There has been renewed interest in developing polymer valves. Here, the objectives are to demonstrate the feasibility of modifying a commercial pulse duplicator to accommodate tri-leaflet geometries and to define a protocol to present polymer valve hydrodynamic data in comparison to native and prosthetic valve data collected under near-identical conditions.
We describe the fabrication and characterization protocols used in our studies of magneto-electrical nanoparticles (MENs) for enabling Personalized Nanomedicine (PNM) from the perspective of fundamental physics and nanoengineering. This approach exploits quantum-mechanical coupling between electric and magnetic fields within MENs. Anti-Cancer and anti-HIV drugs were released on demand.
Here we report an application of the photothermal beam deflection technique in combination with a caged calcium compound, DM-nitrophen, to monitor microsecond and millisecond dynamics and energetics of structural changes associated with the calcium association to a neuronal calcium sensor, Downstream Regulatory Element Antagonist Modulator.
Synthesis and fabrication of electrospun long fibers spanning a larger deposit area via a newly designed collector from a novel biodegradable polymer named poly(glycerol-dodecanoate) (PGD) was reported. The fibers were able to support the growth of cells derived from mouse pluripotent stem cells.
This video introduces the preparation, recording, and source analysis procedures of high-resolution EEG on sedated rats with a particular preclinical model of focal epilepsy under noninvasive conditions.
Feeding difficulties are a common problem for children with developmental disorders, including autism, and behavioral interventions often include escape extinction. Recent research has begun to evaluate treatments that do not include escape extinction. This manuscript describes a multicomponent treatment package that does not use escape extinction to treat feeding difficulties.
This study compares two different methods of human monocyte isolation for obtaining in vitro dendritic cells (DCs). Monocytes are selected by adherence or negatively enriched by magnetic separation. Monocyte yield and viability along with MDDC viability, proliferation and CD11c/CD14 surface marker expression will be compared between both methods.
The low-energy water-accommodated fraction (LEWAF) of crude oil is a challenging system to analyze, because over time, this complex mixture undergoes chemical transformations. This protocol illustrates methods for the preparation of the LEWAF sample and for performing photo-irradiation and chemical analysis by trapped ion mobility spectrometry–FT-ICR MS.
This protocol isolates extracellular vesicles (EVs) away from virions with high efficiency and yield by incorporating EV precipitation, density gradient ultracentrifugation, and particle capture to allow for a streamlined workflow and a reduction of starting volume requirements, resulting in reproducible preparations for use in all EV research.
The Controlled Odor Mimic Permeation System is a simple, field-portable, low-cost method of odor delivery for olfactory testing and training. It is constructed of an odorant retained on an adsorbent material and contained inside of a permeable polymer bag allowing controlled release of the odorant vapor over time.
The comet assay is a popular means of detecting DNA damage. This study describes an approach to running slides in representative variants of the comet assay. This approach significantly increased the number of samples while decreasing assay run-time, the number of slide manipulations, and the risk of damage to gels.
This paper presents the methodology for obtaining and assessing vascular calcification by isolating murine aortas followed by extracting calcified extracellular vesicles to observe the mineralization potential.
A method for the screening of fentanyl analogs based on their retention time, mobility, and mass spectrometry fragmentation pattern.
An analytical workflow based on liquid chromatography, trapped ion mobility spectrometry, and time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TIMS-ToF MS/MS) for high confidence and highly reproducible "bottom-up" analysis of histone modifications and identification based on principal parameters (retention time [RT], collision cross section [CCS], and accurate mass-to-charge [m/z] ratio).
Presented here is a method for screening lipid structures through stable isotope labeling by using their retention time, mobility, and fragmentation.
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