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  • Protocol
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We have developed a reliable method of selective plasma membrane permeabilization of primary mouse cortical neurons for high content automated analysis of neuronal nucleocytoplasmic transport.


Disruption of nucleocytoplasmic transport is increasingly implicated in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, there is a growing recognition of cell-specific differences in nuclear pore complex structure, prompting a need to adapt nuclear transport methods for use in neurons. Permeabilized cell assays, in which the plasma membrane is selectively perforated by digitonin, are widely used to study passive and active nuclear transport in immortalized cell lines but have not been applied to neuronal cultures. In our initial attempts, we observed the rapid loss of nuclear membrane integrity in primary mouse cortical neurons exposed to even low concentrations of digitonin. We hypothesized that neuronal nuclear membranes may be uniquely vulnerable to the loss of cytoplasmic support. After testing multiple approaches to improve nuclear stability, we observed optimal nuclear integrity following hypotonic lysis in the presence of a concentrated bovine serum albumin cushion. Neuronal nuclei prepared by this approach reliably import recombinant fluorescent cargo in an energy-dependent manner, facilitating analysis of nuclear import by high content microscopy with automated analysis. We anticipate that this method will be broadly applicable to studies of passive and active nuclear transport in primary neurons.


Disruption of nucleocytoplasmic transport, the regulated trafficking of proteins and RNA between the nucleus and cytoplasm, is increasingly implicated in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases (recently reviewed1). We and others have reported structural and functional disruption of the nucleocytoplasmic transport apparatus in postmortem tissue and animal models of C9orf72 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), Alzheimer’s disease, and Huntington's disease2,3,4,5


First, the protocol describes the generation of primary neuronal cultures (step 1) and preparation of materials for the transport assay (step 2), followed by the transport assay itself (steps 3-4) and image acquisition and analysis (step 5). All methods described here were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) of Johns Hopkins University.

1. Primary mouse cortical neuron cultures

  1. Prepare the stock solutions.
    1. Dissection buffer: Combine 50 mL of 10x HBSS, 15 mL of 1 M glucose (in dH2O), 5 mL of 1 M HEPES, 5 mL of 100 mM sodium pyruvate, and 5 mL of 100x penicillin-streptomycin. Bring volume to....

Representative Results

Selective permeabilization of the plasma membrane (Figure 1A) is the most critical step in the protocol and must be verified prior to proceeding with the analysis of nuclear import. Due to variations between each culture preparation, an initial titration plate is routinely run to identify the optimal, batch-specific concentrations of hypotonic Tris-HCl buffer and BSA cushion, as described in step 3. Under- and over-permeabilized cells are readily identified by confocal microscopy (


The protocol detailed above provides a reliable and reproducible method for selectively permeabilizing the plasma membrane of primary mouse cortical neurons for nuclear import analysis. Here, an application of the method for nuclear import analysis of a direct importin β cargo (Rango) is shown, but this same approach can be used to analyze the passive and active import of a wide range of fluorescent cargoes. Permeabilization enables precise manipulation of the transport reaction in ways that are not feasible in inta.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by NINDS K08NS104273 (to L.R.H.).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1 M HEPESGibco15630-080
10x HBSSGibco14185-052
32% paraformaldehydeElectron Microscopy Sciences15714-S
96-well optical glass platesCellVisP96-1.5H-N
ATP lithium saltMillipore Sigma11140965001
Bio-Rad Protein Assay Kit IIBio-Rad5000002
BL21(DE3) E. coliNEBC2527H
Bovine serum albumin fraction V, heat shock, fatty acid freeSigma-Aldrich3117057001
Chromatography columnsBio-Rad7311550
Creatine kinaseMillipore Sigma10127566001
Creatine phosphateMillipore Sigma10621722001
Dextran, Texas Red, 70,000 MWThermo FisherD1864
DNase ISigma-AldrichDN25
E15-16 timed pregnant C57BL/6J female miceJackson Laboratory000664
Fetal bovine serumHycloneSH30070.03
GlycerolThermo Fisher15514011
GTP lithium saltMillipore Sigma11140957001
HALT protease inhibitor (100x)Thermo Fisher78439
HEK293T cellsATCCCRL-3216
HIS-Select HF Nickel affinity gelSigma-AldrichHO537
Hoechst 33342Thermo FisherH1399
ImageExpress Micro Confocal High-content Imaging SystemMolecular DevicesN/AUsed for time-lapse imaging
LB brothGrainger31FZ62
LSM800 confocal microscopeZeissN/AUsed for dextran imaging
MetaXpress High Content Image Analysis SoftwareMolecular DevicesN/A
Neurobasal mediumGibco21103
Protease inhibitor cocktailMillipore Sigma11873580001
Rango Plasmid (pRSET Rango2/a1 + linkers)N/AN/ApK44, containing N-terminal 6-His tag
SOC (super optimal broth with catabolite repression) mediaQuality Biological340-031-671
Sodium pyruvateGibco11360-070
Spin-X UF concentrators (30K MWCO)CorningCLS431484
Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%)Gibco25300054


  1. Hutten, S., Dormann, D. Nucleocytoplasmic transport defects in neurodegeneration - Cause or consequence. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. 5, 151-162 (2019).
  2. Zhang, K., et al. The C9orf72 repeat expa....

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Nuclear TransportPermeabilized CellsMouse Cortical NeuronsDigitoninNuclear Membrane IntegrityHypotonic LysisBovine Serum AlbuminNuclear ImportFluorescent CargoHigh Content Microscopy

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