Miltenyi Biotec,GmbH




Preparation of Single-Cell Suspensions from Mouse Spleen with the gentleMACS Dissociator
Melanie Jungblut 1, Karen Oeltze 1, Irene Zehnter 1, Doris Hasselmann 1, Andreas Bosio 1
1Miltenyi Biotec,GmbH

This video describes a simple, time-saving technique for automated tissue dissociation using the gentleMACS Dissociator to prepare single-cell suspensions of mouse splenocytes.



Detection and Isolation of Viable Mouse IL-17-Secreting T Cells
Anna Foerster 1, Mario Assenmacher 1, Michaela Niemoeller 1, Elly Rankin 1, Mariette Mohaupt 1, Anne Richter 1
1Miltenyi Biotec,GmbH

This procedure describes the detection and isolation of mouse TH17 leukocytes that actively secrete IL-17 upon stimulation.



Standardized Preparation of Single-Cell Suspensions from Mouse Lung Tissue using the gentleMACS Dissociator
Melanie Jungblut 1, Karen Oeltze 1, Irene Zehnter 1, Doris Hasselmann 1, Andreas Bosio 1
1Miltenyi Biotec,GmbH

Dissociating cells from specific tissue types requires specific parameters for tissue agitation to obtain a high volume of viable, culturable cells. The Miltenyi gentleMACS dissociator optimizes this task with a simple, practical protocol. In this publication the use of this apparatus on lung tissue is explained.



Generation of Single-Cell Suspensions from Mouse Neural Tissue
Sandra Pennartz 1, Sandy Reiss 1, Rebecca Biloune 1, Doris Hasselmann 1, Andreas Bosio 1
1Miltenyi Biotec,GmbH

Dissociating cells from specific tissue types requires specific parameters for tissue aggitation to obtain a high volume of viable, culturable cells. The Miltenyi gentleMACS Dissociator optimizes this task with a simple, practical protocol. In this publication the use of this apparatus on nerual tissue is explained.



Depletion of Mouse Cells from Human Tumor Xenografts Significantly Improves Downstream Analysis of Target Cells
David J. Agorku 1, Stefan Tomiuk 1, Kerstin Klingner 2, Stefan Wild 1, Silvia Rüberg 1, Lisa Zatrieb 1, Andreas Bosio 1, Julia Schueler 2, Olaf Hardt 1
1R&D Reagents, Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, 2In vivo Tumorbiology, Oncotest GmbH

Human tumor xenografts are vascularized and infiltrated by cells of mouse origin during the growth phase in vivo. To circumvent the bias caused by these contaminating cells during downstream analysis, we developed a method allowing for comprehensive depletion of all mouse cells by magnetic cell sorting.



Monitoring Spatial Segregation in Surface Colonizing Microbial Populations
Theresa Hölscher 1, Anna Dragoš 1, Ramses Gallegos-Monterrosa 1, Marivic Martin 1, Eisha Mhatre 1, Anne Richter 1, Ákos T. Kovács 1
1Terrestrial Biofilms Group, Institute of Microbiology, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena

The role of assortment (spatial segregation) in evolutionary scenarios can be examined using simple microbial systems in the laboratory that allow controlled adjustment of spatial distribution. By modifying the founder cell density, various assortment levels can be visualized using fluorescently labelled bacterial strains in the colony biofilms of Bacillus subtilis.

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