Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
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The creation of a brain atlas for image guided neurosurgery using serial histological data.
NeuroImage Apr, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16406816
Anatomical and electrophysiological validation of an atlas for neurosurgical planning.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention , 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16685984
Towards a multi-modal atlas for neurosurgical planning.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention , 2006 | Pubmed ID: 17354796
Fronto-striatal connections in the human brain: a probabilistic diffusion tractography study.
Neuroscience letters May, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17485168
The connectivity of the human pulvinar: a diffusion tensor imaging tractography study.
International journal of biomedical imaging , 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18274667
Robust S1, S2, and thalamic activations in individual subjects with vibrotactile stimulation at 1.5 and 3.0 T.
Human brain mapping Apr, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 18537113
Synergistic tissue counterstaining and image segmentation techniques for accurate, quantitative immunohistochemistry.
The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society Oct, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18574255
Towards a validation of atlas warping techniques.
Medical image analysis Dec, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18640867
Comparison of piece-wise linear, linear, and nonlinear atlas-to-patient warping techniques: analysis of the labeling of subcortical nuclei for functional neurosurgical applications.
Human brain mapping Nov, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19387981
Design, construction, and validation of an MRI-compatible vibrotactile stimulator intended for clinical use.
Journal of neuroscience methods Oct, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19631690
Musical morphology.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Jul, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19673757
New surgical technique reduces the susceptibility artefact at air-tissue interfaces on in vivo cerebral MRI in the Göttingen minipig.
Brain research bulletin Dec, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19712728
Neurite density from magnetic resonance diffusion measurements at ultrahigh field: comparison with light microscopy and electron microscopy.
NeuroImage Jan, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 19732836
Areal and laminar differentiation in the mouse neocortex using large scale gene expression data.
Methods (San Diego, Calif.) Feb, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 19800006
Surface-based mapping of gene expression and probabilistic expression maps in the mouse cortex.
Methods (San Diego, Calif.) Feb, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 19818854
Morphological abnormalities of the thalamus in youths with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
The American journal of psychiatry Apr, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20123910
Defining the intercommissural plane and stereotactic coordinates for the Basal Ganglia in the Göttingen minipig brain.
Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery , 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20357521
Enlargement of thalamic nuclei in Tourette syndrome.
Archives of general psychiatry Sep, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20819989
Depression severity is correlated to the integrity of white matter fiber tracts in late-onset major depression.
Psychiatry research Oct, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20832255
Electroconvulsive therapy alters dopamine signaling in the striatum of non-human primates.
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Jan, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 20944554
An MRI based average macaque monkey stereotaxic atlas and space (MNI monkey space).
NeuroImage Apr, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21256229
Automated analysis of craniofacial morphology using magnetic resonance images.
PloS one , 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21655288
Creation of Computerized 3D MRI-Integrated Atlases of the Human Basal Ganglia and Thalamus.
Frontiers in systems neuroscience , 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21922002
Testosterone-mediated sex differences in the face shape during adolescence: subjective impressions and objective features.
Hormones and behavior Nov, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21983236
KCTD8 gene and brain growth in adverse intrauterine environment: a genome-wide association study.
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) Nov, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22156575
Frontotemporoparietal asymmetry and lack of illness awareness in schizophrenia.
Human brain mapping May, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 22213454
Brain energy metabolism and blood flow differences in healthy aging.
Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Jul, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22373642
Identification of common variants associated with human hippocampal and intracranial volumes.
Nature genetics , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22504417
Performing label-fusion-based segmentation using multiple automatically generated templates.
Human brain mapping Oct, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 22611030
Correlations between Stroop task performance and white matter lesion measures in late-onset major depression.
Psychiatry research May, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22703621
Assessing the risk of central post-stroke pain of thalamic origin by lesion mapping.
Brain : a journal of neurology Aug, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22719000
DISC1 and Striatal Volume: A Potential Risk Phenotype For mental Illness.
Frontiers in psychiatry , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22723785
Oligodendrocyte Genes, White Matter Tract Integrity, and Cognition in Schizophrenia.
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) Jul, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22772651
An anatomically comprehensive atlas of the adult human brain transcriptome.
Nature Sep, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22996553
A genome-wide association study identifies five loci influencing facial morphology in Europeans.
PLoS genetics Sep, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23028347
FTO, obesity and the adolescent brain.
Human molecular genetics Mar, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23201753
Multimodal imaging and image analysis techniques for neuromodulation.
International review of neurobiology , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23206685
Adolescent cocaine exposure causes enduring macroscale changes in mouse brain structure.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience Jan, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23365219
A novel in vivo atlas of human hippocampal subfields using high-resolution 3 T magnetic resonance imaging.
NeuroImage Jul, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23415948
Alterations of superficial white matter in schizophrenia and relationship to cognitive performance.
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Sep, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23591167
Self-injurious behaviours are associated with alterations in the somatosensory system in children with autism spectrum disorder.
Brain structure & function Jul, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 23644587
Does skull shape mediate the relationship between objective features and subjective impressions about the face?
NeuroImage Oct, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23651841
Mapping registration sensitivity in MR mouse brain images.
NeuroImage Nov, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23756204
Disrupted prefrontal interhemispheric structural coupling in schizophrenia related to working memory performance.
Schizophrenia bulletin Jul, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 23873858
Gray- and white-matter anatomy of absolute pitch possessors.
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) May, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 24304583
The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data.
Brain imaging and behavior Jan, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 24399358
Label-fusion-segmentation and deformation-based shape analysis of deep gray matter in multiple sclerosis: the impact of thalamic subnuclei on disability.
Human brain mapping Aug, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 24510715
Estimating volumes of the pituitary gland from T1-weighted magnetic-resonance images: effects of age, puberty, testosterone, and estradiol.
NeuroImage Jul, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 24632090
Cortical morphology in children with alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder.
Brain and behavior Jan, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 24653953
Derivation of high-resolution MRI atlases of the human cerebellum at 3T and segmentation using multiple automatically generated templates.
NeuroImage Jul, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 24657354
Multi-atlas segmentation of the whole hippocampus and subfields using multiple automatically generated templates.
NeuroImage Nov, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 24784800
Multi-contrast unbiased MRI atlas of a Parkinson's disease population.
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery Mar, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 24841147
Mapping the development of the basal ganglia in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Jul, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 24954827
Striatal morphology is associated with tobacco cigarette craving.
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Jan, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25056595
Illness progression, recent stress, and morphometry of hippocampal subfields and medial prefrontal cortex in major depression.
Biological psychiatry Feb, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25109665
Pydpiper: a flexible toolkit for constructing novel registration pipelines.
Frontiers in neuroinformatics , 2014 | Pubmed ID: 25126069
Glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity in schizophrenia: a review.
European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Oct, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 25159198
White matter lesion filling improves the accuracy of cortical thickness measurements in multiple sclerosis patients: a longitudinal study.
BMC neuroscience , 2014 | Pubmed ID: 25200127
Illness denial in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a function of left hemisphere dominance.
Human brain mapping Jan, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25209949
Resting-state networks link invasive and noninvasive brain stimulation across diverse psychiatric and neurological diseases.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Oct, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 25267639
Striatal shape abnormalities as novel neurodevelopmental endophenotypes in schizophrenia: a longitudinal study.
Human brain mapping Apr, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25504933
Quantitative comparison of 21 protocols for labeling hippocampal subfields and parahippocampal subregions in in vivo MRI: towards a harmonized segmentation protocol.
NeuroImage May, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25596463
Common genetic variants influence human subcortical brain structures.
Nature Apr, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25607358
Functional consequences of neurite orientation dispersion and density in humans across the adult lifespan.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience Jan, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25632148
Lifetime History of Depression Predicts Increased Amyloid-β Accumulation in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD , 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25633681
The effect of lifelong bilingualism on regional grey and white matter volume.
Brain research Jul, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25725380
Further neuroimaging evidence for the deficit subtype of schizophrenia: a cortical connectomics analysis.
JAMA psychiatry May, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25786193
Deep Brain Stimulation Influences Brain Structure in Alzheimer's Disease.
Brain stimulation May-Jun, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25814404
Superficial white matter as a novel substrate of age-related cognitive decline.
Neurobiology of aging Jun, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25834938
Hippocampal (subfield) volume and shape in relation to cognitive performance across the adult lifespan.
Human brain mapping Aug, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25959503
Functional and structural correlates of memory in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.
Frontiers in neurology , 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26029159
BRAIN NETWORKS. Correlated gene expression supports synchronous activity in brain networks.
Science (New York, N.Y.) Jun, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26068849
Investigation of white matter abnormalities in first episode psychosis patients with persistent negative symptoms.
Psychiatry research Sep, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26211621
Genome-wide variant by serum urate interaction in Parkinson's disease.
Annals of neurology Nov, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26284320
Cortical Amyloid β Deposition and Current Depressive Symptoms in Alzheimer Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology Sep, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26400248
Volumetric and Shape Analysis of the Thalamus and Striatum in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD Sep, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26444755
Morphological Abnormalities of Thalamic Subnuclei in Migraine: A Multicenter MRI Study at 3 Tesla.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience Oct, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26446230
Depressive Symptoms and Small Hippocampal Volume Accelerate the Progression to Dementia from Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD Oct, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26519442
Deep brain stimulation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex causes reorganization of neuronal processes and vasculature.
NeuroImage Oct, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26525655
White and Gray Matter Abnormalities After Cranial Radiation in Children and Mice.
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics Nov, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26530758
Julie Winterburn1,2,
Jens C. Pruessner3,
Chavez Sofia4,5,
Mark M. Schira6,7,
Nancy J. Lobaugh4,8,
Aristotle N. Voineskos5,9,
M. Mallar Chakravarty1,2
1Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto,
2Computational Brain Anatomy Laboratory, Douglas Institute, McGill University,
3McGill Centre for Studies in Aging, McGill University,
4MRI Unit, Research Imaging Centre, Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health,
5Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto,
6School of Psychology, University of Wollongong,
7, Neuroscience Research Australia,
8Department of Medicine, University of Toronto,
9Kimel Family Translational Imaging Genetics Research Laboratory, Research Imaging Centre, Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
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