Attach the coil that will induce the PA current in the brain to the CTMS stimulator. Set the pulse type to monophasic positive, the pulse width to 120 microseconds, and M-ratio to 0.2. Finally, set the stimulus intensity to the one millivolt threshold.
After setting the peripheral electrical stimulus intensity, launch the no task software routine on a personal computer or PC 1. Next, set the inter stimulus interval between the peripheral electrical and TMS stimuli to 21 milliseconds. Position the TMS coil over the first dorsal interosseous or FDI motor hotspot and ask the participant to hold a slight contraction of the FDI muscle.
Next, run the no task software on PC 1 to trigger the peripheral and CTMS stimulators. Repeat the procedure for the AP 30 current configuration using the coil that induces AP current in the brain.