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Here, we prepare and characterize novel tree-like hierarchical ZnO/CdSSe nanostructures, where CdSSe branches are grown on vertically aligned ZnO nanowires. The resulting nanotrees are a potential material for solar energy conversion and other opto-electronic devices.


A two-step chemical vapor deposition procedure is here employed to prepare tree-like hierarchical ZnO/CdSSe hetero-nanostructures. The structures are composed of CdSSe branches grown on ZnO nanowires that are vertically aligned on a transparent sapphire substrate. The morphology was measured via scanning electron microscopy. The crystal structure was determined by X-ray powder diffraction analysis. Both the ZnO stem and CdSSe branches have a predominantly wurtzite crystal structure. The mole ratio of S and Se in the CdSSe branches was measured by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The CdSSe branches result in strong visible light absorption. Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy showed that the stem and branches form a type-II heterojunction. PL lifetime measurements showed a decrease in the lifetime of emission from the trees when compared to emission from individual ZnO stems or CdSSe branches and indicate fast charge transfer between CdSSe and ZnO. The vertically aligned ZnO stems provide a direct electron transport pathway to the substrate and allow for efficient charge separation after photoexcitation by visible light. The combination of the abovementioned properties makes ZnO/CdSSe nanotrees promising candidates for applications in solar cells, photocatalysis, and opto-electronic devices.


ZnO is a II-VI semiconductor featuring a band gap (BG) of 3.3 eV, a high electron mobility, and a large exciton binding energy1,2. It is an abundant semiconducting material with a plethora of present and future applications in optical devices, solar cells, and photocatalysis. However, ZnO is transparent, which limits its application in the visible spectral range. Therefore, materials absorbing visible light, such as narrow-gap semiconductors3, dye molecules4, and photosensitive polymers5, have frequently been employed for sensitizing ZnO to visible light absorption.

CdS (BG 2.43 eV) and CdSe (BG 1....


1. Synthesis of Tree-like ZnO/CdSSe Nanostructures

  1. Pretreatment and gold coating of sapphire substrates
    NOTE: The gold film acts as a catalyst in the growth of the ZnO nanowires.
    1. Clean sapphire slides (a-plane, 10 × 10 × 1 mm) in 99.5% ethanol with 5 min of sonication to prepare the substrate for Au sputtering.
    2. Deposit a 10-nm (± 2 nm)-thick film of gold onto the sapphire slides with a sputter coater and gold target.
  2. Synthesis of ZnO nanowires
    NOTE: The sonication step 1.2.2 results in a homogeneous ZnO and carbon (ZnO/C) mixture. After mixing, the mixture changes ....

Representative Results

Figure 1 shows the growth mechanism of ZnO/CdSSe NTs. The procedure involved a catalytic vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) process followed by a non-catalytic vapor-solid (VS) growth. In the first VLS step, ZnO and C react in the Ar atmosphere, resulting in metallic Zn and carbon oxide. Zn is subsequently dissolved in the gold precursor on the sapphire substrate. ZnO nanowires grow from the dissolved Zn and residual oxygen. In the second step, exposure to air results in the growth.......


The vertical alignment of ZnO nanowires (stems) is based on epitaxial growth on the substrate. ZnO nanowires grow preferentially along the <0001> direction that matches with the periodicity of the a-plane of sapphire12. Therefore, the type and the quality of the substrate are very important. Different thicknesses of the gold coating on the substrate, from 5 nm to 20 nm, have been tested and showed no significant difference in the growth of ZnO nanowires. The length of the ZnO nanowires can be adjusted .......


Data and figures in this article are cited from the literature in nanotechnology by Li et al.17.


The authors thank Svilen Bobev for his help with the XRD spectra and K. Booksh for assistance with the sputter coater equipment.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
ZnOSigma Aldrich1314-13-2
Activated CarbonAlfa231-153-3
CdSeSigma Aldrich1306-24-7
CdSSigma Aldrich1306-23-6
SapphireMTI2SPa-plane, 10 × 10 × 1 mm
FurnaceLindberg Blue MSSP
Scanning electron microscopeHitachiS5700assembled with an Oxford Inca X-act detector
X-ray powder diffractometer Rigaku MiniFlexfiltered Cu Kα radiation (λ=1.5418 Å)
Amplified Ti:sapphire oscillator Coherent MantisCoherent Legend-Elite
Single photon detection module ID QuantiqueID-100
Sputter coaterCressington308assembled with gold target
Fiber probe spectrometerPhoton ControlSPM-002
Colored Glass FilterThorlabsFGB37-A - Ø25 mm BG40AR Coated: 350 - 700 nm 
Compressed argon gasKeen7440-37-1


  1. Swank, R. K. Surface Properties of II-VI. Compounds. Phys. Rev. 153 (3), 844-849 (1967).
  2. Bagnall, D. M., et al. Optically pumped lasing of ZnO at room temperature. Appl Phys. Lett. 70 (17), 2230-2232 (1997).
  3. Zheng, Z. K....

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