Robotic Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia Unit,
Cardiology, Robotic Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia Unit
My research activity has focused in 3 lines: 1) molecular analysis of virulence factors of Gram-negative bacteria, mainly surface structures of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Aeromonas, 2) genomic and functional analysis of core lipopolysaccharides (LPSs), and 3) analysis of Aeromonas glycosylation systems and their relationship with virulence.
In 1987, I started my research activity with two grants of the Catalonian Government (CG) to assist research projects of young researchers. I characterized the Aeromonas surface structures involved in virulence. In 1990, I finished my Doctoral Thesis and was hired as LRU Adjunct Professor in the Dept. of Microbiology (DM) of the University of Barcelona (UB). I carried on my previous research, but also analyzed the Aeromonas surface structures and mechanisms involved in the infectious process, characterizing different outer membrane components and their role in the bactericidal resistance to the action of non-immune serum. I have been involved in different studies that contributed to understand the role of the K. pneumoniae capsule and the O-antigen LPS at different stages of the infectious process. I also analyzed the clinical incidence of K. pneumoniae O-antigen LPS serotypes and the surface exposure of O1-antigen in different capsular serotypes. In 1994, I obtained a PhD fellowship of the CG for a Postdoctoral stay at the University of Nottingham. This year, my research was focused in the molecular analysis of iron and heme receptors of Haemophilus influenza type b. In 1995, I was hired as adjunct Professor 4B in the DM of the UB and in 2000, as Interim Associate professor. I was started the molecular analysis of K. pneumoniae and Aeromonas iron receptors and described and analyzed different gene clusters of Aeromonas involved in the biosynthesis of surface structures, as polar and lateral flagella, and type III secretion system. I was also be involved in the genetic and functional analysis of K. pneumoniae and Aeromonas gene clusters involved in the biosynthesis of different O-antigen LPSs. In 2001, I was obtained an Associate Professor position in the DM of the UB and, in 2009, I was accredited by ANECA as Full professor candidate. I followed with the Aeromonas flagella and O-antigen studies, but I also analyzed some genes involved in the regulation of Aeromonas surface structures and performed the genetic and functional analysis of core-LPS gene clusters of different Gram-negative bacteria. Furthermore, I started to analyze the glycosylation mechanisms present in mesophilic Aeromonas, especially post-transductional modifications of the flagellum. Finally, in 2017, I obtained a Full Professor position in the DM of the UB. I continued with the molecular analysis of the O-antigen and core-LPS clusters, but also with the analysis of Aeromonas glycosylation systems.
Many of these researches were developed in collaboration with different international groups. Dr. Yuriy Knirel, Dra. M.M. Corsaro and Dra. M. Kaszowska to perform the O-antigen and core LPS studies. Dr. P. Williams, Dr. P. Domenico Dr P. Cosson, and Dr. K. Söderhäll to perform the analysis of structures and mechanisms involved in the infectious process. Dr. J.G. Shaw, and Dra. S.M. Twine to perform the analysis of flagella and glycosylation systems. Collaborations with national groups were also established: Dra. C. Esteve, Dra. B. de Novoa and Dra. N. Roher.
All this research was reflected in 146 publications in international and peer-review journals indexed in the JCR, being the first or last author of 56. I have participated in 8 book chapters, 6 of them published by prestigious internationally publishers. I also participated in numerous National and International Congresses. I participated in 17 projects, obtained in competitive calls (14 from the National Plan, 1 CEE, 1 FIS, 1 from the CG and 1 from the UB, being the IP of 5. In addition, I was participated in the REIPI thematic network of the Carlos III Health Institute; I am part of the Consolidated Research Group of the CG, the Reference Network in Biotechnology of the Generalitat de Catalunya (XeRBA) and member of Institut de Recerca en Nutrició i Seguretat Alimentària (INSA). All this was recognized by the “Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora” awarding me with 5 positive research sections.
I am referee in different indexed journals in the JCR, Editorial board member of the Int. J. Microbiol. and previously, of pLOS ONE and Ann. Clin. Microbiol. Antimicrob. I actively participate in scientific evaluation in Spain (AGAUR, DEVA and ANEP) and international agencies (Austrian Science Foundation and BBSRC). I am also evaluator in EQA Certificados I+D+I.
In the last 10 years I supervised 3 Theses, 14 Final Master Projects and 6 Final Degree Projects of the University of Barcelona. In addition, I advised 8 students who have obtained a Collaboration Grant in Departments of the Ministry of Education.
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