Prof. Jinah Park received a B.S.E. (1988) in Electrical Engineering from the Columbia University in New York, and an M.S.E. (1991) and a Ph.D. (1996) in Computer and Information Science from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Her major academic contributions are in the field of medical imaging, where she developed a computational technique for analyzing 3D cardiac motion from MR tagging data. Her recent work on the deformable models for morphometric study applied to aging brain structures was selected as KAIST’s Top 10 Research Achievements of 2017. She is also interested in understanding 3D interaction behaviors in a VR environment while developing various haptic rendering algorithms applied to virtual simulation. She is a recipient of Prime Minister’s Commendation and Citation Ribbon from Korean government. She is currently leading Computer Graphics and Visualization (CGV) research laboratory at the School of Computing in KAIST and also serving as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Haptics.