Chapter 3

Measure of Central Tendency

What is Central Tendency?
What is Central Tendency?
Descriptive statistics describe or summarize relevant characteristics of a sample and aid in the analysis of data of interest. When analyzing large ...
Arithmetic Mean
Arithmetic Mean
The arithmetic mean is the most commonly used measure of the central tendency of a data set. It is defined as the sum of all the elements constituting the ...
Geometric Mean
Geometric Mean
The mean is a measure of the central tendency of a data set. In some data sets, the data is inherently multiplicative, and the arithmetic mean is not ...
Harmonic Mean
Harmonic Mean
The arithmetic mean is usually skewed towards the larger values in the data set. Therefore, to avoid this inherent bias towards smaller values, the ...
Trimmed Mean
Trimmed Mean
While measuring the mean of a data set, care needs to be taken when associating the mean to its central tendency. The same goes for the arithmetic mean, ...
Weighted Mean
Weighted Mean
While taking the arithmetic, geometric, or harmonic mean of a sample data set, equal importance is assigned to all the data points. However, all the ...
Root Mean Square
Root Mean Square
If in an experiment, data values have a probability of being both positive and negative, neither the arithmetic mean, the geometric mean, nor the harmonic ...
Mean From a Frequency Distribution
Mean From a Frequency Distribution
Sometimes, data gathered from an experiment on a large sample or population are organized into concise tables. In such cases, the frequency of the ...
What is a Mode?
What is a Mode?
The mode is one of the commonly used measures of a central tendency. It is defined as the most frequent value in a data set. There can be more than one ...
Besides mean, the median is a widely used measure of central tendency. Typically, median is defined as the central or middle value of a data set, measured ...
A somewhat easy to compute quantitative estimate of a data set’s central tendency is its midrange, which is defined as the mean of the minimum and ...
The measures of central tendency calculated from a data set may not reveal much about its intrinsic distribution. If a plot is made of the data ...
Types of Skewness
Types of Skewness
If the frequency distribution of a data set is more inclined towards smaller or larger values, the distribution is said to be skewed. If data values are ...
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