Determination Of NOx in Automobile Exhaust Using UV-VIS Spectroscopy


Source: Laboratories of Margaret Workman and Kimberly Frye - Depaul University

In the troposphere, ozone is naturally formed when sunlight splits nitrogen dioxide (NO2):

NO2 + sunlight → NO + O

O + O2 → O3

Ozone (O3) can go on to react with nitric oxide (NO) to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and oxygen:

NO + O3 → NO2 + O2

This results in no net gain of ozone (O3). However, with the anthropogenic production of ozone forming precursors (NO, NO2, and volatile organic compounds) through the combustion of fossil fuels, elevated levels of ozone in the troposphere have been found. Motor vehicle exhaust is a significant source of these ozone forming precursors: NO, NO2, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). For example, mobile sources make up nearly 60% of NO + NO2 emissions.

At the high temperatures found in a car’s combustion chamber, nitrogen and oxygen from the air react to form nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2):

N2(g) + O2 (g)→ 2 NO(g)

2 NO(g) + O2(g)→ 2 NO2(g)

The nitric oxide (NO) emitted in the car exhaust is gradually oxidized to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in ambient air. This mixture of NO and NO2 is often referred to as NOx. When NOx reacts with volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight, tropospheric ozone forms, as seen in this simplified chemical reaction:

NOx + VOCs + sunlight → O3 + other products

This noxious mixture of air pollution, which can include aldehydes, peroxyacetyl nitrates, ozone, VOCs, and NOx, is called photochemical smog. Ozone is the largest component of photochemical smog. This smog is found in all modern cities, but it’s found especially in cities with sunny, warm, dry climates and large numbers of motor vehicles. The yellow-brown color of smog in the air is due in part to the nitrogen dioxide present, since this gas absorbs visible light near 400 nm (Figure 1).

Short-term NO2 exposure (30 min to 1 day) leads to adverse respiratory effects in healthy people and increased respiratory symptoms in people with asthma. NOx reacts with ammonia and other compounds to form particulates. These small particles can penetrate the lungs and cause respiratory problems, including emphysema and bronchitis. Individuals who spend a lot of time on the road or who live near a roadway experience considerably higher exposure to NO2.

Due to the impact it has on human health and the environment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has classified NO2 as a criteria pollutant and has set the primary standard at 100 ppb (98th percentile of 1-h daily maximum concentrations, averaged over 3 years) and 53 ppb (annual mean). Considering that on-road vehicles account for approximately 1/3 of NOx emissions in the U.S., automobile emissions are therefore regulated through the Clean Air Act. The U.S. EPA established emission standards that automobile manufacturers must follow when producing cars. Currently, Tier 2 emission standards set that manufacturers must have fleet average NOx emissions of no more than 0.07 g/mile.

One way manufacturers meet this standard is by using catalytic converters on their cars. This device is placed between the engine and the tailpipe. The exhaust stream passes through the catalytic converter and is exposed to a catalyst. A reduction catalyst of platinum and rhodium is used to reduce the NOx concentration in the exhaust. When an NO or NO2 molecule in the exhaust contacts the catalyst, the nitrogen atom is grabbed off the molecule and held onto by the catalyst. The oxygen is freed and forms O2. The nitrogen atom on the catalyst binds with another nitrogen atom held on the catalyst to form N2.

Catalytic converters have greatly reduced the emissions of NOx from car exhaust – up to 80% reduction, when performing properly. However, they only work when they have reached a fairly high temperature. Therefore, when doing a cold start of a car, the catalytic converter is removing virtually no NOx. It isn’t until the catalytic converter reaches higher temperatures that it effectively removes the NOx from the exhaust stream. Catalytic converters do not work on diesel passenger cars due to the lean conditions under which they operate. In addition, the sulfur in diesel fuel also deactivates the catalyst. The NOx in diesel engines are reduced mainly through the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve, which cools the temperature of the combustion gases. As a result, diesel cars generally emit more NOx than gasoline cars.

Figure 1
Figure 1. Characteristic coloration for smog in California in the beige cloud bank behind the Golden Gate Bridge. The brown coloration is due to the NOx in the photochemical smog.


1. Preparation of Nitrite (NO2-) Stock Solution

  1. Weigh out 1.500 g NaNO2 and add to a 1-L volumetric flask.
  2. Dilute to the mark using nanopure water. (Check the distilled water from the tap – it may contain enough nitrite to interfere with the measurements.) This produces a 1,000 µg NO2-/mL stock solution.
  3. To make a 5.0 µg NO2-/mL solution, take 1 mL of the 1,000 µg NO2-/mL solution a

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Table 2 provides an example of proper results. Using the absorbance measurements of the standard solutions, a plot of Absorbance vs. Concentration of NO2- can be made (Figure 4). Then, the best fit line of the data can be determined. Using the best-fit line of the standard curve, the concentration of NO2- in each unknown solution (µg/mL) can be calculated. This value can be converted to the concentration of NO2 in the exhaust ga

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Заявка и Краткое содержание

The measurement of nitrite using the modified Saltzman reaction is very common and useful in many different fields. As described, the method can be used to measure NOx concentrations in air samples – car exhaust, laboratory rooms, air quality of cities, etc. In addition, this method can be used to monitor NOx in cigarette smoke. The procedure would be very similar to this experiment, except instead of drawing car exhaust into the syringe, cigarette smoke would be drawn in. There is often a hig

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NOxAutomobile ExhaustUV VIS SpectroscopyNitric OxideNitrogen DioxideCombustion ChamberTropospheric OzoneVolatile Organic CompoundsPhotochemical SmogIndicator SolutionsMeasure And Quantify NOx ProductionClean Air ActCatalytic ConvertersEmissionsVehicle Start Up

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Principles of NOx Quantification in Automobile Exhausts


Preparation of Nitrite Stock Solution and Indicator Solutions


Preparation of Calibration Standards and Creation of a Standard Curve


Automobile Exhaust Sample Measurement





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