Division of Pediatric and Fetal Surgery,
Department of Surgery,
Division of Pediatric and Fetal Surgery, Department of Surgery
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Local delivery of basic fibroblast growth factor increases both angiogenesis and engraftment of hepatocytes in tissue-engineered polymer devices.
Transplantation May, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12042644
Management of congenital esophageal stenosis.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jul, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12077763
Cholelithiasis and perforated gallbladder in an infant.
Journal of pediatric surgery Sep, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12194140
Selective reduction of acardiac twin by radiofrequency ablation.
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Sep, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12237640
Fetal endoscopic surgery: lessons learned and trends reviewed.
Journal of pediatric surgery Dec, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12483634
Spectrum of intrapartum management strategies for giant fetal cervical teratoma.
Journal of pediatric surgery Mar, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12632365
Resolution of hydrops fetalis in congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation after prenatal steroid therapy.
Journal of pediatric surgery Mar, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12632377
Thoracoscopic lobectomy for prenatally diagnosed lung lesions.
Journal of pediatric surgery Apr, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12677564
Comparison of drainage techniques for biliary atresia.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jul, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12861527
In utero repair of myelomeningocele: experimental pathophysiology, initial clinical experience, and outcomes.
Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) Aug, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12912746
A randomized trial of fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion for severe fetal congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
The New England journal of medicine Nov, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 14614166
Effect of implantation site on hepatocytes heterotopically transplanted on biodegradable polymer scaffolds.
Tissue engineering Dec, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 14670110
The ex utero intrapartum treatment procedure: Looking back at the EXIT.
Journal of pediatric surgery Mar, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15017555
Initial experience with complex laparoscopic biliary surgery in children: biliary atresia and choledochal cyst.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jun, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15185200
Haploidentical donor T cells fail to facilitate engraftment but lessen the immune response of host T cells in murine fetal transplantation.
British journal of haematology Aug, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15257710
Infant pulmonary function in a randomized trial of fetal tracheal occlusion for severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Pediatric research Nov, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15319458
The influence of portoenterostomy on transplantation for biliary atresia.
Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society Oct, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15376306
Prevention of graft rejection by donor type II CD8(+) T cells (Tc2 cells) is not sufficient to improve engraftment in fetal transplantation.
Fetal diagnosis and therapy Jan-Feb, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 15608458
Extrapleural thoracoscopic repair of esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula.
Pediatric surgery international Apr, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 15789240
Survival of severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia has morbid consequences.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jan, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 15868556
Subcutaneous endoscopically assisted ligation (SEAL) of the internal ring for repair of inguinal hernias in children: a novel technique.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jul, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16034766
Pre-emptive placement of a presealant for amniotic access.
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Sep, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16157137
Prosthetic patches for congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair: Surgisis vs Gore-Tex.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jan, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16410103
Long-term follow-up after thymectomy for myasthenia gravis: thoracoscopic vs open.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jan, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16410107
Prenatal diagnosis of familial type I choledochal cyst.
Pediatrics Mar, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16452322
Maternal morbidity after maternal-fetal surgery.
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Mar, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16522421
Laparotomy versus peritoneal drainage for necrotizing enterocolitis and perforation.
The New England journal of medicine May, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16723614
Monochorionic twin gestation complicated by a sacrococcygeal teratoma with hydrops--optimal timing of delivery allows for survival of the unaffected twin.
Journal of pediatric surgery Aug, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16863829
Spontaneous rupture of fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma.
Fetal diagnosis and therapy , 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16912491
Thoracoscopic resection of foregut duplication cysts.
Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A Oct, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 17004883
Fetal intervention for mass lesions and hydrops improves outcome: a 15-year experience.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jan, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17208551
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia associated with spinal anomalies.
Obstetrics and gynecology Feb, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17267867
Efficacy of radiofrequency ablation for twin-reversed arterial perfusion sequence.
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology May, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17466701
Obstructing ileal duplication cyst infected with Salmonella in a 2-year-old boy: a case report and review of the literature.
Journal of pediatric surgery May, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17502171
Reliability of the lung-to-head ratio as a predictor of outcome in fetuses with isolated left congenital diaphragmatic hernia at gestation outside 24-26 weeks.
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Jul, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17618746
Surgical treatment of childhood recurrent pancreatitis.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jul, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17618881
Characteristics of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations associated with nonimmune hydrops and outcome.
Journal of pediatric surgery Aug, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17706495
A prospective, randomized, multicenter trial of amnioreduction vs selective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation for the treatment of severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome.
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Oct, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17904975
Fetoscopic transuterine release of posterior urethral valves: a new technique.
Fetal diagnosis and therapy , 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18033963
Thoracoscopic versus open resection for congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations of the lung.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jan, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18206452
Does congenital diaphragmatic hernia associated with bronchopulmonary sequestration portend a better prognosis?
Fetal diagnosis and therapy , 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18417988
Determination of risk factors for deep venous thrombosis in hospitalized children.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jun, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18558189
Colonic atresia and choledochal cyst: a rare combination.
Pediatric surgery international Jan, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 18985360
Indication for pediatric muscle biopsy determines usefulness.
Journal of pediatric surgery Dec, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 19040934
Sacrococcygeal teratoma with spinal canal invasion prenatally diagnosed.
Journal of pediatric surgery Apr, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19361623
Conflicts in wound classification of neonatal operations.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jun, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19524742
Fetal surgery is a multidisciplinary field that relies on the participation and expertise of a variety of clinicians and support staff. Preface.
Clinics in perinatology Jun, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19559315
Tracheal occlusion for fetal congenital diaphragmatic hernia: the US experience.
Clinics in perinatology Jun, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19559324
Complicated monochorionic twin pregnancies: updates in fetal diagnosis and treatment.
Clinics in perinatology Jun, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19559328
Prognostic role of tumor-head volume ratio in fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma.
Fetal diagnosis and therapy , 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19752518
Long-term survival and renal transplantation in a monozygotic twin with cloacal dysgenesis sequence.
Journal of pediatric surgery Dec, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 20006002
Prenatal steroids for microcystic congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jan, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20105595
Long-term surgical outcomes in congenital diaphragmatic hernia: observations from a single institution.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jan, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20105597
The effect of fiber alignment and heparin coating on cell infiltration into nanofibrous PLLA scaffolds.
Biomaterials May, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20122725
Perinatal outcome of conservative management versus fetal intervention for twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence with a small acardiac twin.
Fetal diagnosis and therapy , 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20215730
The anatomic pattern of biliary atresia identified at time of Kasai hepatoportoenterostomy and early postoperative clearance of jaundice are significant predictors of transplant-free survival.
Annals of surgery Oct, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21869674
Diastolic Cardiac Pathology and Clinical Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome in Monochorionic/Diamniotic Twins.
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Sep, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21909155
Echocardiographic risk stratification of fetuses with sacrococcygeal teratoma and twin-reversed arterial perfusion.
Fetal diagnosis and therapy , 2011 | Pubmed ID: 22086180
Microcystic congenital pulmonary airway malformation with hydrops fetalis: steroids vs open fetal resection.
Journal of pediatric surgery Jan, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22244389
Eric B. Jelin1,
Samuel C. Schecter1,
Kelly D. Gonzales1,
Shinjiro Hirose1,
Hanmin Lee1,
Geoffrey A. Machin2,
Larry Rand3,
Vickie A. Feldstein4
1Division of Pediatric and Fetal Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of California, San Francisco,
2Department of Pathology, University of Alberta,
3Department of Obstretics and Gynecology, University of California, San Francisco,
4Department of Radiology, University of California, San Francisco
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