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Described here is a protocol for renal denervation that is used to define the role of renal nerve-derived signaling in persistent renal tubular injury, inflammation, and fibrogenesis. It is focused on sympathetic nerve-mediated signaling.


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is affecting increased numbers of people across the world, and there remains no effective treatment strategy. Sympathetic nerve activation has been recognized as an important factor in the development and progression of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and CKD. Catheter-guided renal denervation is useful to control blood pressure (BP) in patients with resistant hypertension and CKD. Sympathetic nerve-derived norepinephrine (NE) has been implicated in tissue homeostasis and the progression of various diseases, including CKD. The molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways triggered by sympathetic nerve activation, which drive renal inflammation and fibrogenesis in CKD progression, remain undefined. Presented here is the detailed methodology for renal denervation (RDNx) in experimental models of CKD. The results show that this method effectively ablates the renal nerve, as evidenced by the loss of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity and levels of kidney NE. This results in the suppression of renal tubular injury, inflammation, and fibrogenesis in CKD models. Competence of surgeons performing surgical procedures to denervate the kidney is a requirement to achieve consistent results. RDNx can be utilized to study the roles of renal nerve, nerve-derived neurotransmitters, and factors, as well as unveil their downstream signaling pathways. Defining the molecular mechanisms and underlying functions will lead to the design of novel therapeutic interventions for CKD, regardless of its etiology (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular complications).


CKD, characterized by tubular injury, persistent renal inflammation, and fibrosis, ultimately leads to end stage kidney disease (ESKD)1,2,3. Sympathetic nervous system governs both normal and pathological functions of diverse organ systems, including those in the kidney4. One type of catecholamine, norepinephrine (NE or noradrenaline), originates from sympathetic neurons and is an effector of the sympathetic nervous system5. In both patients and experimental models, increased sympathetic nerve activity and tissue levels of NE ar....


Mice were cared for prior to and during the experiment in accordance with the policies of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. All portions of the protocol received prior approval from the UNMC-IACUC.

1. Renal denervation

  1. Use male (129S1/SvImJ) mice (8–10 weeks old) from the Jackson Laboratories.
  2. Anesthetize mice using a cocktail containing ketamine (200 mg/kg body weight) and xylazine (16 mg/kg body weight), injected intraperitonea....

Representative Results

Removal of renal nerve by renal denervation surgery
Renal denervation (RDNx) was carried out 2 days prior to IRI or UUO to define whether renal nerve contributes to the initiation and development of kidney fibrosis and inflammation. Mice were subjected to either 1) 30 min IRI followed by reperfusion for 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 days or 2) UUO for 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, or 12 h; 1, 2, 3 or 10 days.

To confirm whether RDNx was successfully applied, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive symp.......


This protocol describes the detailed methods for renal nerve ablation in a mouse model.  Further, the pivotal role of the renal nerve in triggering inflammatory and fibrotic responses to injury in CKD models is demonstrated. Complete separation of renal artery from connective tissue and veins is a critical step for successful RDNx that allows full exposure of renal nerves and complete nerve ablation. Since there is an overlap of the renal artery over the vein, the portion overlapped is not well-exposed to the alcoho.......


The authors declare no competing financial interests.


This study is supported by NIH grants DK-116987, DK-120533 and American Heart Association (A.H.A.) Grant in Aid 15GRNT25080031 (B.J.P.), AHA postdoctoral fellowship Grant 15POST25130003 (H.S.J.), and grants (NRF-2016R1C1B2012080 and NRF-2019R1F1A1041410) from the National Research Foundation of Korea (J.K.).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
129S1/SvlmJJax LabStock #000090
0.1% SDSBioRad1610416
0.5% acetic acid (glacial)Fisher ChemicalBP1185Sirius Red Stain
1mM EDTASigmaE6758
1.3% Picric acidSigmaP6744Sirius Red Stain
10 mM sodium citrate, pH6.0SigmaC9999
3% BSASigmaA7906
3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB)Vector LabSK-4100
4% ParaformaldehydeElectron Microscopy Sciences15710-S
4mM Sodium metabisulfiteSigmaS9000
5% skim milkBioRad1706404
5-0 SilkOasisMV-682-VUreteral obstruction
70% Isopropyl alcoholFisher ChemicalA459
95% EthanolDecon Labs2701Removal of renal nerve
Anti-α-SMA antibodySigmaA5228
Anti-β-actin antibodySigmaA-5316
Anti-F4/80 antibodyProteintech18705-1-AP
Anti-Fibronectin antibodyCedarlaneCL5495AP
Anti-ICAM-1 antibodySanta CruzSC-1511-R
Anti-IL-1β antibodyAbcamab9722
Anti-IL6 antibodyAbcamab83339
Anti-Phospho-Smad3 antibodyAbcamab51451
Anti-PMN antibodyAccurateAIAD51140
Anti-TGF-β antibodySanta CruzSC-7892
Anti-TLR4 antibodyIMGENEXIMG-579A
Anti-TNF-α antibodyAbcamab9739
Anti-Tyrosine Hydroxylase antibodyAbcamab112
Bouin’s FixativePolysciences16045-1
Coplin JarGrainger3WEF1
Cotton tipMidlineMDS202055
Creatinine Assay KitBioAssay SystemsDICT-500
DC Temperature ControllerFHC40-90-8D
Direct Red 80Sigma365548Sirius Red Stain
Filter paperWhatman3030917Removal of renal nerve
FITC-conjugated sinistrinMediBeaconN/AGFR analysis
Heparinized capillary tubeFisher Scientific22-260-950
Heparinized tubeTerumo Medical Corp.Capiject
HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit antibodyVector LabPI-1000
Insulin syringeBecton Dickinson305500
KetaminePar PharmaceuticalKetalarAnesthetic agent
Lab Works analysis softwareUltra-Violet ProductsN/AAnalysis of Western blot band density
Light microscopeLeicaLeica DMR
Metabolic cageTecniplast3600M021GFR analysis
Microaneurysm clampRobozRS-5422Ischemia/reperfusion
Microdissecting forcepRobozRS-5069
Microplate readerTecanInfinite 200 PRO
Mounting mediumFisher ScientificSP15-100
Noepinephrine ELISA kitALPCO Diagnostics17-NORHU-E01.1
PAGE gel of Any KDBioRad456-9034
Phosphatase inhibitorSigmaP5726
Povidon-Iodine Prep PadProfessional Disposables InternationalC12400
Protein lysis bufferThermo Scientific78510
PVDF membraneBioRad162-0176
Scalpel HandleRobozRS-9843
Surgical bladeBard-Parker371110
Surgical microscopeNikonSMZ-745
SuperblockThermo Scientific37535
Transcutaneous Measurement SystemMediBeaconN/AGFR analysis
Tris-Glycine bufferBioRad1610771
Tris-Glycine-SDS bufferBioRad1610744
TUNEL assay kitRoche11684795910
Western Lightning Chemiluminescence Substrate solutionPerkinElmerNEL10400
XylazineAkorn Animal health139-236Anesthetic agent


  1. Grams, M. E., et al. Predicting timing of clinical outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease and severely decreased glomerular filtration rate. Kidney International. 93 (6), 1442-1451 (2018).
  2. Coca, S. G., Singanamala, S., Parikh, C. R.

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denervationnorepinephrineadrenergic receptorischemia reperfusionureteral obstructioninflammationfibrosischronic kidney disease

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