Begin by changing the directory to the folder SE27_ST8K_, Pa, which contains the liver stiffness map sequence. To browse through each stiffness map, execute the MRE_show function, with the function's argument being the file name located in the specified path. Observe the liver stiffness map in an RGB true color image, where each pixel point has three values representing the three primary colors.
Calculate the exact stiffness for each pixel using their respective correlations. Then, establish the spatial relationship between MRE and ideal sequences. To obtain the 3D volume of liver stiffness distribution, invoke the LSD_Slice function with the 3D liver region and the liver stiffness map as input parameters.
Then, drag the scroll bar below the GUI to view the stiffness map of each layer of the liver. Next, execute the LSD_Volume function with the same input as LSD_Slice to obtain the spatial distribution of the 3D liver LSD. View the 3D volume of LSD from any perspective by holding down the left mouse button.
After determining the numerical ranges of stiffness values from four different stages of hepatic fibrosis, using the Hepatic_Fibrosis function with the 3D volume of LSD as the input parameter, calculate the distribution of the patient's entire liver voxels across different fibrosis stages. Then, calculate and compare the results between a completely healthy liver and the liver of a typical fibrosis patient. Quantitative results of the patient's hepatic fibrosis indicate the proportion of the patient's liver in different stages of hepatic fibrosis.
Comparison of LSD fully reflects the degree of hepatic fibrosis in the patient compared to a healthy liver.