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This protocol describes developing a stable bilateral cavernous nerve injury rat model of radical prostatectomy associated with erectile dysfunction and intracavernous pressure measurement.


The bilateral cavernous nerve (CN) injury rat model has been extensively used to simulate clinical cavernous nerve injury associated with erectile dysfunction (ED) for evaluating the effect of clinical therapeutic methods. However, the methods of CN injury model construction are flawed and varied in the ED research field. It is CN crush injury that is the most commonly used method in recent years. This study aims to provide a detailed description of the procedure of bilateral CN injury rat model construction and measurement of intracavernous pressure (ICP) recording, providing a reliable and reproducible CN injury rat model. This work successfully developed the CN injury method of hemostat crush injury using a syringe needle as hard support and a hemostat with a rubber sleeve. Also, this method concludes that a voltage of 1.0 V, frequency of 20 Hz, and pulse-width of 5 ms are the optimized stimulation parameters for ICP recording in a bilateral CN injury rat model.


ED is one of the common diseases in adult men. It is estimated that the number of ED patients in the world will reach 322 million by 20251. One multicenter extensive sample survey in China shows that the proportion of ED caused by pelvic surgery or trauma is about 8%2. Despite the continuous improvement of surgical techniques and surgical instruments, the incidence of ED is still high. It has been considered that the development and progression of ED after nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy (RP) contributes to cavernous nerve injury resulting in atrophy of corpus cavernosum smooth muscle, apoptosis of endothelial cells,....


Fifteen adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (3-month-old) weighing between 300-350 g were used in this study. All animal procedures were performed following the NIH Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and with the approval of The fifth affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Animals were housed in a comfortable facility with temperature and light controlled.

1. Preparation for surgical procedure materials

  1. Prepare the following instruments: scalpel, tissue scissors, thread scissors, bending forceps, tissue forceps, microsurgery forceps, Hartman mosquito hemostatic fo....


The surgery procedure produced a typical ICP response curve using this protocol with the recommended stimulation settings. The ICP response curve rises instantly when stimulating the nerve and drops when the stimulation is withdrawn (Figure 5). It is essential to examine the intracavernous pressure line before measuring the ICP, which affects the evaluation of increased ICP values (Figure 4).

As illustrated in Fig.......


ED is a severe complication of pelvic surgery or trauma. Although undergoing a nerve-sparing operation, the incidence rate of ED is approximately 14-90% in radical prostatectomy (RP)12. Due to the problematic regeneration of injury CN, the clinical curative effect is less than satisfactory. Thus, a stable CN injury animal model for exploring treatments of ED is essential. Quinlan et al. first reported the CN injury rat model for the study of RP-associated ED13. Several stud.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 82071636).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
25 G needleBD Bioscience367391
Abdominal retractorRWD Life ScienceR22009-01
Animal operating padProvided by Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Biomedical ImagingNA
Bending forcepsRWD Life ScienceF12011-10
Biological signal acquisition and processing systemTechman SoftwareBL-420S
Bipolar electrodeTechman SoftwareAC0047
HARTMAN mosquito hemostatic forcepsRWD Life ScienceF22002-10
HeparinShanghai Aladdin Biochemical Technology2608411
Micro needle holderRWD Life ScienceF31047-12
Microsurgery forcepsRWD Life ScienceF11001-11
ScalpelRWD Life ScienceS32003-12
Sodium pentobarbitalGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Biomedical ImagingNA
Sprague–Dawley ratGuangdong Medical Laboratory Animal CenterGDMLAC-035
Thread scissorsRWD Life ScienceS15001-11
Tissue forcepsRWD Life ScienceF13019-12
Tissue scissorsRWD Life ScienceS13029-14


  1. Ayta, I. A., McKinlay, J. B., Krane, R. J. The likely worldwide increase in erectile dysfunction between 1995 and 2025 and some possible policy consequences. BJU International. 84 (1), 50-56 (1999).
  2. Li, D., et al.

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Cavernous Nerve InjuryRat ModelIntracavernous Pressure RecordingErectile DysfunctionCavernous Nerve Crush InjuryICP MeasurementStimulation Parameters

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