Department of Cognitive Neurology
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Succinate in dystrophic white matter: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy finding characteristic for complex II deficiency.
Annals of neurology Jul, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12112045
Cerebral proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of a patient with giant axonal neuropathy.
Brain & development Jan, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12536033
Functional somatotopy of finger representations in human primary motor cortex.
Human brain mapping Apr, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12632465
Cerebral proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in infantile Alexander disease.
Journal of neurology Mar, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12638020
Characterization of the human visual V6 complex by functional magnetic resonance imaging.
The European journal of neuroscience May, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12786987
Is the human primary motor cortex involved in motor imagery?
Brain research. Cognitive brain research Apr, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15019710
Magnetic resonance imaging and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of megalencephaly and dilated Virchow-Robin spaces.
Pediatric neurology Jan, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16376276
Contrast-driven approach to intracranial segmentation using a combination of T2- and T1-weighted 3D MRI data sets.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI Oct, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16929528
Cerebral metabolic and structural alterations in hereditary spastic paraplegia with thin corpus callosum assessed by MRS and DTI.
Neuroradiology Dec, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 17013586
Quantitative proton MRS of cerebral metabolites in laminin alpha2 chain deficiency.
Brain & development Jul, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17174499
The neural basis of the egocentric and allocentric spatial frame of reference.
Brain research Mar, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17258693
Imaging the brain activity changes underlying impaired visuospatial judgments: simultaneous FMRI, TMS, and behavioral studies.
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) Dec, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17337745
Improved functional mapping of the human amygdala using a standard functional magnetic resonance imaging sequence with simple modifications.
Magnetic resonance imaging Jan, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 17574366
Split of attentional resources in human visual cortex.
Visual neuroscience Nov-Dec, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 18093369
The post-stimulation undershoot in BOLD fMRI of human brain is not caused by elevated cerebral blood volume.
NeuroImage Apr, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18201912
Quantitative FLASH MRI at 3T using a rational approximation of the Ernst equation.
Magnetic resonance in medicine Mar, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18306368
Early reduction of total N-acetyl-aspartate-compounds in patients with classical vanishing white matter disease. A long-term follow-up MRS study.
Pediatric research Apr, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18356755
Cerebral involvement in axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy caused by mitofusin2 mutations.
Journal of neurology Jul, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18425620
Behavioral correlates of negative BOLD signal changes in the primary somatosensory cortex.
NeuroImage Jul, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18495495
No advantage of time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography at 3 Tesla compared to 1.5 Tesla in the follow-up after endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms.
Neuroradiology Oct, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18523761
Normal response inhibition in boys with Tourette syndrome.
Behavioral and brain functions : BBF Jul, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18638368
Rapid radiofrequency field mapping in vivo using single-shot STEAM MRI.
Magnetic resonance in medicine Sep, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18727090
Cortical sensorimotor control in vocalization: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
The Laryngoscope Nov, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18758379
Evaluation of angiographic computed tomography in the follow-up after endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms--a comparative study with DSA and TOF-MRA.
European radiology Feb, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 18810455
Serial proton MR spectroscopy and diffusion tensor imaging in infantile Balo's concentric sclerosis.
Neuroradiology Feb, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 18958461
High-resolution maps of magnetization transfer with inherent correction for RF inhomogeneity and T1 relaxation obtained from 3D FLASH MRI.
Magnetic resonance in medicine Dec, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 19025906
Increased SNR and reduced distortions by averaging multiple gradient echo signals in 3D FLASH imaging of the human brain at 3T.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI Jan, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19097114
Optimized high-resolution mapping of magnetization transfer (MT) at 3 Tesla for direct visualization of substructures of the human thalamus in clinically feasible measurement time.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI Jun, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19472385
The human parahippocampal cortex subserves egocentric spatial learning during navigation in a virtual maze.
Neurobiology of learning and memory Jan, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 19683063
Folate receptor alpha defect causes cerebral folate transport deficiency: a treatable neurodegenerative disorder associated with disturbed myelin metabolism.
American journal of human genetics Sep, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19732866
Untreated glioblastoma multiforme: increased myo-inositol and glutamine levels in the contralateral cerebral hemisphere at proton MR spectroscopy.
Radiology Dec, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19789222
No brain structure abnormalities in boys with Tourette's syndrome: a voxel-based morphometry study.
Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society Dec, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19890999
Reduced amygdalar and hippocampal size in adults with generalized social phobia.
Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN Mar, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20184810
Modeling the influence of TR and excitation flip angle on the magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) in human brain obtained from 3D spoiled gradient echo MRI.
Magnetic resonance in medicine Jul, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20572139
Differential activation of the middle-temporal complex to visual stimulation in migraineurs.
Cephalalgia : an international journal of headache Feb, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 20693230
Basal cerebral blood volume during the poststimulation undershoot in BOLD MRI of the human brain.
Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Jan, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 20736964
The power of imagination--how anticipatory mental imagery alters perceptual processing of fearful facial expressions.
NeuroImage Jan, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 20797441
Increased putamen and callosal motor subregion in treatment-naïve boys with Tourette syndrome indicates changes in the bihemispheric motor network.
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines Mar, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 20883521
Effects of spatial frequency and location of fearful faces on human amygdala activity.
Brain research Jan, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21059346
Diverting attention suppresses human amygdala responses to faces.
Frontiers in human neuroscience , 2010 | Pubmed ID: 21160563
Transcranial direct current stimulation over the primary motor cortex during fMRI.
NeuroImage Mar, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21211569
Individual voxel-based subtype prediction can differentiate progressive supranuclear palsy from idiopathic Parkinson syndrome and healthy controls.
Human brain mapping Nov, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21246668
A gateway system in rostral PFC? Evidence from biasing attention to perceptual information and internal representations.
NeuroImage Jun, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21352923
Altered motor network recruitment during finger tapping in boys with Tourette syndrome.
Human brain mapping Mar, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 21391282
Identification of signal bias in the variable flip angle method by linear display of the algebraic Ernst equation.
Magnetic resonance in medicine Sep, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21432900
Impulsive personality and the ability to resist immediate reward: an fMRI study examining interindividual differences in the neural mechanisms underlying self-control.
Human brain mapping Dec, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 21938756
Neural correlates of fear of movement in high and low fear-avoidant chronic low back pain patients: an event-related fMRI study.
Pain Mar, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22230805
Neural correlates of tinnitus related distress: an fMRI-study.
Hearing research Jan, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 22445697
Finger tapping-related activation differences in treatment-naïve pediatric Tourette syndrome: a comparison of the preferred and nonpreferred hand.
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines Mar, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 22774921
A functional neuroimaging study assessing gender differences in the neural mechanisms underlying the ability to resist impulsive desires.
Brain research Sep, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22814146
Assessment of myelination in hypomyelinating disorders by quantitative MRI.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI Dec, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22911904
The effect of long-term high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on working memory in schizophrenia and healthy controls--a randomized placebo-controlled, double-blind fMRI study.
Behavioural brain research Jan, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23022750
Imaging artifacts induced by electrical stimulation during conventional fMRI of the brain.
NeuroImage Oct, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23099102
Effects of age on negative BOLD signal changes in the primary somatosensory cortex.
NeuroImage May, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23296182
The effects of prior pain experience on neural correlates of empathy for pain: An fMRI study.
Pain Mar, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23318128
Structural and quantitative neuroimaging of the common marmoset monkey using a clinical MRI system.
Journal of neuroscience methods Apr, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23473795
Egocentric virtual maze learning in adult survivors of childhood abuse with dissociative disorders: evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Psychiatry research May, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23522878
Tissue plasminogen activator induced delayed edema in experimental porcine intracranial hemorrhage: reduction with plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 administration.
Translational stroke research Jul, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23538320
Image-guided intracranial endosonography.
Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology Jul, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23552276
Egocentric spatial learning in schizophrenia investigated with functional magnetic resonance imaging.
NeuroImage. Clinical , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 24179748
Disturbed anterior prefrontal control of the mesolimbic reward system and increased impulsivity in bipolar disorder.
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Jul, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 24535101
Changed processing of visual sexual stimuli under GnRH-therapy--a single case study in pedophilia using eye tracking and fMRI.
BMC psychiatry May, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 24885644
Parcellation of Human and Monkey Core Auditory Cortex with fMRI Pattern Classification and Objective Detection of Tonotopic Gradient Reversals.
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) Oct, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 24904067
Separating fusion from rivalry.
PloS one , 2014 | Pubmed ID: 25054904
Osteoarthritis of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb: a new MR imaging technique for the standardized detection of relevant ligamental lesions.
Skeletal radiology Oct, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 25081633
Abnormalities in the normal appearing white matter of the cerebral hemisphere contralateral to a malignant brain tumor detected by diffusion tensor imaging.
Folia neuropathologica , 2014 | Pubmed ID: 25310733
Dissociating pathomechanisms of depression with fMRI: bottom-up or top-down dysfunctions of the reward system.
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience Feb, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25327829
Effects of endurance training on brain structures in chronic schizophrenia patients and healthy controls.
Schizophrenia research Jun, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 25623601
May Functional Imaging be Helpful for Behavioral Assessment in Children? Regions of Motor and Associative Cortico-Subcortical Circuits Can be Differentiated by Laterality and Rostrality.
Frontiers in human neuroscience , 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26082707
Neurocognitive functions and brain atrophy after proven neuroborreliosis: a case-control study.
BMC neurology Aug, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26286440
Neural Correlates of Empathy with Pain Show Habituation Effects. An fMRI Study.
PloS one , 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26317858
Transcranial alternating current stimulation affects the BOLD signal in a frequency and task-dependent manner.
Human brain mapping Jan, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 26503692
Differentiating unipolar and bipolar depression by alterations in large-scale brain networks.
Human brain mapping Feb, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 26611711
A DTI study on the corpus callosum of treatment-naïve boys with 'pure' Tourette syndrome.
Psychiatry research Jan, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 26747579
Investigating the Impact of a Genome-Wide Supported Bipolar Risk Variant of MAD1L1 on the Human Reward System.
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Oct, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27184339
Neural Correlates Differ in High and Low Fear-Avoidant Chronic Low Back Pain Patients When Imagining Back-Straining Movements.
The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society Aug, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27260637
Transcranial alternating current stimulation modulates spontaneous low frequency fluctuations as measured with fMRI.
NeuroImage Nov, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27393419
Pharmacokinetics of the MRI contrast agent gadobutrol in common marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus).
Journal of medical primatology Jul, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27417149
Tinnitus- related distress: evidence from fMRI of an emotional stroop task.
BMC ear, nose, and throat disorders , 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27499700
Brain Metabolite Changes in Patients with Relapsing-Remitting and Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: A Two-Year Follow-Up Study.
PloS one , 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27636543
Neural correlates of subliminally presented visual sexual stimuli.
Consciousness and cognition Mar, 2017 | Pubmed ID: 28107727
Sex attracts - neural correlates of sexual preference under cognitive demand.
Brain imaging and behavior Jan, 2017 | Pubmed ID: 28130745
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