U.S. Naval Research Laboratory




Quantitative Detection of Trace Explosive Vapors by Programmed Temperature Desorption Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detector
Christopher R. Field 1, Adam Lubrano 2, Morgan Woytowitz 2, Braden C. Giordano 3, Susan L. Rose-Pehrsson 4
1Chemical Sensing & Fuel Technology, Chemistry Division, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, 2NOVA Research, Inc., 3Bio/Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry Division, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, 4Navy Technology Center for Safety and Survivability, Chemistry Division, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

Trace explosive vapors of TNT and RDX collected on sorbent-filled thermal desorption tubes were analyzed using a programmed temperature desorption system coupled to GC with an electron capture detector. The instrumental analysis is combined with direct liquid deposition method to reduce sample variability and account for instrumentation drift and losses.



Accelerating Rate Calorimetry and Complementary Techniques to Characterize Battery Safety Hazards
Emily J. Klein *1, Rachel Carter *1,2, Corey T. Love *1
1Chemistry Division, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, 2NRL/NRC Post-doctoral Research Associate

A method to characterize the potential failure hazards of lithium batteries is achieved with accelerating rate calorimetry. Heat and pressure release, visual observation of the failure event, and the capture of evolved gases are collected in this experiment to identify the worst credible threats of batteries taken to failure.


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Nitrogen Compound Characterization in Fuels by Multidimensional Gas Chromatography
Rachel D. Deese 1,2, Robert E. Morris 3, Mark Romanczyk 4, Alison E. Metz 5, Thomas N. Loegel 1
1U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, 2NRC Research Associateships Programs, 3Nova Research, Inc., 4Peraton, 5Naval Air Systems Command, Air-4.4.5.

Here, we present a method utilizing two-dimensional gas chromatography and nitrogen chemiluminescence detection (GCxGC-NCD) to extensively characterize the different classes of nitrogen-containing compounds in diesel and jet fuels.

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