Using Hyperbaric Oxygen to Improve the Radiosensitivity of Human U251 Glioma CellsLi Ma *1, Bin-qiang Ye *1, Jie Li 1, Ya-ya Pei 2, Jia-wei Zhong 2, Fu-ling Mou 3, Peng-fei Sun 1
1Department of Radiotherapy, Second Hospital Affiliated to Lanzhou University, 2Department of Ultrasound, Second Hospital Affiliated to Lanzhou University, 3Department of Cardiology, Hubei Lichuan Dongfang Harmonious Hospital
This protocol shows that hyperbaric oxygen can enhance the proliferation inhibition and apoptosis of U251 glioma cells treated with X-ray irradiation by blocking the cells in the G2/M phase. This improves the radiosensitivity of human glioma cell lines.