Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
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Neuroprotective Effects of Acetyl-L-Carnitine on Neonatal Hypoxia Ischemia-Induced Brain Injury in Rats.
Developmental neuroscience , 2016 | Pubmed ID: 28226317
Metabolic imaging of energy metabolism in traumatic brain injury using hyperpolarized [1-C]pyruvate.
Scientific reports May, 2017 | Pubmed ID: 28507314
Deletion of interleukin 1 receptor-associated kinase 1 () improves glucose tolerance primarily by increasing insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle.
The Journal of biological chemistry 07, 2017 | Pubmed ID: 28572512
Myeloid-derived suppressor cells inhibit T cell activation through nitrating LCK in mouse cancers.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 10, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 30232256
Publisher Correction: Past and future spread of the arbovirus vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.
Nature microbiology May, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 30962571
Development of a dual-functional conjugate of antigenic peptide and Fc-III mimetics (DCAF) for targeted antibody blocking.
Chemical science Mar, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 30996912
University of Maryland School of Medicine
University of Notre Dame
Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center
Brittany O. Aicher1,
Subhradip Mukhopadhyay1,
Xin Lu2,
Selen C. Muratoglu1,
Dudley K. Strickland1,
Areck A. Ucuzian1,3
1Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Diseases, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
2Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
3Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Shan Feng1,2,
Xiaofei Wen3,
Xin Lu2,4,5,6
1Mass Spectrometry Core Facility, School of Life Sciences, Westlake University,
2Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame,
3Department of Urology, Shanghai East Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine,
4Boler-Parseghian Center for Rare and Neglected Diseases, University of Notre Dame,
5Harper Cancer Research Institute, University of Notre Dame,
6Tumor Microenvironment and Metastasis Program, Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center
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