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  • Summary
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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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This protocol describes the development of a one-pot strategy for the fabrication and impregnation of starch aerogels. Some modifications were made within the traditional fabrication process, which allowed the integration of the three critical steps (gelatinization, retrogradation, and drying) of aerogel fabrication into a single step.


The goal of this work was to develop a one-pot strategy for the fabrication and impregnation of starch aerogels with green coffee oil (GCO) in supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2). For that purpose, different modifications were made to the production process to improve the integration of the three essential steps of aerogel fabrication. A strategy based on supercritical extraction (SCE) was proposed to address the conventional drying process, as well as the utilization of CO2 during the aerogel fabrication steps. The development of a novel drying approach was the most challenging task of this work as it should be performed without any solvent-exchange step. The results show that aerogels with high surface area (95 m2.g-1) could be produced using a continuous flow of CO2/ethanol (20 MPa, 40 °C, 2 mL.min-1 CO2 with 11% v/v ethanol). The next step comprised the formation of aerogels in the presence of CO2. The optimal surface area was 185 m2.g-1. Finally, the integration of all the above steps was achieved, and gelatinization, retrogradation, and drying happened sequentially in the same vessel under CO2 atmosphere. This one-pot fabrication was followed by the impregnation with GCO using a high-pressure injection step. An impregnation efficiency of 24% was obtained with this one-pot strategy confirming that a fully integrated process for the fabrication and impregnation of starch aerogels could be attained.


The fabrication of starch aerogels is often described in three major steps: formation of hydrogels, formation of alcohol gel through solvent exchange step, and drying1,2. The formation of hydrogel involves two steps: gelatinization followed by retrogradation. The gelatinization promotes irreversible physical changes3,4,5 in the structure of starch and results from the swelling and denaturation of starch granules. Retrogradation promotes the restructuring of free amylose, leading to the formation of a three-dimensional....


1. Development of a supercritical drying method by using a mixture of supercritical carbon dioxide and ethanol

  1. Prepare a hydrogel in the traditional way by heating 10 mL of a 15% w/v starch solution in water in a beaker at 120 °C for 20 min with magnetic stirring (600 rpm), as described previously1,2,22, to promote starch gelatinization.
  2. For the retrogradation step, transfer 2 mL of this solution to a cylindrical tube, and incubate at 4 °C for 48 h.
  3. For the supercritical drying step, place the retrograded hydrogel in a 20 mL high-pres....

Representative Results

Traditionally, the process used to transform hydrogels into aerogels involves two major steps: solvent exchange and SCE. The first goal of this protocol was to integrate both steps into a continuous flow process. To that end, the impact of pressure and co-solvent (ethanol) composition on the surface area of the materials was examined. Surface area is an excellent indicator of the quality of the aerogel and allows a direct comparison with literature.

Initial studies demonstrated that the extrac.......


One of the critical steps of this protocol is the gradual removal of water in the supercritical drying step. To obtain materials with a good surface area, the flow should be maintained between 2 and 3 mL.min-1, otherwise an extensive pore-collapsed material will be obtained. Thus, judicious control of the extraction conditions is essential to obtain materials with the desirable properties for impregnation. Moreover, the size of the hydrogel is also a critical point. Large hydrogels could be difficult to dry an.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We acknowledge financial support from FAPESP through the project 2015/14905-0 and to FAPESP and SHELL Brazil through the 'Research Centre for Gas Innovation - RCGI' (FAPESP Proc. 2014/50279-4), hosted by the University of Sao Paulo, and the support given by ANP (Brazil's National Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency) through the R&D levy regulation as well as The Research Center for Gas Innovation (RCGI). Maria Villegas acknowledges CAPES for her Msc grant and RCGI for her technical research position.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
6-Way high pressure valveRheodyne
Field Emission Scanning Electron MicroscopyJOELJSM-7401 F
High pressure cell 10 mLCitua (Campinas, Brazil)Custom madeSet Up construction done by Citua (Campinas, Brazil)
High pressure cell 20 mLCitua (Campinas, Brazil)Custom madeSet Up construction done by Citua (Campinas, Brazil)
High pressure p-series PumpThar  TechnologiesModel Thar SFC, P-50A
HPLC-type pumpShimadzuModel LC-10AD Vp
Polypropylene molds (eppendorf)Eppendorf, BrazilSafe-Lock Tube 2.0 mL
Surface Area AnalyzerQuantachrome InstrumentsModel Nova 1220
X-Ray Diffraction  InstrumentRigakuModel MiniflexPowder X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Instrument
Ethanol anhydrous, ≥99.5%Sigma-Aldrich, BrazilCAS # 64-17-5
Liquid carbon dioxide, 99.98%Oxilumen, BrazilCAS # 124-38-9
Native potato starchVetec, BrazilCAS # 9005-25-8


  1. Mehling, T., Smirnova, I., Guenther, U., Neubert, R. H. H. Polysaccharide-based aerogels as drug carriers. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 355 (50-51), 2472-2479 (2009).
  2. García-González, C. A., Camino-Rey, M. C., Alnaief, M., Zetzl, C., Smirnova, I.

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Aerogelstarchone potcarbon dioxide CO2impregnationsupercritical drying

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