The response to Intervention Model, integrates assessment and intervention within a multilevel prevention system, in order to identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes and maximize their achievement. The RTL model uses screening and progress monitoring tools to make database decisions and adjust the intervention to the student's needs. The most common universal screening used in the RTL model has been the Curriculum Based Measurement.
Also known as CBM. CBM allows assessing student performances several times through the school year and can be easily administered by teachers. CBMs must be standardized, congruent with the local curriculum, brief, valid and reliable.
Three curriculum based measures have been included in this study, Indicators of Basic Early Reading Skills, IPAL. Indicators of Basic Early Math Skills, IPAM and Indicators of Basic Early Writing Skills, IPAE. Those three CBMs have been designed based on the first evidence, being the tasks included in each of them proved to be effective for detecting students at risk for later failure or learning disabilities.
These measures can be used through different rates. The IPAL, can be used from kindergarten to second grade, the IPAM, from kindergarten to third grade, and the IPAE, from the first grade to the third grade. Furthermore, only IPAL and IPAM for kindergarten are administered individually.
While IPAM for primary education and IPAE, are administered in a group. To note a student's risk status, the direct cause of every task of that APAL, APAM or IPAE must be introduced on the RTL website. The information allows the identifications of students'risk status using red, to identify at risk students, yellow, for low performance, blue, for average performance and green for optimal performance.
Furthermore, this website creates graphs that allow students'general progress to be monitored for each specific skill throughout the school year. Next, we are going to see some examples of how to administer some of the tasks of IPAL, IPAE and IPAM respectively, To administer this protocol properly, it is important to follow the same structure that is going to be shown in the following examples. We are going to do some reading activities and this activity, there are many mixed letters.
Your task will be to tell me the name of each letter, okay? You have to name them from right to left, starting here, and then go down to the next line. This way until I tell you to stop, okay?
You should do it as fast as you can while trying to not to make many mistakes. Let's do an example, tell me the name of this letter and what is the name of this one? Well done.
Do you understand? Put your finger under the first letter and start, when I say start, okay.Start. Now here is what we are going to do, I'm going to tell you a word and you told me all the sounds the word has.
Let's do an example. If I tell you soku'the sounds in soku'are, s-o-k-u. What are the sounds of soku'S-o-k-u.
Next, good. Continue with the next one. The next one is, mupa'tell me the sounds in mupa'Remember to tell me the sound, not the name of the letter.
The sounds, what are the sounds? M-u-p-a.Very good, let's do another example. The next word is, osu'O-s-u.
Very good. Do you understand what needs to be done? Okay, now we'll tell you a series of words and you'll tell me the sounds of each one as fast as you can while trying not to make mistakes, okay?
Let's start with the first one, fasa'F-a-s-a. Here, we have a series of invented words, okay? Your task will be to read them as fast as you can, while trying not to make mistakes.
Let's begin with an example, can you read this one? All right, do understand what you should do? Well, look at this first one, you have to start here, but wait, you have to listen to my signal to start, you start here.
You continue this way and then the next line, this way until I tell you to stop. Remember, do it as fast as you can, while trying not to make mistakes, okay? Put your finger under the word and wait for my signal.
Now we are going to do this to read some sentences that are missing a word, okay? It's like a riddle. Your task will be to read the sentence and tell me which word completes it, okay?
Let's read the first sentence here. Keep reading. Okay, which one would be right?
All right, do you understand what to do? You can read it aloud or you can point it with your finger, okay? You'll have to do it fast as you can, while trying not to make mistakes.
When you finish the page, continue with the next one until I tell you to stop. Do you understand what to do? Okay, wait for me to give you the signal.Ready?
Start.Which one is it? Go on. All right, we've come to the last activity, we are going to be reading a story.
Your task will be to read it as fast as you can, while not trying to make mistakes. Start there and continue until I tell you to stop, okay? Put your finger under the word and we'll get started.
In this task you can see many uppercase letters, what we have to do is write the lowered case letter. What is the lowered case of the letter, D? Try to write it here, inside the little dots.
Let's make the first example. Next we have the letter O, we will try to make the letter O inside the little dots. We will be doing the letters following the rules.
Try to do it as quickly as you can, but without making mistakes. When I say mark, you make a mark just below the letter you are writing and then continue writing. When I say pencils above, we lift the pencil and stop writing.
Are you ready? Let's start. Now, I am going to dictate a series of invented words, words that do not exist.
The first example will be written here between these two lines. The first example is bamboo'the second example is betinakhn'Now I'm going to dictate 20 words to you and you have to write them on these lines. Now I can't tell you anything or help you, you have to write the word as you know best.
I will dictate each word twice and you write it, and then we move onto the next one. The first word we are going to write is don von'We will make dictation of sentences, we have to write here between these two lines. The examples sentence that I'm going to dictate now, the phrase is, the house is big'I'm going to start dictating some sentences, I'm going to go slowly.
Every phrase I'm going to repeat twice and you are writing it. The first sentence begins like this, the witch asked the wolf for help to create a bomb bell'the witch asked the wolf to help to create a bomb bell'The first task we will do here is quantity discrimination. What we have to do is choose which one of those two numbers is the largest.
In this first square, we have a number four and number one. The number four has been circled because it's large. Do you agree?
Very good. Before turning the page and beginning with the first line of items, we need to know two things. When I say start, I can begin to write, when I say stop, you must stop writing.
You have to complete the task following this order. If you reach the end of the page, you must turn it and continue. If you do not know how to solve a task, leave it blank and continue with the next one, work quickly and quietly, and try to do your best.
If you make a mistake you can cross it out and continue, start. In this task, we are going to complete numerical sequences. In the first square, we can see the first sequence.
As you can see, we have two numbers and a missing number. We have the numbers, one and two. So which one should be the next?
Let's count, one, two and three. Here we have to complete each sequence, following the order of the rows. First row, second row and third row.
If you reach the end of the page, you must turn the page and continue. Are you ready? Start.This task is named Single Digit Computation.
We have to solve addition and subtraction problems with single digit numbers. The first examples, four plus one, how much is it? Five.Now we are going to solve additions and subtractions like the ones we did in the example.
When I say, start, you start. Work quickly and quietly, and try to do your best. Are you ready?
Start.In this task we have some squares, we have to guess which number is being represented. Each square is a unit, therefore, if we have five squares, which number is it representing? The number five, right?
This is because there are five squares. Here we have a column, each column has 10 squares. Every column will always have 10 squares.
Which number is being represented here? The number 10. Now we are going to see a lot of drawings like this.
We have to guess which number is being represented. One, two, start. The Web RTL Data System, webrtl.ull.
es from the Universidad de La Lagunato, enables schools to enter and monitor student scores, from IPAL, IPAE and IPAM. Teachers are commonly expected to collect, score and use much of the associated student performance data. Charts and graphs are an excellent progress monitoring tool and can help identify trends in a child's educational and behavioral progress, before and after interventions.
This graph shows IPAL screening for each skill corresponding to the beginning, middle, end of the school year. This is an example of students'letter sound knowledge, progress monitoring data, chartered in the line graph. To sum up, we concluded that in the Spanish language, there is a lack of standardized tools for both conducting universal screening and monitoring students'progress and intervention effectiveness.
This study points out the validity, reliability of the Spanish IPAL, IPAE and IPAM CBMs, for kindergarten and elementary grades, when used as universal screening tools in the fall, winter and spring. The obtained data, allow comparison of students'learning, rating, reading, writing, maths, and knowledge of whether or not students are reaching a learning curve, similar to the normative population. This information is used to determine the degree of deviation of a student, and therefore the risks that status.
Furthermore, teachers will be able to use the information through the CBMs, to determine the most appropriate intervention strategies based on the needs of an individual child.