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  • Summary
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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Here we present a protocol to lyse cyanobacteria and green algae single cells that allows for subsequent single-cell whole genome amplification in a microfluidic platform with a 100% success rate.


Single-cell sequencing is becoming popular for analyzing the genome of a single cell within a heterogenous cell population. It often relies on microfluidic tools to perform single cell isolation and nanoscale chemical reactions to lyse the cell and amplify its genome. However, single-cell sequencing has mainly been applied to human cells and certain bacterial species that are easy to lyse. It is still rare to use single-cell sequencing in environmental studies, as many species of vital environmental significance such as cyanobacterial and green algal species have complex and rigid cell wall structures. To extend single-cell sequencing to these hard-to-lyse species, it is essential to develop an effective lysis method compatible with microfluidic tools and amplification chemistry. Here, we present a lysis method proven effective for cyanobacterial and green algal species for subsequent microfluidic-based single-cell whole genome sequencing (SC-WGA). The protocol combines thermal and chemical lysis mechanisms and has achieved >25 ng DNA for 100% of the single cells after on-chip amplification. Nostoc was chosen as a cyanobacterial model for the protocol development. The optimized protocol was directly applied to Gloeocapsa, another cyanobacterial species, and Sphaerocystis, a eukaryotic green alga, without modifications and achieved a 100% success rate.


Single-cell whole genome sequencing (SC-WGS) has been popular for studying the genetic heterogeneity of complex cell communities on a cellular level1,2,3. Generally, SC-WGS requires single-cell isolation, lysis, and amplifying the femtograms to picograms of genomic DNA to generate enough DNA for standard library preparation (>25 ng)4,5. Microfluidics is an ideal tool for SC-WGA, as it handles nanoscale of fluid precisely6,7,8


1. Preparation of desiccated cell species (Nostoc, Gloeocapsa, Sphaerocystis)

  1. Add 300 µL of sample diluent [0.08% poloxamer 407 in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)] to 2 mL tubes that contain desiccated samples of Nostoc, Gloeocapsa, and Sphaerocystis, respectively, to re-suspend the cells.
    NOTE: The desiccated samples can be identified visually in the tube as particles before re-suspension and are aggregated to the bottom of the tube after addition of the sample diluent.
  2. Agitate the cells clusters of Nostoc in the tube with a micro-pestling tool for 10 s.
  3. Repeat ....

Representative Results

The protocol was developed in our optofluidic platform at the Mayo Clinic21. This platform consists of a microscope, optical tweezers, and microfluidic chip that support the serial addition of reagents (Figure 1A-D). Figure 2 illustrates the cell wall structures of the cyanobacterial and green algal species tested using the protocol. Figure 3 shows the overall.......


During the process of single cell isolation in a microfluidic device using laser tweezers, it is essential to ensure that no undesired cells are in the cell isolation chambers prior to adding lysis buffers. Undesired cells should be moved out of the chamber to minimize contaminating DNA caused by these cells. Earlier studies have shown that lasers with wavelength between 1250 nm and 1550 nm with 100 mW power can increase the temperature and rupture the cell membrane44. However, other evidence has .......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This research was funded by the following sources: Marina Walther-Antonio and Yuguang Liu acknowledge The Ivan Bowen Family Foundation and CTSA Grant Number KL2 TR002379 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH. Dirk Schulze-Makuch and Jean-Pierre de Vera acknowledge support from ERC Advanced Grant "HOME" (#339231). In addition, Jean-Pierre de Vera acknowledges support from ESA for the BIOMEX project (ESA-ILSRA 2009-0834) and DLR for the DLR-FuW-Project BIOMEX (2474128). Charles S. Cockell was supported by the Sc....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
EDTAThermo Fisher15575020pH 8.0
MATLABmicrofluidic user interface
Nuclease-free waterThermo FisherAM9938
Optical TweezersThorlabsOTM 211
PBSThermo Fisher10010023pH 7.4
PDMSDow CoringSylgard 184
Pluronic F-127Sigma Aldrich9003116
Single cell WGA kitQiagen150343Include D2 buffer and neutralization buffer
Tween 20Sigma Aldrich9005-64-5


  1. Stepanauskas, R. Single cell genomics: an individual look at microbes. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 15 (5), 613-620 (2012).
  2. Gawad, C., Koh, W., Quake, S. R. Single-cell genome sequencing: current state of the science.

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