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Hyperpolarized xenon MRI can quantify regional lung microstructure (air-space dimensions) and physiology (ventilation and gas exchange) in translational research and clinical care. Although challenging, it can provide comparable pulmonary insights in preclinical studies. This protocol describes the infrastructure and procedures needed to perform routine xenon lung MRI in mice.
Hyperpolarized (HP) xenon-129 (129Xe) is an inhaled magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent with unique spectral and physical properties that can be exploited to quantify pulmonary physiology, including ventilation, restricted diffusion (alveolar-airspace size), and gas exchange. In humans, it has been used to evaluate disease severity and progression in a variety of pulmonary disorders and is approved for clinical use in the United States and United Kingdom. Beyond its clinical applications, the ability of 129Xe MRI to noninvasively assess pulmonary pathophysiology and provide spatially resolved information is valuable for preclinical research. Among animal models, mice are the most widely used due to the accessibility of genetically modified disease models. Here, 129Xe MRI is promising as a minimally invasive, radiation-free, and sensitive technique to longitudinally monitor lung disease progression and therapy response (e.g., in drug discovery). This technique can extend to preclinical applications by incorporating an MRI-triggered, free-breathing apparatus or mechanical ventilator to deliver gas. Here, we describe the steps and provide checklists to ensure robust data collection and analysis, including creating a thermally polarized xenon gas phantom for quality control, optimizing polarization, animal handling (sedation, intubation, ventilation, and care for mice), and protocols for ventilation, restricted diffusion, and gas exchange data. While preclinical 129Xe MRI can be applied in various animal models (e.g., rats, pigs, sheep), this protocol focuses on mice due to the challenges posed by their small anatomy, which are balanced by their affordability and the availability of many disease models.
While pulmonary disorders remain the leading causes of global morbidity and mortality1, the last decade has seen dramatic improvements in patient outcomes. These improvements are driven in part by two factors. Firstly, Phase III clinical trials now prioritize changes in lung function as endpoints rather than mortality, accelerating drug trials2,3,4,5. Secondly, advancements in improved animal models have provided insights into disease mechanisms and aided therapy development6,
All methods described here were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.
1. Initial site preparation
Ventilation Images
If animal preparation and ventilation procedures are implemented properly, 3D radial imaging can successfully capture ventilation patterns when data acquisition is performed at either inspiration or expiration (Figure 7). While these images are collected over many breaths, the method described here is similar to the single-breath imaging method used in humans. This is because all lines of k-space are collected at a specific time.......
Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI is emerging as a sophisticated and powerful technique to study lung microstructure and function in small animal models. This protocol is intended to guide initial site preparation and describe experimental procedures needed to quantify ventilation, diffusion, and gas exchange in mouse lungs with HP 129Xe. Key prerequisites for experiments include establishing a 129Xe gas phantom and ensuring high gas polarization is delivered to the animal. The latter requires car.......
Peter Niedbalski is a consultant for Polarean Imaging, Plc.
The authors extend their heartfelt gratitude to Jerry Dalke for being a guiding light in ventilator construction. We'd like to thank Carter McMaster for brewing HP 129Xe gas. We'd also like to thank Dr. Matthew Willmering and Dr. Juan Parra-Robles for their thought-provoking scientific discussions. Figures created with BioRender.com. This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health (Grant Nos: NHLBI R01HL143011, R01HL151588)
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
1 mL syringe | fisher scientific | Catalog No.14-955-464 | https://www.fishersci.com/shop/products/sterile-syringes-single-use-12/14955464 |
10 mL graduated cylinder | Cole-Parmer | Β UX-34502-69 | https://www.coleparmer.com/i/cole-parmer-essentials-graduated-cylinder-glass-hexagonal-base-10-ml-2-pk/3450269?PubID=UX&persist=true&ip=no& gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAi A6KWvBhAREiwAFPZM7h3do -ssjascARuVviKd7V7kC5ztdIB6 _70DnMr-K3qk9RKeJ7-IrhoCeT 0QAvD_BwE |
18 G - veinous PFTE catheters (nonsterile) | Terumo Surflo | SROX1832CA | https://www.shopmedvet.com/product/iv-catheter-18-x-1-25inch?r=GSS17&p=GSS17&utm_source= google&utm_medium=google_ shopping&gad_source=1&gclid= CjwKCAiA0bWvBhBjEiwAtEsoW 4oTvZkAgWQCda6ocVtQlulVrG 2536FNbu5soMVSFN8xK_g1Uh pXIRoCGwoQAvD_BwE |
20 G - veinous PFTE catheters (nonsterile) | Terumo Surflo | SROX2051CA | https://www.shopmedvet.com/product/iv-catheter-20-x-2inch?r=GSS17&p=GSS17&utm_source =google&utm_medium=google_ shopping&gad_source=1&gclid= CjwKCAiA0bWvBhBjEiwAtEsoW 87ggCkgToD_XF_UgpQBTpmN dgSNfCml6TkDKlW8k27Dq_daR itPuhoCnBQQAvD_BwE |
22 G - veinous PFTE catheters (nonsterile) | Terumo Surflo | SROX2225CA | https://www.shopmedvet.com/product/iv-catheter-22-x-1inch?r=GSS17&p=GSS17&utm_source= google&utm_medium=google_ shopping&gad_source=1&gclid =CjwKCAiA0bWvBhBjEiwAtEso W9IM6mpee6m7e-lBfR8dZhSN KYbMUs7qgEU4gYCRTW_rJAs W_lGkthoCm30QAvD_BwE |
400 mL tedlar bags | Jensen Inert Products | GST-001S-3507TJC | NA |
60 mL syringe | fisher scientific | Catalog No.14-955-461 | https://www.fishersci.com/shop/products/sterile-syringes-single-use-12/14955461 |
70% alcohol | Cole-Parmer | UX-80024-34 | https://www.coleparmer.com/i/labchem-isopropyl-alcohol-70-v-v-500-ml/8002434?PubID=UX&persist=true&ip= no&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKC AiA6KWvBhAREiwAFPZM7gGh p8g7MBHBBKadaRCAwfEMgV gna5fhYRsuXIuqoqOiToCC4fem nhoCGMEQAvD_BwE |
Dewar for liquid nitrogen | Terra Universal | 4LDB | https://www.laboratory-equipment.com/tw-4ldb-liquid-nitrogen-dewar-ic-biomedical.html?srsltid=AfmBOooxwMtOA1Z2TweR P8V5Iy5EvYT3alZuzoiY 3UF3Ib9RgFnDxVTfWP0 |
Eye lubricant | RefreshΒ | REFRESH P.M. | https://www.refreshbrand.com/Products/refresh-pm |
Fiber optic light | AmScope | HL250-AY | https://amscope.com/products/hl250-ay?tw_source=google &tw_adid=&tw_campaign= 16705014684&gad_source= 1&gclid=CjwKCAiA6KWvBhA REiwAFPZM7p-DpyvHJaGxR pAD1385hzGf1oPdKHHLFDR Sp8yrtxry11SNJeJnKxoCtAoQ AvD_BwE |
Gaussmeter | Apex Magnets | GMHT201 | https://www.apexmagnets.com/magnets/accessories/ht-digital-gaussmeter-with-peak-hold-can-display-gauss-or-tesla |
Glass vessel (phantom) | Ace Glass | 8648-24 | https://aceglass.com/results.php?t=8648-24&t=8648-24 |
Heating pad | Office Depot | 9206211 Β Β Β | Pure Enrichment PureRelief Express Designer Series Heating Pad 12 x 15 Palm Aqua - Office Depot |
Hyperpolarizer | Polarean | 9820 | https://polarean.com/xenon-mri-platform/ |
Intubation board | Hallowell EMC | 000A3467 | https://hallowell.com/product/rodent-tilting-workstand/ |
Intubation supplies | Parts list published elsewhere | NA | https://app.jove.com/t/50318/a-simple-method-of-mouse-lung-intubation |
Isotopically enriched xenon cylinder | Linde IsotopesΒ | XE-129(1%)N2(10%)HE CGMP 302SZ | NA |
Liquid nitrogen | Linde | NI LC160-22 | https://www.lindedirect.com/store/product-detail/nitrogen_n2_nitrogen_liquid _lc160_22_psi_ni_lc160_22 /ni-lc160-22?cat_id=shop&node=b89 |
Male slip luer | Cole-Parmer | UX-21943-27 | https://www.coleparmer.com/i/diba-omnifit-t-series-solvent-waste-cap-adapter-polypropylene-male-luer-slip-x-1-16-id-hose-barb-5-pk/2194327 |
Manometer | Grainger | 3T294 | https://www.grainger.com/product/3T294?gucid=N:N:PS: Paid:GGL:CSM-2295:4P7A1P: 20501231&gad_source=1&gclid =CjwKCAiAi6uvBhADEiwAWiyR dltxrPJmmcm0bFiYLuPrB25HV QFdEfKMBqvgJBNdQUs3DZ7b TLr8CRoCanAQAvD_BwE& gclsrc=aw.ds |
Minivent ventilator | harvard apparatus | 73-0044 | https://www.harvardapparatus.com/minivent-ventilator-for-mice-single-animal-volume-controlled-ventilators.html |
Mouse ear puncher | fisher scientific | 13-812-201 | https://www.fishersci.com/shop/products/fisherbrand-animal-ear-tag-punch/13812201 |
Mouse tongue depressor | Medical Tools | VRI-617 | https://medical-tools.com/shop/rodent-tongue-depressor.html |
Mouse weight scale | Cole-Parmer | UX-11712-12 | https://www.coleparmer.com/i/adam-equipment-cqt2000-core-portable-balance-2000g-x-1g-220-v/1171212?PubID=UX&persist=true&ip=no&gad _source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA6K WvBhAREiwAFPZM7iYnAG5Ilc Z5DZWrdJ6wcLDZSCSfNJHOH m2PQOpyyWe0TjFa75R3tBoCjB sQAvD_BwE |
MRI scannerΒ | Bruker | 7T Biospec horizontal system | https://www.bruker.com/de/products-and-solutions/preclinical-imaging/mri/biospec.html |
Multimeter | Home Depot | 1007898529 | https://www.homedepot.com/p/Klein-Tools-600-Volt-Digital-Multi-Meter-Manual-Ranging-MM325/320822947 |
Natural abundance xenon | Linde IsotopesΒ | UN 2036 | NA |
NeedleΒ Β | fisher scientific | 305194 | https://www.fishersci.com/shop/products/bd-general-use-precisionglide-hypodermic-needles-20/148266C?keyword=true |
Needle safe syringe holder | fisher scientific | NC2703873 | https://www.fishersci.com/shop/products/ndlsafe-ii-syr-uncap-deca/NC2703873#?keyword=needlesafe |
Nitrogen cylinder | Linde | NI M-K | https://www.lindedirect.com/store/product-detail/nitrogen_n2_nitrogen_nf_k/ni-m-k?cat_id=shop&node=b89 |
Oxygen cylinder | Linde | OX M-K | https://www.lindedirect.com/store/product-detail/oxygen_o2_oxygen_usp_k/ox-m-k?cat_id=shop&node=b90 |
Oxygen sensor | Apogee instruments | MO-200 | https://www.apogeeinstruments.com/mo-200-oxygen-sensor-with-handheld-meter/ |
Oxygen sensor inline flowhead | Apogee instruments | AO-002 | https://www.apogeeinstruments.com/ao-002-oxygen-meter-sensor-flow-through-head/ |
PEEP valve | Hallowell EMC | 000A6556A | https://hallowell.com/product/adjustable-peep-valve-with-exhaust-port-range-5-20cm-disposable/ |
Pipette tips | fisher scientific | Catalog No.02-707-108 | Fisherbrand Stack-Rack Space-Saver Tips: 101-1000 L Standard; Blue; Volume: | Fisher Scientific |
Plunger valveΒ | Ace glass | 8648-20 | https://www.aceglass.com/results.php?t=8648 |
Preclinical coil | Doty scientific | custom built | https://dotynmr.com/products/bmax-xy-low-e/ |
Pressure regulators | Cole-Parmer | UX-98202-11 | https://www.coleparmer.com/i/cole-parmer-single-stage-regulator-1500-scfh-capacity-346-cga-fitting/9820211?PubID=UX&persist=true&ip=no& gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAi A6KWvBhAREiwAFPZM7pruR xCAiaj52nA_8Y1nveQZRsD6B f0QO65o2DKFYqRoz0PopSkX QxoCxqcQAvD_BwE |
Pressure-drop ventilator | Parts list published elsewhere | NA | https://sites.duke.edu/driehuyslab/resources/ |
PVC pipe for phantom | Home Depot | 193682 | https://www.homedepot.com/p/IPEX-1-2-in-x-10-ft-White-PVC-SCH-40-Potable-Pressure-Water-Pipe-30-05010HD/319692959 |
SAI animal heating system | SAII | Model 1030 | https://i4sa.com/product/model-1030-monitoring-gating-system/ |
Saline | Farris Laboratories Inc. | 0409488820-1 | https://www.farrislabs.com/products/bacteriostatic-sodium-chloride-0-9-30ml-bottle?variant=42807174824167¤cy =USD&utm_medium=product_ sync&utm_source=google&utm_ content=sag_organic&utm_ campaign=sag_organic&utm_ campaign=gs-2021-09-24&utm _source=google&utm_medium =smart_campaign&gad_source =1&gclid=CjwKCAiA6KWvBh AREiwAFPZM7oS3-hFDETO_2f6OWOoKyBMb WuDuWqYxdWRYUWEkY M2Py73VfGzVtRoC2FQQAvD_BwE |
Sharps container | fisher scientific | 22-730-455 | https://www.fishersci.com/shop/products/sharps-container-47/p-7250579#?keyword=needle%20safe |
Silicone epoxy | Grainger | 3KMY7 | https://www.grainger.com/product/3KMY7?gucid=N:N:PS:Paid:GGL:CSM- 2295:4P7A1P:20501231&gad_ source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA6KW vBhAREiwAFPZM7voahkm8tda t1Euql1A8DFhC6AZVJ0wXzCE PfE6iUzrIJXV-Hl8o4xoCQLYQA vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds |
Silicone mold release lubricant | Grainger | 19MW95 | https://www.grainger.com/product/CRC-Mold-Release-Agent-16-oz-19MW95 |
Spirometer | ADInstruments | FE141 | https://www.adinstruments.com/products/spirometer |
Spirometer - mouse flowhead | ADInstruments | MLT1L | https://www.adinstruments.com/products/respiratory-flow-heads |
Tubing - 1/4 OD | Clippard | URH1-0402-CLT-050 | https://www.clippard.com/part/URH1-0402-CLT-050 |
Tubing - 1/8 OD | Clippard | URH1-0804-CLT-050 | https://www.clippard.com/part/URH1-0402-CLT-050 |
Vacuum pump | Cole-Parmer | Β UX-60062-11 | https://www.coleparmer.com/i/environmental-express-diaphragm-pump-high-volume-120v/6006211?PubID=UX&persist=true&ip=no&gad _source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA6K WvBhAREiwAFPZM7uFGwmW pRelHNFgZVvJJV09vDUVyfyG HoKeZTiFNIiVTe-05IpJJPxoCO PoQAvD_BwE |
Wire - 18 gauge | Digikey | 2328-18H240-ND | https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/remington-industries/18H240/15202027?s=N4 IgjCBcoOwBxVAYygMwIYBsDOB TANCAPZQDa4YATPAGwgC6h ADgC5QgDKLATgJYB2AcxAB fQmAAMAFkqIQKSBhwFiZEA GZNATi0SGzNpE48BwsSErqw 6uQqV5CJSOQCsMF%2Bq11 GIVuy58QqLmss4gALbogvy4L AAEAO683LgMIkA |
Xenon polarization measurement station | Polarean | NA | https://polarean.com/xenon-mri-platform/ |
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