cells.
Here we describe a protocol for multiplex fluorescent immunohistochemical staining and imaging for the simultaneous localization of multiple cancer-associated antigens in lymphoma. This protocol can be extended to the colocalization analysis of biomarkers within all tissue sections.
This protocol describes a simple method of isolating single, infected-bladder epithelial cells from a murine model of urinary tract infection.
This paper uses a flow-cytometry-based assay to screen libraries of chemical inhibitors for the identification of inhibitors and their targets that influence T-cell receptor signaling. The methods described here can also be expanded for high-throughput screenings.
Lung ultrasound is a noninvasive and valuable tool for bedside evaluation of neonatal lung diseases. However, a relative lack of reference standards, protocols and guidelines may limit its application. Here, we aim to develop a standardized neonatal lung ultrasound diagnostic protocol to be used in clinical decision-making.
This protocol describes the use of single chain MHC class I complexes to investigate molecular interactions in human CD8+ T cell activation: generation of engineered antigen presenting cells expressing single chain constructs, culture of human CD8+ T cell clone and T cell activation experiments.
This study reports blood sampling from tail vein in mice using a vacuum extraction tube system with eyeglass magnifier. Our method is easy to practice and could be used for repeat blood sampling in mice.
We describe a detailed protocol for evaluating the toxicological profiles of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) in particular, the type of cell death in human MRC5 lung fibroblasts and ROS formation in the fruit fly Drosophila.
Galleria mellonella was recently established as a reproducible, cheap, and ethically acceptable infection model for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Here we describe and demonstrate the steps taken to establish successful infection of G. mellonella with bioluminescent Mycobacterium bovis BCG lux.
Here we present a protocol to inject cricket eggs, a technique which serves as a foundational method in many experiments in the cricket, including, but not limited to, RNA interference and genomic manipulation.
Described here is a proximity labeling method for identification of interaction partners of the TIR domain of the NLR immune receptor in Nicotiana benthamiana leaf tissue. Also provided is a detailed protocol for the identification of interactions between other proteins of interest using this technique in Nicotiana and other plant species.
Pneumothorax is a common emergency and critical disease in newborn infants that needs rapid, clear diagnosis and timely treatment. Diagnosis and treatment based on chest X-rays are associated with delayed management and radiation damage. Lung ultrasound (US) provides useful guidance for rapid, accurate diagnosis and the precise thoracentesis of pneumothorax.
We describe detailed protocols for using FLLIT, a fully automated machine learning method for leg claw movement tracking in freely moving Drosophila melanogaster and other insects. These protocols can be used to quantitatively measure subtle walking gait movements in wild type flies, mutant flies and fly models of neurodegeneration.
A three-dimensional uniaxial mechanical stimulation bioreactor system is an ideal bioreactor for tenogenic-specific differentiation of tendon-derived stem cells and neo-tendon formation.
The goals of the protocol are to use this approach to 1) understand the role of the immunosuppressive gastric tumor microenvironment and 2) predict the efficacy of patient response, thus increasing the survival rate of patients.
In vitro maturation (IVM) before gynecological operation (OP-IVM) combines IVM following oocyte retrieval with routine gynecological surgery and serves as an extension of conventional IVM applications for fertility preservation.
This protocol details an investigation of the early interactions between virally infected nasal epithelial cells and innate cell activation. Individual subsets of immune cells can be distinguished based on their activation in response to viral infections. They can then be further investigated to determine their effects on early antiviral responses.
This protocol details the use of a special intravenous catheter, standardized sterile disposable tubing, temperature control complemented by real-time monitoring, and an alarm system for two-step collagenase perfusion procedure to improve the consistency in the viability, yield, and functionality of isolated primary rat hepatocytes.
The non-human primate (NHP) is an ideal model for studying human retinal cellular therapeutics due to the anatomical and genetic similarities. This manuscript describes a method for submacular transplantation of retinal pigment epithelial cells in the NHP eye and strategies to prevent intraoperative complications associated with macular manipulation.
The single-position, prone, lateral approach allows for both lateral lumbar interbody placement and direct posterior decompression with pedicle screw placement in one position.
We present a protocol for the use of fiberoptic confocal laser microendoscopy (CLM) to non-invasively study the spatio-temporal distribution of liposomes in the eye after subconjunctival injection.
Infrapatellar fat pad mesenchymal stem cells (IFP-MSCs) can be isolated easily from the infrapatellar fat pad of the knee joint. They proliferate well in vitro, form CFU-F colonies, and differentiate into adipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic lineages. Herein, the methodology for the isolation, expansion, and differentiation of IFP-MSCs from goat stifle joint is provided.
This paper presents a fabrication protocol for a new type of culture substrate with hundreds of microcontainers per mm2, in which organoids can be cultured and observed using high-resolution microscopy. The cell seeding and immunostaining protocols are also detailed.
This study describes the application of oblique lateral interbody fusion in lumbar spinal surgeries.
We describe a detailed protocol for the preparation of post-cryopreserved hESC-derived photoreceptor progenitor cells and the sub-retinal delivery of these cells in rd10 mice.
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