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  • Protocol
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Here, we present a protocol to synthesize the zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles using the polyisoprene-rich aqueous extract obtained from Eucommia ulmoides tree bark. The wound-healing potential exhibited by the synthesized ZnO nanoparticles on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) was evaluated using scratch assay, a simple, cost-effective, and efficient method.


The aqueous extract from the bark of Eucommia ulmoides serves as a rich source of bioactive compounds with numerous health benefits. The protocol here aims to explore the preparation of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles using the Eucommia ulmoides bark-mediated polyisoprene-rich aqueous extract. Meanwhile, the proposed protocol is associated with the preparation of wound healing material by easing the process. In addition, the wound-healing potential of the synthesized nanoparticles (Eu-ZnO-NPs) was evaluated using a simple scratch assay on a human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) monolayer. After 24 h of treatment with Eu-ZnO-NPs, the cell proliferation and migration of HUVEC cells were assessed. At the end of the study, cell proliferation and migration were observed in scratched monolayer treated with different concentrations of Eu-ZnO-NPs, whereas poor cell migration and proliferation rates were observed in control cells. Of the chosen concentrations, 20 µg/mL Eu-ZnO nanomaterials showed better cell migration and enhanced wound healing potential.


Medicinal plants and plant-derived compounds have been shown to exhibit numerous health benefits1. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 80% of the global population depends upon traditional medicinal plants for primary health care. China is well-recognized and popular for its Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices. Chinese medicinal herbs have been reported to treat various diseases and utilized for their biological potential. Medicinal plants serve as reservoirs for bioactive compounds and multiple therapeutic roles. Medicinal plants have also been utilized to treat the wounds. There are several types of approaches applied t....


NOTE: Before preparing the extract, the obtained bark material was washed twice using deionized water and dried in a shaded place. The shade-dried barks were stored in an airtight container.

1. Preparation of Eucommia ulmoides bark extract

  1. Chop the bark collected from the Eucommia ulmoides tree into small pieces using scissors.
  2. Wash the chopped bark materials twice with double distilled water.
  3. Dry the bark pieces under 37 °C for 24 h at shaded conditions.
    1. Adjust the duration of the drying process based on the quantity of bar....

Representative Results

The present investigation aims to synthesize nanoparticles using the barks of Eucommia ulmoides tree. The bark material was dried completely in a shaded environment (Figure 1). The bark materials were utilized to prepare the hot water aqueous crude extract by heating the samples at 130 °C for 20 min. A slight alteration in the temperature and duration may disrupt the phytocompounds and make them unsuitable for preparing the aqueous extract. The aqueous crude bark extracts of


The E. ulmoides bark, seed, and leaves are believed to exhibit numerous health benefits. Our results have shown that the synthesis of EU-ZnO nanoparticles was achieved using a simple and cost-effective approach. The aqueous extract was utilized to synthesize the nanoparticles. Heating the bark material at high temperatures may cause degradation of some phytoconstituents and lower the extraction efficiency. The phytoconstituents present in the aqueous herbal extract can reduce the metal ions to form nanoparticles.......


The authors have nothing to disclose


The authors would like to sincerely thank the Department of Cell Biology, Central South University, Changsha, China, for providing the instrumentation facilities.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
12 well plateNEST703011Used for cell culture and assay
CentrifugeSCILOGEXSC1406Used to separate the nanoparticles from the colloidal mixture
Centrifuge Tube – 15 mLBIOFILCFT-312150To centrifuge the synthesized solution 
Centrifuge tube – 5 mLBiosharp BS-50-CM-STo store the nanoparticles
CO2 incubatorThermo scientific3010To culture the HUVEC cells
Denoised waterMilliporeNot applicable For preparation of the extract 
DMEM mediumCytivaSH30243.01Used for cell culture work
FunnelThermo scientific42600060To hold the filter paper during the filtration
Glass beakersBorosilicate 1102-50Used to prepare the aqueous extract
Hot air ovenGenetimesNot Applicable Used to dry the nanoparticles and collect in the powder form
Magnetic stirrerKYLIN-BELLGL-5250-AUsed for nanoparticles synthesis
MicroscopeNikon EclipseTs2Used to take microphotographs 
Petri dishNEST753001Used to collect the nanoparticles 
Pipette 1 mLLab Science YEA17AD0055580To take/add the specific volume of solution/extract
Pipette tips 1 mLSAINING 3014200-TTo take/add the specific volume of solution/extract
PTFE Magnetic Mixer Stir BarsLAN RANNot applicable Used for nanomaterial synthesis process
Sodium hydroxideSigma Alrich71690Used to adjust pH during the synthesis
Stainless ScissorDeli6034Used for chopping the bark materials
T25 tissue culture flaskNEST707001Used to maintain the cells 
Weighing Balance Radwag AS220R2Used to weigh the chemicals 
Whatman filter paper No.1NewstarGB/T1914-2017Used to filter the extract for synthesis
Zinc nitrate Sigma Alrich13778-30-8Used as precursor for the nanoparticle’s synthesis


  1. Williamson, E. M., Liu, X., Izzo, A. A. Trends in use, pharmacology, and clinical applications of emerging herbal nutraceuticals. Br. J. Pharmacol. 177 (6), 1227-1240 (2020).
  2. Cedillo-Cortezano, M., Martinez-Cuevas, L. R., López, J. A. M., Barrera López, I. L., Escutia-Perez, S., Petricevich, V. L.

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ElastomerPolyisopreneWound closureZincBarkEucommia ulmoides

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