To begin, centrifuge the lyophilized oligonucleotide-containing tube at full speed in a benchtop centrifuge for two to five minutes. Resuspend the oligonucleotides in TE buffer to prepare a master stock of 100 micromolar and gently vortex the tube. Dilute an aliquot of master stock with TE buffer to prepare a 10-micromolar stock and prepare the reaction master mix.
After dispensing the mix to the required tubes, anneal the oligonucleotides in a thermocycler at 95 degrees Celsius for five minutes. Let the tube cool to room temperature for 30 minutes to one hour. Then add nucleotide co-factors and other heat-sensitive buffer components to the master mix.
If required, store the mix at 20 degrees Celsius for future use. Combine 22.5 microliters of the substrate master mix with 2.5 microliters of the DNA ligase in a PCR tube. Immediately place the reaction tubes in a PCR machine at 25 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.
To quench the reaction, add five microliters of loading dye and incubate at 95 degrees Celsius for five minutes.