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In This Article

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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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  • Acknowledgements
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This study provides a method to use a quantum processor unit to compute the routes for various traffic dynamics that work to outperform classical methods in literature to maximize network lifetime.


The sensor network energy conservation method, which is a usage hybrid of a classical computer and quantum processor, has proved to perform better than the heuristic algorithm using a classical computer. In this manuscript, the technical context for the significance of the method is presented and justified. Then the experimental steps are demonstrated in an operational sequence with illustrations if ever needed. The method has been validated by positive results across a randomly generated sample set of network topologies. The successful experimental results of this method have provided a better approach for sensor network lifetime maximization problems and demonstrated that the current state of art quantum processor has been able to solve large practical engineering problems with merits that override current methods in the literature. In other words, quantum advantage can be exploited to best efforts. It has gone beyond the stage of proof of concept to proof of feasibility.


Energy conservation in sensor networks has been a very critical issue in design1. Classical methods normally tackle the problem using an ad hoc approach2,3,4,5,6. That said, these methods emulate the sensor nodes as individually managed intelligent assets that could also cooperate to serve both the interests of the individual and the community. Due to the volatile environment where sensors work, in some works, random algorithms are introduced in order to capture the environmental unc....


1. Setting up Dwave Ocean Environment

  1. Download and install the ocean tools from the link: https://docs.ocean.dwavesys.com/en/stable/overview/install.html
    1. At the terminal, type python -m venv ocean.
    2. At the terminal, type . ocean/bin/activate, as shown in Figure 1.
    3. At the terminal, type git clone https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-ocean-sdk.git
      Next, type cd dwave-ocean-sdk, as shown in Figure 2.
      Then, type python setup.py install

Representative Results

Results from one run sample are shown in Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4. The detailed datasets for the three batches of data are available in the Supplementary Data 1 folder.

Dataset 1
198 nodes in a circular area with a radius of 50mHybrid Quantum AlgorithmA.......


The current state-of-the-art commercial quantum processor can be used in computational problems of any network topology1. Quantum processor application is not constrained by the number of physical qbits any of the quantum processors has been able to implement.

In sensor network lifetime prolongation design, the results show an advancement in method to achieve even longer network life by using a quantum processor. The results imply that quantum advantage is ready to be .......




The work is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the UK (EPSRC) Grant number EP/W032643/1.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Dell LaptopDellN/A
Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTSCanonical Ltd18.04.6 LTS
Python3.8Python Software Foundation3.8.0
Dwave QPUDwavehttps://docs.ocean.dwavesys.com/en/stable/overview/install.html


  1. Chen, J., Date, P., Chancellor, N., Atiquazzaman, M., Cormac, S. Controller-based energy-aware wireless sensor network routing using quantum algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. 3, 1-12 (2022).
  2. Lin, H., Uster, H.

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