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  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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This protocol describes the enrichment of astrocyte-derived extracellular vesicles (ADEVs) from human plasma. It is based on the separation of EVs by polymer precipitation, followed by ACSA-1 based immunocapture of ADEVs. Analysis of ADEVs may offer clues to study changes in inflammatory pathways of living patients, non-invasively by liquid biopsy.


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are biological nanoparticles secreted by all cells for cellular communication and waste elimination. They participate in a vast range of functions by acting on and transferring their cargos to other cells in physiological and pathological conditions. Given their presence in biofluids, EVs represent an excellent resource for studying disease processes and can be considered a liquid biopsy for biomarker discovery. An attractive aspect of EV analysis is that they can be selected based on markers of their cell of origin, thus reflecting the environment of a specific tissue in their cargo. However, one of the major handicaps related to EV isolation methods is the lack of methodological consensuses and standardized protocols. Astrocytes are glial cells with essential roles in the brain. In neurodegenerative diseases, astrocyte reactivity may lead to altered EV cargo and aberrant cellular communication, facilitating/enhancing disease progression. Thus, analysis of astrocyte EVs may lead to the discovery of biomarkers and potential disease targets. This protocol describes a 2-step method of enrichment of astrocyte-derived EVs (ADEVs) from human plasma. First, EVs are enriched from defibrinated plasma via polymer-based precipitation. This is followed by enrichment of ADEVs through ACSA-1-based immunocapture with magnetic micro-beads, where resuspended EVs are loaded onto a column placed in a magnetic field. Magnetically labeled ACSA-1+ EVs are retained within the column, while other EVs flow through. Once the column is removed from the magnet, ADEVs are eluted and are ready for storage and analysis. To validate the enrichment of astrocyte markers, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), or other specific astrocytic markers of intracellular origin, can be measured in the eluate and compared with the flow-through. This protocol proposes an easy, time-efficient method to enrich ADEVs from plasma that can be used as a platform to examine astrocyte-relevant markers.


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a heterogeneous group of membranous nanoparticles secreted by all types of cells, carrying proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids1. Microvesicles (100-1000 nm), exosomes (30-100 nm), and apoptotic bodies (1000-5000 nm) constitute the main EV types, as distinguished by their site of origin2,3. EVs regulate important physiological processes, such as antigen presentation and immune responses4, receptor recycling, metabolite elimination5, and cellular communication6. The regulation of these....


The research described in this protocol has been conducted with human plasma samples from healthy adult donors of both sexes (age range 65.9-81.3 years, 45.5% females), from the Sant Pau Initiative on Neurodegeneration (SPIN) cohort, Barcelona, Spain36. Participants gave informed consent. The study has been conducted following the international ethical guidelines for medical research contained in the declaration of Helsinki and the Spanish law. The Sant Pau Research Ethics Committee (CEIC) reviewed and approved the protocol for the collection and storage of human plasma samples from the SPIN cohort (#16/2013).


Representative Results

The isolation of ADEVs from plasma collected from healthy donors was successfully accomplished. A polymer-based precipitation method was employed to obtain the total EV fraction, followed by an immunocapture with magnetic microbeads to obtain ADEVs.

Western blot analysis of the total EV fraction prior to the immuno-capture step indicated the lack of calnexin (cellular contamination marker) and the presence of Alix and the transmembrane protein CD9 in the EV preparations (F.......


EVs have gained strong interest in biomedical research due to their diagnostic and therapeutic potential. Currently, one of the major handicaps related to EV isolation methods is the lack of methodological consensus and standardized protocols. This study provides a detailed protocol for the enrichment of astrocyte EVs from human plasma via polymer-based precipitation and GLAST immunocapture.

Different methodologies exist for the isolation of EVs from body fluids, each with their own a.......


Dr. Belbin reported receiving personal fees from ADx NeuroSciences outside the submitted work. Dr. Alcolea reported receiving personal fees for advisory board services and/or speaker honoraria from Fujirebio-Europe, Roche, Nurtricia, Krka Farmacéutica, Zambon S.A.U., and Esteve outside the submitted work. Dr. Lleó has served as a consultant or at advisory boards for Fujirebio-Europe, Roche, Biogen, Grifols, and Nutricia outside the submitted work. Dr. Fortea reported receiving personal fees for service on the advisory boards, adjudication committees, or speaker honoraria from AC Immune, Novartis, Lundbeck, Roche, Fujirebio, and Biogen outside the submitted work. Drs. Alcolea, Belbin, LLeó, and Fortea report holding a patent for markers of synaptopathy in neurodegenerative disease (licenced to ADx, EPI8382175.0). No other disclosures were reported. All other authors have nothing else to disclose.


The authors would like to acknowledge the help of Soraya Torres, Shaimaa El Bounasri El Bennadi, and Oriol Sanchez Lopez for sample handling and preparation. We would also like to acknowledge the collaboration of José Amable Bernabé, from the ICTS "NANBIOSIS", unit 6 (Unit of CIBER in Bioingineering, Biomaterials & Nanomedicine) of the Barcelona Materials Science Institute, Marti de Cabo Jaume from the Electron Microscopy Unit at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Dr. Marta Soler Castany and Lia Ros Blanco from the Flow Cytometry Platform at Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute (IIB-Sant Pau), as well as Dr. Joan Carles Escolà-Gil from the....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Anti-Alix primary antibody for Western blottingEMD MilliporeABC40
µMACS SeparatorMiltenyi Biotec130-042-602The µMACS Separator is used in combination with µ Columns and MACS MicroBeads.
Anti-calnexin primary antibody for Western blottingGenetexGTX109669
Anti-CD9 primary antibody for Western blottingCell Signaling13174
Blocker BSA (10%) 200 mLThermo Fisher37525
Bransonic 1510E-MT Ultrasonic bathBranson
COBAS 6000 autoanalyzerRoche DiagnosticsAnalyzer for immunoturbidimetric determination of ApoB; commercial autoanalyzer
cOmplete Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (EDTA-free)Roche11873580001
Digital Micrograph 1.8 micrograph software
Dulbecco's PBS Mg++, Ca++ free 500 mLThermo Fisher14190144
EveryBlot Blocking BufferBioRad12010020
Exoquick (exosome precipitation solution 5 mL) + Thrombin System BioscienceEXOQ5TM-1ExoQuick 20 mL can also be purchased (EXOQ20A-1)
Gatan 895 USC 4000 camera
GeneGnome XRQ chemiluminiscence imaging systemSyngene
Human CD81 antigen (CD81) ELISA kitCusabioCSB-EL004960HU
Human Programmed cell death 6-interacting protein (PDCD6IP) ELISA kitCusabioCSB-EL017673HU
Immun-Blot PVDF MembraneBioRad1620177
JEOL 2011 transmission electron microscope JEOL LTDEquipped with a CCD Gatan 895 USC 4000 camera (Gatan 626, Gatan, Pleasanton, USA)
Lavender EDTA BD Vacutainer K2E tubesBecton dickinson367525
Leica EM GP Leica Microsystemcommercial plunge freezer
Low binding microtubes 1,5 mLDeltalab4092.3NS
MACS µ Columns with plungers Miltenyi Biotec130-110-905µ Columns with plungers are especially designed for isolation of exosomes from body fluids
MACS MultistandMiltenyi Biotec130-042-303
MAGPIX plate readerLuminex Corporation80-073Luminex's xMAP multiplexing unit (Luminex xPonent v 4.3 software)
MicroBead Kit100 μL Anti-GLAST (ACSA-1)-Biotin, human, mouse, rat – small size; 100 μL Anti-Biotin MicroBeadsMiltenyi Biotec130-095- 825
MILLIPLEX MAP Kit Human cytokine/Chemokine/Growth Factor Panel A magnetic bead panelEMD MilliporeHCYTA-60K-25
M-PER Mammalian Protein Extraction Reagent 25 mLThermo Fisher78503For certain applications like Western blot, more aggressive lysis buffers can be used (e.g. RIPA)
MultiSkan SkyHigh Microplate SpectrophotometerThermofisherA51119500C
NanoSight NS300Malvern PanalyticalNTA; 3.4 version
Pierce Halt Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor CocktailThermo Fisher78441
Polypropylene syringe (G29)PeroxFarma1mL syringe; 0.33x12mm-G29x1/2"
Secondary anti-rabbit antibodyThermo Fisher10794347
Simoa GFAP Discovery KitQuanterix102336
Simoa, SR-X instrumentQuanterixSR-X Ultra-Sensitive Biomarker Detection System; commercial biomarker detection technology
Specific Protein Test Apolipoprotein B - APOB (100 det) COBAS C/CIRoche Diagnostics3032574122
SuperSignal West FemtoThermo Fisher34095Ultra-sensitive enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) HRP substrate 
Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer SystemBioRad1704150


  1. Pathan, M., et al. Vesiclepedia 2019: a compendium of RNA, proteins, lipids and metabolites in extracellular vesicles. Nucleic Acids Research. 47, 516-519 (2019).
  2. Raposo, G., Stoorvogel, W. Ext....

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Extracellular VesiclesAstrocyte derived Extracellular VesiclesADEVLiquid BiopsyBiomarker DiscoveryAstrocyte ReactivityNeurodegenerative DiseasesACSA 1GFAPImmunocaptureMagnetic Micro beadsPolymer based Precipitation

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