We're interested in the capacity of retinal system in health and disease mouse model. Currently, we are using optokinetic reflex or OKR insured, which is our involuntary eye movement that serves to stabilize retinal images to understand how the retinal system contributes to the adaptive plasticity in retinal innate behaviors. OKR model studies have advanced our understanding of innate behavior plasticity by demonstrating that prolonged retinal stimulation or impaired by similar ocular reflex can increase the behavior amplitude.
And by investigating the underlying molecular synaptic and secretory mechanisms. We combined video oculargraphy and computerized virtual visual stimulation to precisely quantify the OKR behavior invokes by truncating with freely changing parameters. This procedure is relatively simple and can be standardized to accommodate large scale studies.
Our protocol accurately analyzes to include shapes and prefer visual features, detects subtle differences in normal and pathological conditions, and also can monitor changes in OKR due to pharmacological treatments or visual motor learning. The high precision and the quantitative power make it possible to compare repetitive OKR measurements of the same eyes in longitudinal studies and their different pharmacological treatments or under neurosurpreterations. It also provides opportunities to study the neurosurpres and the circuit mechanisms of OKR plasticity.