Guidelines for computer based structural and functional characterization of protein using the I-TASSER pipeline is described. Starting from query protein sequence, 3D models are generated using multiple threading alignments and iterative structural assembly simulations. Functional inferences are thereafter drawn based on matches to proteins with known structure and functions.
A method for the functionalization of carbon nanotubes with structure-tunable polymeric encapsulation layers and structural characterization using small-angle neutron scattering is presented.
This study presents an improved rabbit model infected with Staphylococcus aureus by blocking the same amount of bacteria in bone marrow. Vancomycin loaded calcium sulphate and autogenous bone are used for antibiotic and bone repair treatment. The protocol could be helpful for studying bone infection and regeneration.
A protocol for fabricating injection molding inserts for complex geometry with micro features on surfaces employing Additive Manufacturing (AM) is presented.
This proctocol aims to provide a method for in vitro and in vivo mitochondrial Ca2+ imaging in astrocytes and neurons.
The robotic technique described herein aims to detail a stepwise approach to robot-assisted total mesorectal excision and lateral pelvic lymph node dissection for locally advanced (T3/T4) rectal cancer located below the peritoneal reflection.
Here, we describe the method of generating an artificial decidualization model using the ovariectomized mouse, a classic endometrial decidualization experiment in the research field of endometrial decidualization.
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