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The present protocol describes a method for injecting tick embryos. Embryo injection is the preferred technique for genetic manipulation to generate transgenic lines.


Ticks can transmit various viral, bacterial, and protozoan pathogens and are therefore considered vectors of medical and veterinary importance. Despite the growing burden of tick-borne diseases, research on ticks has lagged behind insect disease vectors due to challenges in applying genetic transformation tools for functional studies to the unique biology of ticks. Genetic interventions have been gaining attention to reduce mosquito-borne diseases. However, the development of such interventions requires stable germline transformation by injecting embryos. Such an embryo injection technique is lacking for chelicerates, including ticks. Several factors, such as an external thick wax layer on tick embryos, hard chorion, and high intra-oval pressure, are some obstacles that previously prevented embryo injection protocol development in ticks. The present work has overcome these obstacles, and an embryo injection technique for the black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis, is described here. This technique can be used to deliver components, such as CRISPR/Cas9, for stable germline transformations.


Ticks are vectors of medical and veterinary importance, capable of transmitting a variety of viral, bacterial, protozoan pathogens and nematodes1,2. In the eastern United States, the black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis, is an important vector of the Lyme disease (LD) pathogen, the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. Over 400,000 cases of LD are reported each year in the United States, making it the top vector-borne infectious disease in the US1. In addition to B. burgdorferi, six other microorganisms are transmitted by I. scapularis- including four bact....


Ixodes scapularis adults were either purchased from Oklahoma State University (OSU) or reared at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) (IACUC protocol #21-001-1118).

1. Preparation of female ticks for embryo collection

NOTE: To collect eggs of appropriate age, it is important to synchronize egg-laying. Although egg-laying cues in ticks remain unclear, under the standard insectary conditions (27 °C temperature and >90% relative humidity (RH)), I. scapularis females begin laying eggs approximately 8 days post-host detachment. This timeline can be lengthened by storing replet....

Representative Results

A successful embryo injection protocol for I. scapularis is described in this article. Egg-laying females were kept at high humidity to avoid desiccation of partially-waxed eggs. The wax layer was removed to inject tick embryos by ablating the Gene's organ (wax gland) of the gravid female (Figure 1A-E). We used aluminosilicate glass needles with a shorter neck (Figure 2). This shape was ideal for tick egg injection .......


This is the first protocol developed to inject early tick embryos successfully. A survival rate of ~4%-8% has been achieved, which is comparable to embryo injection in other well-established insect models5.

As this is the initial protocol, it is anticipated that this protocol will be further refined and specialized to individual tick species. In particular, injection timing will vary from species to species, dependent upon embryogenesis, especially the timing of cellula.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors acknowledge Channa Aluvihare and Yonus Gebermicale, ITF, UMD, for insight and support during the initial phase of protocol development. Tungsten needles were a generous gift from David O'Brochta, ITF, UMD. We are thankful to Dr. Ladislav Simo for testing this protocol in I. ricinus and for insightful discussions. This project was funded by NIH-NIAID R21AI128393 and Plymouth Hill Foundation, NY to MG-N, startup funds from the University of Nevada to AN, the National Science Foundation Grant No. 2019609 to MG-N and AN, and a Peer-to-Peer Grant from IGTRCN to AS.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Aluminum silicate capillaries, with filamentSutter instrumentsAF100-64-10Embryo injection
Benzalkonium chloride 50% in water, 25 gTCI-AmericaB0414Embryo treatment, 25 g is approximately 25 mL
Filter paperWhatman1001-090Post-injection care
ForcepsThomas Scientific300-101Gene`s organ manipulation
Lab WipesGenesee Scientific88-115
Microloader tipsEppendorf930001007Loading the pulled needles
MicromanipulatorSutter instrumentsROE-200Embryo injection
Microscopic slides- plain, ground edgesGenesee Scientific29-100Embryo alignment, ground edges are preferred, beveled edges could obscure the eggs from view
NaClResearch Products InternationalS23020-500.0Embryo treatment
Needle PullerSutter InstrumentsP-1000
Permanent Double sided tapeScotch34-8716-3417-5Embryo alignment
Petri platesGenesee Scientific32-107GPost-injection care
Tegaderm/ Transparent film dressing3M Healthcare1628Embryo alignment
Tungsten needlesFine Science Tools10130-10Gene`s organ manipulation
Tungsten WireAmazonB08DNT7ZK3Gene`s organ manipulation
XenoWorks Digital MicroinjectorSutter instrumentsMPC-200Embryo injection


  1. Hinckley, A. F. et al. Lyme disease testing by large commercial laboratories in the United States. Clinical Infectious Diseases: An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 59 (5), 676-681 (2014).
  2. Jongejan, F., Uilenberg, G. The global importance of ticks. Parasitology. 129 Suppl, S3-14 (2004).
  3. Eisen, R. J., Eisen, L. The blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis: An increasing public health concern. Trends in Parasitology. 34 (4), 295-309 (2018).
  4. Sharma, A. et al. Cas9-mediated gene editing in the black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis, by embryo injection....

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Embryo InjectionGene EditingBlack legged TickIxodes ScapularisChelicerataTick Gene FunctionTick Pathogen InteractionsGene Drive SystemsLyme DiseaseImmune ResponseDNA RepairTick BiologyEgg LayingGland AblationTissue AdhesiveBenzalkonium Chloride

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